Wild Flowers Worth Knowing Ebook
Title: Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
A still more popular edition of what has proved to the author to be a surprisingly popular ebook, has been prepared by the able hand of Mr. Ma Don Dickinson, and is now offered in the hope that many more people will find the wild flowers in Nature's garden all about us well worth knowing. For flowers have distinct objects in life and are everything they are for the most justifiable of reasons, _i.e._, the perpetuation and the improvement of their species. The means they employ to accomplish these ends are so various and so consummately clever that, in learning to understand them, we are brought to realize how similar they are to the fundamental aims of even the human race. Indeed there are few life principles that plants have not worked out satisfactorily. The problems of adapting oneself to one's environment, of insuring healthy families, of starting one's children well in life, of founding new colonies in distant lands, of the cooperative method of conducting business as opposed to the individualistic, of laying up treasure in the bank for future use, of punishing vice and rewarding virtue - these and many other problems of mankind the flowers have worked out with the help of insects, through the ages. To really understand what the wild flowers are doing, what the scheme of each one is, besides looking beautiful, is to give one a broader sympathy with both man and Nature and to add a real interest and joy to life which cannot be too widely shared.
Neltje Blanchan.
- Preface, and Editor's Note
- ARUM FAMILY (Araceae)
- PICKEREL-WEED FAMILY (Pontederiaceae)
- SPIDERWORT FAMILY jCommelinaceae)
- LILY FAMILY (Liliaceae)
- IRIS FAMILY (Iridaceae)
- AMARYLLIS FAMILY (Amaryllidaceae)
- ORCHIS FAMILY (Orchidaceae)
- POKE WEED FAMILY (Phytolaccaceae)
- BUCKWHEAT FAMILY (Polygonaceae)
- PINK FAMILY (Caryophyllaceae)
- WAILK-LILY FAMILY (f'1ymphaeaceae)
- PURSLANE FAMILY (Portulacaceae)
- CROWFOOT FAMILY jRanunculaceae)
- POPPY FAMILY (Papaveraceae)
- BARBERRY FAMILY (Berberidaceae)
- FUMITORY FAMILY (Fumariaceae)
- PITCHER-PLANT FAMILY (Sarraceniaceae)
- SUNDEW FAMILY jDioseraceae)
- WITCH-HAZEL FAMILY (Hamamelidaceae) Witch-hazel
- SAXIFRAGE FAMILY (Saxifragaceae)
- ROSE FAMILY (Rosaceae)
- WOOD-SORREL FAMILY (Oxalidaceae)
- PULSE FAMILY (Leguminosae)
- GERANIUM FAMILY (Geraniaceae)
- TOUCH-ME-NOT FAIVIILY (Balsaminaceae)
- MILKWORT FAIVIILY (Polygalaceae)
- ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAIVIILY (Hypericaceae)
- MALLOW FAMILY (Malvaceae)
- VIOLET FAMILY Wiolaceae)
- GINSENG FAMILY jAraliaceae)
- DOGWOOD FAMILY (Cornaceae)
- PARSLEY FAMILY (Umbelliferae)
- HEATH FAMILY (Ericaceae)
- GENTIAN FAMILY (Gentianaceae)
- PRIMROSE FAMILY (Primulaceae)
- DOGBANE FAMILY (Apocynaceae)
- CONVOLVULUS FAMILY jConvolvulaceae)
- MILKWEED FAMILY (Asclepiadaceae)
- POLEMONIUM FAMILY (Polemoniaceae)
- VERVAIN FAIVIILY (Verbenaceae)
- BORAGE FAMILY (Boraginaceae)
- MINT FAMILY (Labiatae)
- FIGWORT FAIVIILY (Scrophulariaceae)
- BROOM-RAPE FAMILY LOrobanchaceae)
- BLUEBELL FA1VIILY ( Campanulaceae )
- MADDER FA1VIILY ( Rubiaceae )
- LOBELIA FAMILY ( Lobeliaceae )
- COMPOSITE FAMILY ( Compositae )
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