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The Magic Of Making Up Ebook

The Magic Of Making Up

Category: Relationships
Ebook cover: The Magic Of Making Up


Title: The Magic Of Making Up

Now You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying...

Let's talk about what's inside The Magic Of Making Up and how it is going to help you:

When You Download You'll Receive These Virtually Immediate Benefits...

  • Do they still care? Discover the TELL TALE clues your ex leaves that says you still have a special place in their heart...and I don't care what they say... This is all you need to look for PERIOD! 
  • What women crave the most... and if she doesn't get is only a matter of time before SHE WILL look for it somewhere else. You can get her back fast once you master this simple technique. (This is the #1 technique used by unscrupulous Don Juan's use to steal married women.) 
  • Exactly what to say and what to do to get your ex back on a date. Follow my instructions and it will be easy as pie because it will seem so natural. This has worked hundreds if not thousands of times. 
  • How to use the Fast Forward Technique to overcome hang ups you may have with dieting, exercise, self esteem and other challenges that stem from negative feelings. 
  • How to get your head on straight. Use my Fast Forward Technique and get instant relief from emotional break-up pain and depression...You CAN feel better and within minutes! 
  • Decisions you should actually put off until you are back together. 
  • Recapture the romance you had when love your love was new. Impossible? Not once you learn the magic of Pattern Breaking and you stir in a dose of the techniques in Chapter 4.
  • Do you know the core reason why men leave women? is not beauty, sex, or a younger fresher face... I am SHOCKED most women can't answer this question. Men desire this ONE thing more than any other...give it to them and they will be yours FOREVER. 
  • Were you the one that had the affair? How to use the "clean slate" technique in conjunction with one other secret technique and come a looong way to forgiveness in the shortest amount of time. (Special Bonus Included)
  • When to apologize and when you shouldn't. In the right circumstance just one good apology will land you back in their arms...other times an apology will blow up in your face and hurt your future chances. (Special Bonus Included)
  • The Bonding Secret so powerful that is partially responsible for the reason hostages sometimes bond with their kidnappers or oppressors (Stockholm Syndrome). This is relationship magic. It is undetectable, unnoticeable and 99.99% of the human population can not defend against it, let alone tell you how it is done. Like ANYTHING, this can be used for good or bad. Once you own The Magic Of Making Up you will possess the power to REBOND or BOND with anyone. Please use responsibly!
  • Wish you could start over? Take away hurtful things you said? Turn back time? Using a combination of the Clean Slate Method and "breaking the pattern" you can. Quickly and easily.
  • Ladies if you follow the advice in Chapter 6, he will NOT be able to get you out of his mind - (It's just the way men are wired.)- He will start CALLING YOU again and you will be shocked at the complete transformation he makes!
  • The fastest and shortest path (bar none) back into their heart, mind and soul. This is so counter-intuitive it may never occur to you. 
  • Are they with someone else now? Why this is not nearly as catastrophic as it first appears...and how to use the fact that 90% of rebound relationships never work out to your advantage. 
  • Afraid you will just start fighting again once your back together? How to diffuse arguments before they start. This is so simple and works so well you will swear it's "magic"...and it only takes one person!
  • What foods toy with your emotions and what foods help put you in balance. Putting your relationship back together is hard enough, make sure you are eating foods that will help you. 
  • Man had an affair? How to fight fire with fire. Inside this magic bag you will discover dirty tricks women use to steal a man. How to neutralize the power she has over him by understanding the ONE THING he craves more than sex, food or ball games. 
  • Sex? When you should have sex during the reconciliation process. Both men and women get this completely wrong. Guys you will speed up the process immensely armed with this information. Ladies, most of you nearly destroy your chances because you sleep with him too soon. 
  • The Instant Reconnect Technique - I almost didn't include this one because it may be too potent. It is "psychological judo" and will trick your ex lovers mind into thinking you are still together. This is SUBCONSCIOUS and there is no defense against it. 
Ebook cover: The Magic Of Making Up
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