The Resale Rights Report Ebook
Title: The Resale Rights Report
Dear Friend,
If you're the type of person who associates quantity with quality, or you're waiting to hear that you can make a million dollars in the next 4 weeks if you'll just buy my book, then close your browser right now! This letter ain't for you!!
But, if you really want to cut through all the crap, stomp your competition, and finally be able to make an insane amount of money actually selling resale rights products, without having to worry about all the other people out there giving them away, then read on!
You're about to discover how to get off the porch and run with the 'Big Dogs'!
Recently, I ran a survey to find out the single biggest question most people have about selling resale rights products.
In less than three days I received over 200 responses from one source alone!! It seems a LOT of people want to know how to actually be able to sell resale rights products and make a ton of money doing it.
After tallying up all the results, I took the top ten questions and answered them in a short, easy to read eBook that'll give you everything you need to get started raking in serious amounts of cash selling Resale Rights Products!
Pulling from my own experience along with hours of research and contact with other marketers also successfully selling resale rights products,
I'm going to show you Exactly where to look for the very best resale rights products to resell and make a handsome profit!
And that's not all by a long shot!!
When you access this report you'll also discover:
- Learn the secret that Ted Nicholas "The 4 Billion Dollar Man" once sold for Fifteen Hundred Dollars in a one page report that contained less than 140 Words!!
- The first thing you absolutely, positively MUST be doing if you want to make real money from resale rights products! (And it ain't Building a List of 'Subscribers' either!!)
- Who your competition REALLY is when you sell resale rights products - Get ready for a shock! It ain't even close to who you might think!!
- 9 ways to distinguish yourself from everybody else selling the same thing you are - and you'll be the only game in town!
- The different kinds of rights and how you can Legally use them. Most people have got this competely WRONG!!
- How to sell a resale rights product and make a profit when everybody else is giving it away!
- 6 ways to build your credibility and attain Instant "Guru" status!
- Step by step method of positioning a resale rights product and I promise you - You'll be the only one selling it!
- 5 ways to drive an endless stream of traffic to your site
- 2 surefire ways to find out what your customers Really want - that never fail!!
- 6 ways to make a profit even if your product ends up on eBay for a Penny!
- 10 places to find your "Starving Crowd" so all you have to do is waltz in and Feed 'em!
- Follow along step by step as we pick a 'niche' out of the blue - and research it to see if it will be profitable or not; see if you might want to steal this one for yourself!!
- 9 ways to find resale rights products for your "niche".
These are just the highlights of what you will find in this report. I also give you examples and illustrations to help you put these tactics to work for you so you can start making money right away.
No, you're still not going to get rich this week, or maybe even this year.
What you will do is learn the right way to position yourself to sell resale rights products and get a headstart on everybody else out there that is struggling, and can't think of anything to do but cut prices 'til there's no profit to be made!
While everybody else is sitting around, whining about not being able to make sales - You'll be putting cash in the bank!!
Since you've read this far, I know you're one of the few that are genuinely interested in learning the secrets of making money with resale rights products.
I can't say how well you'll do. I don't know you, your work ethic, or your ability to follow simple directions. Legally or ethically, I can't promise that you'll ever make a penny from reading this book.
I will say though, that if you do what I tell you, you'll have a helluva lot better chance than you will by going it alone like I did for so many years.
Let's take a look at what you get if you order right now.
In as little as 10 minutes you can be getting started in your very own profitable resale rights business!
What's more, since this report comes wih Full Master Resale Rights, you can sell this valuable report yourself and keep all the money.
Just make one sale to recover your investment.
You can even use this report as a valuable bonus with anything you sell, include it in packages and membership site, or even give it away if you wish as a powerful incentive for people to subscribe to your newsletter.
So, how much is all of this going to cost you?
If you jump on it right now, you can pick it up for a measly $19.95
- Introduction
- How can I be unique from all the hundreds of other people selling the exact same product?
- What are the different kinds of Resale Rights available and how can I sell them?
- Where can I get quality products to sell?
- How do I deal with all the hundreds of other people selling the same resale rights product, most of the time at a cheaper price than I am?
- How do I get traffic if I don't already have a list?
- How can I build credibility and be known as an "Expert" with resale rights products?
- How can I make backend profits by creating and selling my own resale rights products?
- What are some of the methods I can use to create and feed my "Traffic Funnel" if I'm just starting out with resale rights?
- How do I find Resale Rights products for my own "Niche", not "Internet Marketing" related?
- How do I determine what will sell and how do I find a "Starving Crowd"?
P.S. One of the tricks to making money with resale rights is having 'first mover advantage'. That's just a fancy way of saying "If you snooze, you lose!" Don't snooze now and lose out on a chance to get this powerful report at this amazing discount price.
P.S. One of the tricks to making money with resale rights is having 'first mover advantage'. That's just a fancy way of saying "If you snooze, you lose!" Don't snooze now and lose out on a chance to get this powerful report at this amazing discount price.
![]() | Resale Rights Blueprint Author: John Thornhill Category: Business, E-Business, For Authors Price: $97.00 | ![]() | Resale Rights Profits Author: Allan Wilson Category: E-Business, E-Marketing Price: $24.95 |
![]() | Resale Rights Empire Category: E-Marketing Price: $35.00 | ![]() | Resale Rights Secrets Category: E-Marketing Price: $3.00 |
![]() | Riches with Resale Rights Author: Bryan Winters Category: E-Business Price: $3.00 | ![]() | Newbie's Guide To Resale Rights Author: Category: E-Business Price: $14.95 |
![]() | Business Plan Guide and Workbook Category: Business Price: $19.95 | ![]() | The Ultimate Small Business Tax Reduction Guide Author: Wayne Davies Category: Business Price: $97.00 |
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