A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports Ebook

Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports
Category: Sports
Ebook cover: Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports


Title: Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports

"I improved my vertical jump from 23 to 42 inches and I'm gonna teach you how you can realistically improve yours too"


The Vertical Jump Development Bible

Defying the effects of gravity - One athlete at a time

The Most Comprehensive Vertical Jump Resource Ever Created

We will cover:

  • Why training smarter and less frequently is almost always more effective then training hard and frequently all the time.
  • Why specializing on a vertical jump program (or any other specialized program) during your competitive sporting season is often the worst thing you can do to guarantee yourself ZERO results.
  • Why some people are "naturally" wired to jump higher and how you can make your body function more like theirs.
  • Why most of the exercises that we know in the United States as "plyometric" exercises really aren't plyometric. How you can employ and benefit from REAL plyometrics.
  • Why focusing on the wrong type of jump training, even with the utmost dedication, will actually make you slower and less explosive
  • What muscle groups are the most important contributors to vertical jump performance and which exercises will give you the most bang for the buck in strengthening these muscle groups (If you think it's calf raises you've been sadly misled!)
  • The importance of the mind to muscle connection and simple drills to improve this link.
  • Technical considerations for each leaping style that can give you as much as a 10% increase in just one day!
  • Learn why some people won't ever increase their jumping ability without some type of strength training program and likewise why some people wont ever increase theirs without some type of plyometric or speed training.
  • Learn why oftentimes what you "don't" do is more important then what you "do", do
  • Learn the truth about the Russian training secrets - Find out why there really are no secrets, rather there is just a lot of information that few people are aware of.
  • Learn the correct leaping technique and how using it and mastering it can mean the difference between being able to throw down a reverse 2-handed dunk or not being able to dunk at all.
  • Learn the "secret" training method (what should be called the non-training method) that NBA players use.
  • How to assess your flexibility and determine if it is optimal
  • Weights, Plyometrics, Loaded Jumps, Stretching. They all can be effective but you will learn what advantages and disadvantages each type of training offers

The Vertical Jump Development Bible Offers


  • Programs to accommodate your level of dedication and time - If your short on time you can get superior results training only 30 minutes twice per week.
  • Don't have access to a gym? That's fine because I give you a complete 12-week leg-strengthening program that requires absolute no equipment or weights!
  • A multitude of exercises designed to work with whatever equipment you do or don't have available!
  • A complete 140+ page resource manual filled with hundreds of tips and little known secrets to get you flying higher - The ebook will answer any and every question you've ever had about the vertical jump!
  • 16 complete plyometric programs for all levels
  • 16 complete combination weights and plyometrics program with each program designed to fit your unique needs determined by testing
Ebook cover: Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports
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