Perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Christian Books ebooks

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

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Title: Clarity: 365 Ways to Find Focus
Author: W. George Elliott

A daily devotional reading eBook for Christians and non-Christians. It is written by 'an average guy' in simple language featuring events - good and bad - in the author's life and a Bible verse to connect to the devotional. Each reading ends with a personal note from the author tying all parts together and sometimes there is a challenge for the reader to take on that is related to that specific day's reading/message. . In the series of devotionals there are a number of examples of activities that most people can relate to which helps the reader connect to what the author is saying. He deals with such subject matter as addictions, peer pressure, faith and many other items that are commonplace in today's hectic world. Each devotional reading ranges between 350 and 500 words making for an easy program to introduce and follow in your day as you continue on your Christian walk. This eBook is meant to be encouraging and you will be encouraged by what you will learn in the pages of Clarity: 365 Ways to Find Focus.

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Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Title: Dios en nosotros
Author: WITTEK Gabriele
Language: Spanish

Somos seres cosmicos, la manera mas natural de vivir es conectados con todo el universo,abrirse a Dios es abrirse a todas las fuerzas del universo abastecerse de ellas trabajar con ellas, dar del universo al que lo necesita, directamente de su corazón al espiritu universal, sin intermediarios, tu eres el templo de Dios, tu, yo y todas las personas somos el templo en el cual vive el espiritu de Dios, la vida, y a nuestro alrededor Dios es Todo en Todo, parte el tronco y me encontraras, levanta la piedra y ahí estoy Yo, en las estrellas, en las plantas, en todos y cada uno de los animales, en todos y cada uno de los elementos de la naturaleza, y podemos construir una relación unica partiendo de esto. Dios envio a la humanidad en todas las epocas en todas las culturas y pueblos, misticos y videntes para que trajeran su mensaje para que nos fuera bien el la tierra, para tener las herramientas para vivir felices y volver a la casa del Padre despues de la muerte, si ves, lees estos mensajes en tucorazon conoceras los que tienes que seguir ahora para desarrollarte ahora para evolucionar en el camino, el unico camino de aquel que dijo YO SOY EL CAMINO LA VERDAD Y LA VIDA. Busca y encontrarás!!!

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Category: Christian Books, Poetry, Fiction

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Title: Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection will help you draw near to Christ with beautiful praise in the form of elegant poetry. This collection includes twenty poems by a variety of authors like Jan Allison, Jeanne Beaumont, Faye Gibson, Jay Harding, Judy K. Haught, Joyce Johnson, Richard Lamoureux, Robert Lindley, Antonty Mark, Stephan Mcbride, Liam Mcdaid, Brenda Meier-Hans, Casarah Nance, Kimmy Nelson, Regina Riddle, Isaac Thomas, Leon Wilson, Dave Wood and more! These gifted poets have contributed their talent to communicate their joy, grief, triumph, and devotion with readers like you. Glorify God by reading this free Christian literature that will enrich your soul. God is our Creator. He is worthy of our adoration and so much more. Which poem will be your favorite? "The Crying Candle"? "God Sends Promises and Love"? "Mary Magdalene"?  "Rising Within Your Pages"? This book is a free gift to anyone who wants to read it—even for those who doubt God's existence or are skeptical of His goodness. All are welcome. 

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Category: Christian Books, Young Adult, Adventure

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Title: Adventures in Koba
Author: Kim Bond

Adventures in Koba is a fiction book for middle grade juveniles, young adults, and adults who are interested in fresh Christian literature. Sarah and Trip are twin teenagers who begin an exciting adventure through the land of Koba after they decide to protect a kindhearted fairy named Maria. After they leave the safety and comfort of their home in Green Hills, they realize the old myths are true! Frightening creatures, terrifying landscapes, and treacherous spiritual beings do exist in the land of Koba. The teenagers along with Sarah's friend, Rosa, face many trials as they journey to places like Bliss Mountain, Grande River, Rock Graveyard, and the Thorn Forest. This book is written in an easy-to-understand language with many layers of symbolism and depth so every age level can appreciate this modern classic. Both Christians and Non-Christians can enjoy this artful tale. Are you willing to journey to this mysterious land of Koba that exists somewhere between heaven and Earth?   

