Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis Ebook
Title: Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis
Author: Marcie Hoff
Did you know?
That over 600,000 people in the U.S.A. are affected by Deep Vein Thrombosis every year?
Also in the U.S.A., it is the second most frequent vascular disease.
Early detection can prevent escalation to pulmonary embolism.
Dear Reader,
Finding out too late that a loved one had a serious condition that could have been treated is devastating news. Deep Vein Thrombosis, is one of those conditions.
Unless you have a history of Deep Vein Thrombosis, either for yourself or a loved one, you probably never even heard of the condition, let alone considered preventative measures.
Because many of the symptoms parallel other diseases DVT can be difficult to recognize and diagnose. There's also no disguising the pain associated with it.
Maybe you or your loved one has experienced an illness that required complete bed rest. Thinking you are doing just what the doctor ordered, imagine how horrifying it can be to suddenly discover that was the one thing that led to a blood clot rampaging through your body.
The damage resulting from an out of control clot should not be minimized. A clot like this can journey toward the heart and make a convenient pit stop in the lungs. The result? That pulmonary embolism we addressed above.
Gone are the days when we could sail through life taking good health for granted. There are too many factors to consider today. Doctors are overworked, pressed for more billable hours by their business advisors, especially if he or she is associated with an HMO.
The only real way to look out for your health is to take control of your own body. Read and learn everything you can about good and bad health. We aren't telling you to become a fanatic, but do become aware of your body.
Deep Vein Thrombosis can occur anywhere, anytime to anyone. You need to know what it's all about and what to watch for.
- A simple vein injury can cause DVT and a vein injury can be as simple as just bumping your leg.
- It can occur during long flights when you have little to no legroom.
- Pregnancy greatly increases the risk.
- Infection, liver disease and some cancers can cause it.
There is much more involved in getting the straight scoop about DVT. Your best bet is to grab a copy of "Your Guide to Deep Vein Thrombosis."
Not only will this guide address the issues we have brought up here, it will also answer question you didn't even know you had! And, it will do it in plain english not medical speak.
Nothing is a substitute for medical care, but going to the doctor anymore darn near requires the keys to Fort Knox! You need to be prepared and know how to deal with your health. "Your Guide to Deep Vein Thrombosis" will answer your most burning questions without a costly visit.
Read it, learn it and apply it. Like the Boy Scouts, "be prepared."
What's best for you? Continue on wondering if those pains you experience in your extremities are just signs of getting older or could it be something more.
Get the answers you need before it's too late. "Your Guide to Deep Vein Thrombosis" is just a click away and the information is priceless and available for pennies. Get your copy now!
About The Author
Marcie Hoff has written many stories from her imagination in the last few years but this is her first fact-based book.
Marcie wants this to help many people that, like her, thought that deep vein thrombosis was not something she needed to be concerned about - that it only affected "couch potatoes" and not reasonably active people like her.
But, a couple of close friends developed the illness and she realized that their lifestyle was very similar to her own.
When she saw the devastating effect on her friends and those closest to them, Marcie decided to put together this plain-speaking guide for the benefit of people that could be at risk - that's almost everyone!
She was surprised to find how much misinformation there was about D.V.T., the simple measures which could reduce the risks and the importance of taking those precautions.
Marcie says that she has been as thorough as she could, but emphasizes that research is increasing, so people need to ask their own doctor who has the latest available information.
She believes that her guide will help people to ask the right questions of their doctor, sort good information from bad and better manage the risk and effects of a very serious disease, deep vein thrombos
Table of Contents
About the Author
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?
Some Facts about Deep Vein Thrombosis
Causes of Deep Vein Thrombosis
- The Three Factors
- The Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis?
Who is at Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis?
Deep Vein Thrombosis in Children
- Clinical Features
- Occurrence
- Central Venous Lines
Deep Vein Thrombosis in Elderly People
- Causes of D.V.T. in Elderly People
- Why Aging Raises the Chances of D.V.T.:
- Surgery
- Immobility or Lack of Movement
How is Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosed?
- Medical History
- Physical Examination
Diagnostic Tests
- Venography
- Duplex Ultrasound
- MRI or CT Scans
- Impedance plethysmography
- A D-dimer test
- Venous Ultrasonography
Correct Diagnosis is Vital
- Factors associated with blood clots and deep vein thrombosis
- When to Seek Medical Advice
Effects of Deep Vein Thrombosis
- The blood clot over time
- Postphlebitic Syndrome
- D.V.T.'s long-term consequences
- Complications from Oral Anti-coagulants
- Side effects of D.V.T
- Bleeding Management
Precautions to Reduce D.V.T. Episodes
- Precaution is Better than Cure
- Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention
- Surgery, Post Surgery and While Confined to Bed
- Anticoagulants
- Deep Vein Thrombosis Medications
- Heparin
- Thrombolytics
- Warfarin
- Thrombin Inhibitors
- Aspirin
- Compression Ultrasonography
- Clinical Management
- LMWH or the Low Molecular Weight Heparin
- Anticoagulants
- Medicines
- Thrombin Inhibitors
- Thrombolytics
- Heparinoids
Other Treatments for D.V.T
- Vena Cava Filter
- Graduated Compression Stockings
- Bed Rest
- Surgery
- Dietary Considerations
Treating D.V.T. in Children
- Treatment of Newborns
Alternative Treatments for Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Garlic
- Soy and Pine-bark:
- Water
- Exercise
- Compression Stockings
Non-prescription Treatments for Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Garlic
- Nattokinase:
- Lemon Juice
- Horse Chestnut
- Cod-liver Oil
- Butcher's Broom
- Water
- Ginkgo
Reduce the Risk of D.V.T. when Traveling
Your Self-Care Plan to Reduce Deep Vein Thrombosis Risk
Living with Deep Vein Thrombosis
Caution with Blood Thinning Medications
Myths and Facts about Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis - Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Deep Vein Thrombosis Related Terms
Ebook Type: PDF
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