How do I sell my ebook?
How do I sell my ebook?
To sell your ebook on the Internet you need to:
Our programmer and designer can help you with it (1 - 7 points)
- Compile your text to an ebook in PDF format.
- Buy the domain (or .net, or other).
- Buy hosting (a place on an Internet server).
- Save your ebook on a server.
- < Create a website to promote your ebook to buyers (convincing text and attractive design).
- Open a seller account in ClickBank for convenient and secure payment processing.
- Place a ClickBank payment link on your site.
- Submit your site to the big search engines and to specialized catalogues (for example, this site).
- Other methods of driving traffic to your site include ClickBank's affiliate program, ezines, emails, forums... (do not use SPAM!)
Our programmer and designer can help you with it (1 - 7 points)
Website design for eBook sellers.
Our price is $300 for a website of up to five pages. This price does not
include the purchase of a domain name if needed ($10/year), hosting if
needed ($60/year), and/or establishing a seller account at ClickBank if
desired (one-time fee of $49.95).
Step-by-step process for the creation of your new website:
Fill out and email to us the form below with the requirements for your
new site.
A graphical designer will design your eBook cover and website home page.
Send us payment by Paypal or credit card ($300 for the eBook and website
design, $10 for the purchase of the domain name if needed, and $60 for the
first year of hosting).
Our programmer will order your domain name (if needed) and hosting,
create an HTML template for your site, program all pages, upload pages to
the server, and set up the payment link with your selected payment system.
Your site will be fully automated: immediately after payment, the buyer will
be redirected to a download page to download your eBook, and you will
receive an email announcing the purchase.
Review your new website and send any corrections. We will send you
information on how to manage your site and the login details for your domain
name and hosting account.
If you select ClickBank to accept payments, you will pay $49.95 to
Clickbank to activate your vendor account. This will also enable you to
offer your eBook to ClickBank's 100,000+ affiliates.
In the future, you will pay just $70 yearly for your domain name and
Get Your New Ebook Site
Get Your New Professional Ebook Mini Site Today Only $300.00
To recap, here is what you will receive with our minisite design package:- Professional eBook Cover Design
- Custom Website Header
- Matching 'Buy Now' Button
- 1-5 HTML Pages
- Download Protection for Your Product
- Two Website Revisions
- Content Manager to Edit all Pages
- Mini Site Set Up and Installation
- Money-Back Guarantee
- Only $300.00
- If you have more than 1 eBook, each new Cover design will cost in addition $70
The charge will show on your billing statement as CLKBANK*COM or PayPal