Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Wing Girls Ebook

Wing Girls

Category: Relationships
Ebook cover: Wing Girls


Title: Wing Girls

"What Women *Secretly* Wished YOU Knew About How To Sexually Stimulate, Bring Out Her**WILD SIDE** & Get Her To Bed... But Will Never EVER Tell You To Your Face!"

I will tell you every single mistake you make and how you can avoid making them. I will tell you what to do and what not to do! Here is a small sample of the breakthrough techniques you'll learn in this program:

  • Uncover a step-by-step action plan on how to bring out the 'animal' within any woman... however "closed off" or "reserved" she may seem to be... and it's WAY easier that most guys think!
  • How To Get Any Girl You Want To Be Your Girlfriend: - The blueprint and step-by-step action plan to get any girl to want to be your girlfriend. To demand that you are all theirs and no one else's. You'll uncover time-tested, proven tricks on how to meet, mesmerize, make her "feel" the electricity... and get her to instantly develop wild romantic, sexual urges for you... fast.
  • The 7 "under-the-radar" ways to go deep into a woman's heart and bypass her rational thinking... explore a woman's emotional state and get her to open up to you in a way that she rarely does to a man...
  • How to develop powerful body language skills & habits that instantly make any woman feel attraction for you… you’ll experience changes so dramatic, you’ll have women you aren’t even interested at all feeling that uncomfortable “butterflies in the stomach” crushes on you…
  • The 9 fantasies ALL women secretly have but are way too egoistic & self-conscious to admit to - and exactly how you can take advantage of this knowledge, LIVE out these fantasies with them & have them thinking of you as “the one”...
  • Discover the 4 things ALL women absolutely LOVE to talk about... know this and you can easily connect, get along & "hit it right" with any woman you want, do this right & they will be looking forward to each & every meeting with you...
  • The 4 crucial words you must say immediately after you’ve approached a woman to ensure she stays and continues talking to you
  • 8 proven, subtle ways to "turn the tables" that changes the dynamics of the interaction to make it look like THEY are the ones pursuing YOU (Women LOVE this and can never seem to get enough of it!)
  • How to touch a woman the right way upon first meeting her (without creeping or freaking her out) that can easily lead to hand-holding, closing with a kiss or even bringing her home later
  • How to QUADRUPLE your chances of getting a woman you really like to respond positively to you when you approach her, call to invite her to hang out, or even make a move to “get physical"
  • “Word for word” scripts you can use to build instant connection & rapport to get a woman you’ve just met to completely open herself up to you & secretly have that “Oh my God, we’re so meant to be together!” thought as you’re talking to her.
  • Exactly why women put certain types of men in the dreaded “Friend Zone” and the 3 critical things guys must do every time when they're with women to stay far away from it
  • Instead of just learning little "tricks" and lines to say, if you want to experience long-term success with women, it's about how to build the kind of lifestyle you've always wanted - with YOUR goals, YOUR dreams, and YOUR mission... Because if you do that, women will follow you.
  • The 5 biggest mistakes most guys make when “trying to be funny” with women that turns them off completely
  • A simple technique on how to smoothly walk up to ANY woman and strike up fun-filled, playful, flirtatious conversations and instantly have her feeling that funny ‘I don’t know what’s with this guy, but I just want to be around him’ vibe within the first few minutes of interaction.
  • What are the 5 most common female personality types, how they work, and exactly how to deal with each and every one of them and still come out tops!
  • How many times have you actually thought you met the most amazing woman ever... only to find out that she ALREADY has a boyfriend. Here you'll learn about about 7 simple, powerful ways to bond with her like no other, divert her attention, draw her into your realm, sneak into her heart and make her yours.
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