The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most.
Theodore Parker

Traffic 101 Ebook

Traffic 101
Category: Internet
Ebook cover: Traffic 101


Title: Traffic 101
You Can Drive More Traffic To Your Website!

Are you looking for a free method of developing a steady flow of traffic to your site?
Dumb question, isn't it?
Have you ever thought about how many ways you can use informative articles to increase your traffic? A good article can get you a lot of mileage.
Put together a collection of articles and you've got a method to draw traffic to your site for months, even years.
Most marketers think of using articles as content on their site and for submission to ezines.
That is truly only the tip of the iceberg. Although you'll draw traffic if you stopped there, you're using less than half the power of good content.
Submitting articles to ezines will bring a short rapid boost in your traffic, but that's just a short term solution. Stop submitting new articles and your traffic slowly begins to decline.
So how to you take advantage of the long term pulling power of your articles?
There are four simple steps you can take that will have your articles driving new visitors to your site for months, even years.

  • Submit your articles to all the sites that specialize in content for publishers and webmasters. I've had articles on these sites that I'd forgotten I'd even written until a webmaster or publisher notifies me they are using them.
  • Submit your articles to the announcement lists. Not only will many ezines pick up your article, but there are many webmasters looking at these lists to bulk up their sites content.
  • Offer webmasters in your niche market the free use of your articles to beef up their content.
  • Once you've got 10 - 15 articles compile an e-book of your article archives. Give it a catchy title, allow it to be freely transmittable and your articles will start spreading all over the web.

Just by adding these four simple steps you've gone from a one time spike in traffic, to a method of driving traffic to your site for years to come.
Remember an article that's run two or three years ago is still new to someone who's never see it. I've had publishers contact me about articles that are two years old.
Take the time to develop a steady campaign of article submission and you'll have your link on hundreds, even thousands of sites.
What are you waiting for? Start developing your campaign now! You'll be glad you did.

Ebook cover: Traffic 101
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Price: $3.00
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