Website Traffic Explosion Ebook
Title: Website Traffic Explosion
The missing ingredients to help you increase site traffic are just the ones you need to know
"Exploding Website Traffic Is Neither Hype Nor Myth: Secrets They Forgot To Actually Tell You!"
Dear Online Marketer,
With so many traffic manuals on the market, why are such manuals still in demand? Has nobody been able to come up with the ultimate manual to increase site traffic?
Or did you find you just weren't able to put what they tried to teach you in place?
Perhaps there were missing pieces - but you're not quite sure.
Perhaps you did implement everything they taught you - but the increase in traffic was nothing like they promised. You wonder what you did wrong, and decide it must be your lack of skill.
Off you go, to buy another traffic manual - only to find the same old information you've paid for before.
Driving strong traffic to a site doesn't take a magic formula, or a Harvard business degree. Nor is it a mystery that only A-type gurus can master. It's just a powerful and perfectly balanced combination of multiple ingredients - not the least is your own skill in performing niche research, and identifying your market.
You Don't Need Another Keyword Research Tutorial
After all, we all know how crucial that is to creating a paying customer base. By now, you're getting the hang of targeting your market (but you've got a feeling there's just a few things missing - or you would have noticed more success by now.)
It's not that you don't know how to find keywords, and use them: It's that your sites just don't have the visibility you thought they'd garner, at this stage of the game.
You wonder what the gurus do. Hire SEO teams? Pay top web designers?
Well, I've seen the code and their static site SEO, and I'd have to answer: "No!"
Oh, some of them have superb sites, I'll admit - but it's astonishing how so many "six figure" marketing deities still use outdated templates - and downright scary, non-validating code!
And yet they're wildly successful!
But relax! If you're thinking I'm going to suddenly focus on HTML and turn you into a web designer overnight - I promise you, that isn't the case at all.
SEO Is Just One Puzzle Piece - The Key Is Where You Make It Fit
Search Engine Optimization is just one of the tactics you must master - but all it does is add organic traffic - traffic that finds you all by itself - to the mix.
(And it does play a key part in setting your page rank, of course - top page rank is usually how people find you, organically.)
But let me tell you about a small static website I set up, last year.
Within 2 weeks, it had climbed to #3 rank on the front page of Google for my keyword - and stayed there, hovering between 2nd, 3rd and 1st for several months.
Not long afterwards, I bowed to peer pressure, and changed that little static site into the usual WordPress blog. Within days, it plummeted to the 3rd page - and stayed there for several months, gradually climbing back to the second page, where it remained "stuck" for quite some time.
Now, I admit, I was killer-busy, so I just left it to do it's thing, without really stopping to analyze how I could tweak it - which of course I should have done, straight away - but how could a static site perform better than a properly optimized WordPress blog? Aren't they supposed to be the be-all and end-all SEO machines?
Well, I'll tell you, it didn't take a genius to optimize that static site...
All it took was 5 simple tricks. (I was using a Minisite template, so the code wasn't even all that "fresh".)
Yet when was the last time you heard any Traffic guru talk about "optimizing your static page Minisite"?
People Get Swept Away On The Wave Of The Latest Traffic Trend
But remember what I said about it being one small piece of the puzzle? That's perfectly true. There are other tasks you need to perform, to bring traffic flooding to your door.
The real key is... you need to know why you're doing it. (And you don't need to have a headache, when you're done trying to figure that out!)
It's important to have a good grasp of elements like:
- 2 essentials you must perform, before you start up your list
- 6 varieties of traffic that often confuse - because there are only 3 true types
- The single most important fact you must remember, before you clean up your site
- 3 elements you can use to bring more readers back
- The one universal habit of all internet users - and how you can turn that into your strength!
- 2 most traffic generating items to include - whether you have a static website or a blog
- The single most important traffic-generating spot, when you're writing articles for traffic pull
- The powerful article marketing web submission "twist" that too many marketers miss
- 3 places to submit your articles that will boost your traffic better than 97 others (and one of them isn't ezinearticles)
And that doesn't mean I'm knocking ezinearticles, of course - because that's still the number one place for internet marketers to submit their articles to help boost traffic generation.
(There's just so much competition at ezinearticles, that yours had better be well-optimized traffic magnets - and you'd better be a household name.)
But relax - if you're not a writing prodigy, or your new, you can still easily - so easily it will make you laugh, when you see why - put your article marketing on overdrive by using:
- 2 powerful traffic-breeding sources you rarely hear anyone else talking about
- Your secret source of "rocket fuel", when others are still using gas
- A single, once-only-ever click that will create powerful awareness of your blogs - every day, in 11 different places
One of the biggest problems with creating traffic through your sites and blogs: Internet marketing still takes so much work, you don't have time to breathe! And fitting article marketing in seems to take so much time away from other things you need to tackle, right now.
It's a problem that's got to be solved, but...
Either ...
You're not a writer, and you keep procrastinating (and I'll warn you, I don't teach an article-writing course here either - though I do show you a handful of vital, basic elements to include. And don't think that because they're a handful and you may have seen them before - the reason I kept this section short - they aren't absolutely, 100% necessary. They are.)
Or ...
You find there aren't enough hours in the day to perform all the traffic-optimizing, article-writing tasks you need to do!
Put The Complexities Of The Internet To Work For You - Not Against You!
Well, it won't take an article spinner, PLR or any other paid program to solve this particular problem: What if I were to tell you about:
* your single most powerful source of links - and traffic - when you don't have a moment to breathe for any other strategy
Know to watch for the presence of this powerful site element, when you're submitting articles - and it's like flipping the switch, and boosting your spaceship to hyperspace speed.
