Arts ebooks

Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
A substantial collection of free verse with a strong ideological bias that is highly critical of contemporary urban soullessness.
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Author: John O'Loughlin
Dating from 1984, this collection of 44 free-verse poems continues in the pro-philosophical style of 'Spiritual Intimations' (1983), albeit with greater metaphysical depth and insight such that includes the utilization of subatomic theories to get beneath the surface of corporeal existence.
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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-28
My Rate 4
An eclectic collection of short prose with a philosophical bias that is crowned with an aphoristic appendix. In other words, an artful blend of prose and philosophy.
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Author: John O'Loughlin
A collection of short prose by John O'Loughlin which veers from the gently erotic opening piece to the seemingly smug but really quite nightmarish concluding piece, 'Dream Compromise', which has a trick in its tail, so to speak. As does the collection as a whole, in that it ends with a series of aphorisms in keeping with the author's fondness for philosophy.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
An unusual take on the 'country-house novel' that involves a group of young people with growing reputations in one or another of the arts, who are being put to the test.
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Author: John O'Loughlin
A country-house novel involving a group of talented artists of one kind or another who are being encouraged to make contributions to a unique museum which specializes in the human voice, including the voices of the famous. But there are snags, and one or two of the guests have opinions and motives of their own.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Title: Harvey Nerzof's Magic Reviews
Author: Harvey Nerzof
Hundreds of reviews of magic and mentalism tricks, books, videos, props, gimmicks and accessories. You will see all types of modern magic and trics and how it works. Learn the basic principal of magic world and its power.
Title: Harvey Nerzof's Magic Reviews
Author: Harvey Nerzof
Hundreds of reviews of magic and mentalism tricks, books, videos, props, gimmicks and accessories.lots of books related with magician, magic, magic tips, magic troubleshooting. designed for all ages of human being and is really intersting to read those contect since it is full of humor and learning things
Title: Free to be Creative at the Piano
Author: Edward Weiss
Have you ever wanted to just sit down at the piano and play what you feel? Without worrying if it's good enough or if you have enough 'talent?' Edward Weiss, author of "Free to be Creative at the Piano" says you can!
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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo – How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo - How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly is a eBook that breaks down the fundamentals of what and how your logo should be and look. It describes everything from the acutal font you should use, to the size it should be, to the colors it should be, all the way to what format it should be created and saved in.
All of these play an immense role in creating the PERFECT brand logo. Fonts that are too big or squished together will be harder to read and might turn someone seeing it for the first off immediately. Colors are EXTREMELY important in not only your logo, but anything to do with your brand. There are countless studies on colors and how they affect the human thought process; some signal negative effects and others positive ones, so this is one of the most important parts of your logo creation process.
The format part of it is for when you are trying to enhance or enlarge your logo, which could be the case for various reasons. Using the wrong format will cause your logo to appear pixilated and blurry when trying to increase the size of it. You may not think that's a major concern becuase when would you need to make it bigger, right? Well one example would be when printing it, or having it printed, for promotional or marketing events, maybe like a booth at a trade show.
These are just some of the items touched on in this eBook. There are plenty of other things that go into
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Stolen Light
Author: Claudia Riess
"In this art-world thriller, Riess draws the characters with a broad brush, but they all have the capability, chemistry, and give-and-take of a strong mystery-solving duo...complex and intriguing..." Kirus Review
The story of "Stolen Light' begins with the killing of a sugar plantation owner in Cuba during the revolution. Now, more thant 50 years later, a young art-magazine writer and a more seasoned art historian team up for an academic endeavor. They wind up delving into the murder of the surviving daughter who had sought their under-the-radar help in recovering her father's stolen artworks. The investigation takes them to London and Florence, where the mystery and their passion for each other unfold.
Author Claudia Riess's first novel, "Reclining Nude," was published by Stein and Day. Oliver Sacks, neurologist and author of "Awakenings," had said her first book was "exquisite--and delicate...a most courageous book, full of daring--a daring only possible to a passionate and pure heart."
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