Some books leave us free, and some books make us free.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Wonderful World of Podcasting Ebook

World of Pod Casting
Category: Business
Ebook cover: The Wonderful World of Podcasting


Title: The Wonderful World of Podcasting
A Broadcaster Shows You How To Use Your Voice & Personality To Win On The Internet!

". . .small town doctor learns that the population of his community is being replaced by alien duplicates!" And so it began.

"Everything YOU Need to Know to Become a Pod Person!"

Unlike "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," the popular 50's sci-fi flick, this is one invasion that shouldn't frighten you. Getting bitten by the pod casting bug will harmlessly catapult you into the online stratosphere if you are willing to make the leap!

Dear Entrepreneur,

If you've been trying to figure out the latest online "buzz" you need to discover more and discover it fast!

If you listen very carefully I'll tell you how you can "podcast" your way into making truly insane profits, whether you are just beginning your online business or are a seasoned veteran who wants to catapult your business to the next level.

First things first!

What is podcasting? According to Wikipedia, a podcast is simply a web feed of audio files that is placed on the Internet for anyone to download.

Now, you can drop that term into any search engine and find out HOW to set up a podcast, although there is some information in our manual that gives a brief explanation.

What we hope to teach you isn't "how" but "WHY" you should add podcasting to your marketing arsenal. Why?

Because it works!

As of this writing, if you run a Google search on the term podcast you will receive 80,400,000 results for the term podcast. Sure, some of those are duplicates but that's a pretty substantial number. If there's that much interest, you definitely need to consider putting it to use in your sales efforts.

One online marketer reports tested results of an increase every time she runs a podcast. When she halts it, and no one is listening, sales fall back. Start it up again and her sales increase. And, she reports a higher than average conversion rate!

Anyone can do it!

All you need to tap this sales tool is a computer a microphone and a little bit of good old-fashioned "know-how." If you are reading this, you probably have the first and may even have a microphone built right in to your computer but what about the "know-how?"

The good news is that we have the best source on the Internet for learning pod casting. "The Wonderful World of Podcasting" is a definite must have to introduce you to podcasting.

Even better news is who better to teach you "broadcasting" than a 30 year veteran of the broadcasting industry?

Victor Pryles is a highly successful broadcast professional and author. There's a good possibility you may have heard him while turned in to any one of hundreds of radio stations in major metropolitan cities.

He shares long-held broadcast industry secrets including those he acquired as an "on-air" personality as well as unsurpassed tips from years of broadcast marketing and sales.

Take a quick look at an abbreviated table of contents and see what he shares with you:

What equipment does a podcaster require?

  • Software
  • Microphones
  • Mixers
  • All or none of the above!
  • Headphones

How to gather content for your podcast.

  • Professional services online
  • Research
  • Search engines
  • Your USP

Your delivery.

  • How to use emotion
  • Your voice

Podcasting formats.

  • Reportorial
  • General
  • Two-Way
  • Multimedia
  • Community

Making money with podcasting

  • You'll have to see this one in the manual!

Business Model
Case Studies

You just have to experience "The Wonderful World of Podcasting" in order to really understand what you have a hold on here.

If you have ever wondered about how to put podcasting to work in your business, you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of "The Wonderful World of Podcasting!"

Don't get left behind just because you think you have to be a communications expert to put podcasting to work for your business.

With our money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! We'll be looking forward to "hearing" you on the web very soon!

About the Author

Victor K. Pryles is a Pryles celebrates his 40th year in broadcasting in 2006. This industry veteran is currently on the air for Greater Media, Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts over WROR and WKLB radio stations. His backgorund includes extensive voice-over and voice-on-camera work with major advertising agencies across the USA.. He continues to consult artists and performers with his renown 'Creative Pops!"

He is the author of four other outstanding ebooks including: "Anyone Can Consult" "The Weekend Gardener", and "Travel Cheap-Travel Well"- Confessions Of A Traveling Pauper.

Table Of Contents:

The Podcasters' Equipment

  • Software
  • Microphones
  • Mixers
  • Advanced Sound Recording Equipment
  • Headphones
  • Podomatic
  • Conclusions

Content Is King

  • Professional Online Services
  • Research
  • The Human Equation
  • Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Search Engines
  • What's your U.S.P.?
  • The Emotional Factor

Your Delivery

  • Slow Down!
  • Your Voice!
  • It's The Emotion, Stupid!
  • Act Naturally! Don't See!

Podcast Formats

  • Nuts & Bolts
  • Your General Format
  • The Reportorial Format
  • Two Hosts
  • The Two-Way Formats
  • Two Way Communication
  • The Community Format
  • When do you choose the Two-Way Formats?
  • When do you choose the Community Format?
  • When do you choose the Multi-Media Format?
  • The Multi-Media Format

Making Money With Your Podcast

  • Medcasting
  • Propertycasting
  • Travelcasting
  • What Field Are You In?

The Podcast Business Model

  • Two Business Considerations
  • Let's Listen In!
  • What's in it for you?
  • A Note Of Caution!
  • Why it matters to your business

Case Studies- Marketing Podcasts

  • Case Study: NPR
  • Bearing Point And NPR
  • Infinity Broadcasting

Time Shifting
Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Podcasts

  • Get Your Free Critique


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