Again, it's not magic.
And it's definitely not hype, which I hate.
It's just a simple fact about the World Wide Web and the type of article-accepting site you need to fully use to the hilt.
But What If You're Just Starting Up And You're Still Wondering How Other People Attract Visitors In The First Place?
I'd be remiss, if I didn't cover the vital basics too, and show you what you need to know - up front - before you ever set up your first sales funnel.
Because finding out what you ought to have done, when it's almost too late to do it, is the ultimate in frustration.
So I'll show you up front, in a clear and straightforward manner:
- How not to make the most common fatal mistake that new product creators rush to make - ignore it, and you'll have no traffic
- 2 proven ways to suck in visitors who turn into subscribers, when you're only just starting your list
- 2 important functions to set in place, if you want to have either customers - or affiliates
- 6 ways to get turn your emails into a traffic magnet - and 6 email ways to be an annoying pest
- The single most important thing not to forget, when you're setting up your list
We're also going to tackle the hidden basics of Pay Per Click ads - basics you don't usually see explained. (Have you ever heard about the "Google Slap" and assumed it was merely losing your page rank?
Well, it's not. It has to do with PPC ads - and believe me, it's much nastier - and more expensive - than you might think!)
If you're planning to use PPC for your campaigns - and especially if you're not - You need to know now:
The single biggest innocent PPC gaffe that Google hates above all others
- The outrageous hidden trap of using Mini sites with PPC that mini site creators sweep quietly under the rug
- The single thing it Search Bots love - and the one thing you don't have to do
- 3 things you absolutely need to include, if you're going to use PPC ads
- How not set your PPC ads up for that expensive "Google Slap" - there's no reason in the world you should have to find out how it feels, the hard way
Of course, we'll also cover some simple but vital tips, when it comes to running your own affiliate program.
If You Think Running Your Own Affiliate Program Can Wait - Think Again
Because there's no getting around it - affiliates are still your best traffic rocket-boosting strategy. But setting a program up is absurdly easy - and I'll show you some vital secrets you must know now, even if you're planning to start that affiliate program further down the line.
It's simply a matter of knowing (and being able to use):
- 3 tips for running your own affiliate program - and what to do if that seems too hard to you
- 12 essential resources to provide for your affiliates - and the single most important job these 12 are meant to do
- The single most important trait to beware of, when considering a JV partner - and 6 important ways to attract top level JVs
- The single most important asset you must have, before you can attract traffic-generating affiliates
- The one magic, secret ingredient missing from 88% of first Freebie lead generation offers - and the easy fix that's right under your nose
- A simple way to create an instant "set and forget" Affiliate Program
- 2 intangible advantages - and the single most crucial ingredient for giving your offers that all-important WOW! factor that brings visitors back, again and again
(That's the Big One I'll share - the one single fact about your offer that brings people back and makes them never forget you!)
And after all, that's what it's really all about - having a memorable, enjoyable to navigate site that brings your customers back, time and time again.
But It's Not About Your Blogs Or Sites - It's Really All About You
Yeah, yeah. You've heard it all before about building trust, and having a solid reputation. But let me tell you, all the elements of article marketing, site optimization, function handling and so much more that go into making you a household name is the foundation that builds the mansion!
Without it, you've just got a lean-to shack, ready to blow down at the first breath of wind.
Hey, listen, I've been in your position, and I've read all those number-crunching, bore-you-to-tears traffic manuals. (The sort that dishearten you, because they make you feel so far out of the big leagues.)
I've also read the other sort, so basic and vague, you end up wondering what it was you were supposed to be learning!
Now, I'll admit there's even more to traffic generation, and I wish I had been able to fit it all into my 30-page Special Report, "Website Traffic Explosion" - but trust me, there's everything you need to get yourself out of that traffic rut - and back into the race, full speed ahead.
Website Traffic Explosion
Why The Word "Explosion" Is Particularly Appropriate
In short, there's as much I could pack in for you - clearly expressed, without wasting time on "things about me" I hope you already know!
I've packed in every tactic and tip - but I haven't just thrown them in like a kid packing a suitcase for camp: I've weeded out a lot of tactics you can easily read in free reports, all over the net.
And instead, I've focused on giving you:
- Advanced tips the top level marketers quietly keep under their hats
- A clear overview of what "traffic" actually is - and does - and more important, how it works (and you thought you knew!)
- The must-have elements of every area, to create a "whole" that when you fit all the pieces together, gives you a head start on all the other cars in the race well as that booster-tank of rocket fuel that will help you leave other new marketers behind!)
I've put it all together, so you'll have all the tools you need - laid out neatly for you to select and use when the time comes - before you ever slide underneath to fix your car.
(Even if you're not a mechanic, and you have no interest in such skills!)
Ebook Type: PDF
![]() | Power Marketing and Promotional Explosion Author: Pam Renovato Category: E-Marketing Price: $3.00 | ![]() | Generating Daily Traffic To Your Website Quickly Category: SEO and Promotion Price: $4.95 |
![]() | Website Traffic Secrets Category: SEO and Promotion Price: $3.00 | ![]() | Website Traffic Tips IN 10 DAYS! Category: Internet, SEO and Promotion Price: $19.95 |
![]() | 8 Hour Website Author: Jeanette S Cates Category: Business Price: $49.97 | ![]() | GUARANTEED TRAFFIC SYSTEM Category: E-Business, E-Marketing Price: $47.00 |
![]() | The Ultimate Guide To FREE Web Traffic Category: Internet Price: $59.95 | ![]() | X-Factor Traffic Category: SEO and Promotion Price: $27.00 |
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