Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation Ebook
Title: Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation
Total Skin Care
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? We can't promise you that, but we can give you a close second.
Your skin is the first telltale sign of getting old. Starting today, get the facts about "anti-aging" and what you can do to forestall it.
Hey, there's no way you can stop the aging process but there's no reason why you can't fight it kicking and screaming all the way!
Do you know the two types of aging that make your skin vulnerable? We address this in the first chapter. Know your enemy! Learn how and why skin ages. Good grief, how can you fight an enemy unless you have a full understanding of how and why it operates?
Once you understand how and why your skin ages it makes the next step of identifying your skin type almost child's play in the next few chapters.
The Skinny on Skin Creams
Try counting the number of commercials you see every day touting some new "miracle cream" that is guaranteed to make you look the model. Yeah right!
Anti-aging goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying the onset of skin aging. This topic is covered in our chapter on skin cream and wrinkles.
Finally, get the "skinny on skin creams" and find out which ones work and which ones don't. Remember, those television AND print ads are designed to separate you from your money.
Truth be told most of their claims are slanted and unrealistic. Often you will find that there are low cost solutions to the problems that these expensive creams are supposed to cure!
Sandpaper Skin Care
Well, it's pretty close. Depending on who you are and what skin type you have this can be a brutal process! They use different names and supposedly produce miraculous results, but take a closer look.
We're talking about chemical skin peels. . .wow, that sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie)! Then there's dermabrasion. . . yikes, did they dig that one up along with a mummy?
They are tortuous, expensive procedures that are supposed to leave you with a new, younger looking top layer of skin and a refreshing experience.
Hmmm, I think people with first degree burns experience that as well and they certainly didn't ask for it!
Now, if you are really into personal torture you can graduate to the head of the class with Botox, Collagen injections, laser procedures, facelifts and other invasive methods.
Be True to your Mother!
Mother Nature, that is. Some people have liposuction. Others have fat moved from one body part to another. Others are pushed, pulled and stretched into unnatural blobs of flesh. All this is done in the name of youth.
It's a fact that Mother Nature does have tools in place that can give you optimal results helping you to look and feel younger despite the ravages of time. We do discuss these natural options as well.
What Can You Do?
Your skin is the largest single organ of your body. It's also the most vulnerable. Start educating yourself immediately! There is no reason not to fight the aging process with every tool at your disposal.
Your best defense is information and not necessarily another $50.00 jar of the latest and greatest so-called cures!
Take a look at the arsenal of information waiting for you:
- How and Why Skin Ages
- Treating Oily Skin
- Know Your Own Skin Type
- Double Whammy - Combination Skin
- Treating Dry Skin
- How to Protect Your Skin
- Skin Creams and Wrinkles
- The Sun and Your Skin
- Good Nutrition and Your Complexion
- Vitamin C and Skin Care
- How Free Radicals Damage Skin Cells
- Is Dermabrasion Right for Your Skin
- Skin Care from the Inside Out
- Chemical Skin Peels
- Facelifts and Other Skin Procedures
- Resources
Grab your copy of Total Skin Care today and put yourself on the path to a long and healthy life!
How and Why Skin Ages
For as long as one can remember, it has always been the pursuit of many to keep their youthful looks, even at great costs. And in this day and age, the trend has not changed. Now more than ever, methods, techniques and treatments meant to retain that "youthful glow" proliferate everywhere. As it is the most telltale sign of getting old, anti-aging goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying the onset of skin aging.
Unfortunately, many have been and are misinformed on how and why the skin ages misleading these same people into buying products that only offer short-lived, if not unsuccessful and disappointing, results.
It is therefore only smart to know just how the skin develops over time. In understanding the hows and whys of aging skin, the correct habits and treatments can then be developed to retain as much one's youthful looks for as long a time as possible.
First off, there are two types of aging for the skin. There is the intrinsic
(internal) aging, which is caused by factors within one's own body, such as genes and body condition; and extrinsic (external) aging, which is caused by factors outside one's body, such as sunlight and lifestyle.
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My Rate 5
This eBook has a lot of great tips on wrinkle and skin damage prevention. And it contains great information on antioxidants which every women should know about. I will definitely recommend this to my girlfriends.
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My Rate 5
This eBook has a lot of great tips on wrinkle and skin damage prevention. And it contains great information on antioxidants which every women should know about. I will definitely recommend this to my girlfriends.
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