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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Verb Tenses in Urdu Ebook

Learn verb tense in Urdu Language
Category: Education
Ebook cover: Verb Tenses in Urdu


Title: Verb Tenses in Urdu

Verb tenses in one of the essential part of English language. We cannot avoid it. English Language 90% depend on These 12 tenses. In this book, you will learn 12 kinds of tense and their usage in two languages Urdu and English. You learn how to make affirmative, Negative and interrogative sentences of each tense. you will learn when to add s or es to the first form of Verb in Presnten tense. It is a complete book about Verb tenses. learn how to make a sentence in Present indefinite tense. learn the rule of e or es in present indefinite tenses. present continuous tense in a simple tense but most of the students make mistakes to convert a simple verb to present participle. for example the verb "die" its participle will be "dying". You will learn Everything in this ebook. in the past in definite tense. you will learn how to make a negative and interrogative sentence. most of the students get confused to use present form of the verb in past indefinite tense. Don't worry, You will learn everything steps by steps in this single book 

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