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Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection consists of first-hand accounts from Christians with transformed lives. These true-life short stories include personal experiences by unpaid authors with nothing but the desire to share the truth of what happened to them with you so you can also know the power of God. The testimonies are categorized into three sections. Testimonies of being set free from addiction and sin appear in the "Freedom" section like one amazing story from a drug addict turned pastor. Read about miraculous physical healings in the section called "Healing" like an incredible recovery from multiple gunshot wounds. The "Salvation" section communicates the story of a Hindu woman who turned into a Christian and an atheist who became a Christian after supernatural spiritual encounters. This book is for Christians and Non-Christians who are curious about what God is doing in the lives of His people today. It will increase your faith in God's love for you and others.     

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Category: Christian Books, Fiction, Spirituality

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Title: Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology includes short stories from the following authors: Jan Ackerson, Michael Austin, Joseph Courtemanche, Voni Harris, Judy Haught, Nancy LaRonda Johnson, John Mark Miller, Tolulope Popool, Esther and Richard Provencher, Chong Shipei, Charles W. Short, Gerald Shuler, and Lynn Wehmeyer. From literary to adventure, these fifteen short stories were selected based on the power of their inspirational message, the depth of their emotional connection, and their clear depiction of skillful storytelling. Spiritual Citizens reminds Christians we are fellow citizens with God's household (as in Ephesians 2:19), but you do not have to be a Christian to enjoy these entertaining fictional tales. Read about a knight's call to arms in "The Battle Cry." Read how a pastor resolves the serpentine trespasser in "Snakes Alive!" Enjoy a story about angels and demons in "Stolen Apples." Christian fiction has the power to inspire change in the lives of its readers.

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Category: Christian Books, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: Sing to me of words
Author: Kimberly DuBoise

My poetry book, Sing to me of words, is a very emotional, introspective look into faith, love, spiritual growth, self growth/ My poems are about seeking the divine and finding your own personal truth. It is like a chronicle of exploration. This book of poems defintiely has a devotional aspect to it. I do have ten 5* reviews on amazon which really makes me feel blessed. I want my writing to touch others, to impact their understanding of themselves. I aim to inspire and awaken with my writing. This book is very much a reflection of awareness of how sacred we are and life is. I hope this book reaches those who feel inspired by words and quotes, who resonate with self-reflection and growth. I am planning to write a second poetry book which I hope to have out this year. However, this collection comes from part of my life journey whichlead me to becoming an author. I think the poems in this book will touch many people and offer inspiration as well as be a source of uplifting. The favorite poems in this book from reviewers have also been mine!

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Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: Crumbs under the table

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Category: Christian Books, Fantasy, Young Adult

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Title: Lunamae: A Tale of Orinda (Volume 2)
Author: April Sadowski

Muirenn is in charge of fostering her cousin Lunamae, who seems to have her life written out for her as the daughter of the Chief Dame of Feyris. When Lunamae falls in love with a prisoner and her aunt commands an arranged marriage, Muirenn is faced with the difficult task of steering Lunamae away and guiding her on her duties as marriage is the one thing that can bring peace to feuding clans. To complicate things even more, Lunamae's prisoner love is from the same country that was responsible for the death of her father.

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Ebook Type: ePUB
Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Spirituality

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Title: Uncommon Grace: Saved for a purpose
Author: Wale Akinwumi & Juddie Passion

This book is about the uncommon grace of God in the life of a young man ten years ago after he had a fatal auto accident. The man experienced a terrible crack on his head which ran very deep into his skull but his brain was not affected. Even the doctors were shrouded in mysteries after learning that the man was abandoned for death by the roadside and was bleeding profusely for more than four hours.
He died twice and arose two thousand times to live a borrowed life on second chance. He lives today to care for the poor and the needy in the society. His life of purpose has really justified his salvation on that fateful October night.
This book will teach you never to give-up even when hope seems so dim and when men write you off. When he died and arose he understands that his life is a special one and thereby promises to help many others in need. You will learn how to persevere and build your faith in your God.

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