The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol Ebook
The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol
Category: Health, Remedies
Title: The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol
Author: Debra Elkin
Title: The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol
Author: Debra Elkin
"Book that stirred the medical waters - One of the 3 Most prominent Liver Experts in Holistic medicine discloses how He Helped 1,000s of sufferers
Stop Cirrhosis Dead In It's Tracks and Live Normal Lives "
Here's a little pre-taste of what you'll learn when you download your copy of The Liver Cirrhosis Bible Today:
- SECRET #1: A substance that's in your kitchen right now lowers the risk of cirrhosis by a shocking 80%. It is literally unbelievable that this information confirmed in 6 large scale double blind studies is not made available to the sufferers. Who and why prevented the information being widely available. I was so mad when I learned this...
- SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Learn the dramatic truth about the Extracellular Matrix in liver cirrhosis sufferers and how going public with this breakthrough ruined the life of one doctor
- SECRET #2: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
- SECRET #3: Malfunction of one small organ in our abdomen (not the liver) is where so many answers lay. Find out which organ and how to amend the damage within weeks.
- Revealed: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
- SECRET #4: Learn about the one deadly mistake that over 90% liver cirrhosis sufferers makes every day. This mistake alone can rob them of their healing.
- SECRET #5: A problem in the lymphatic sacks of the liver cirrhosis sufferer causes a congestion and can leave you with 30 billion dead cells trapped in your body every day. There is only one substance known to man that can dissolve this clutter. Find out which today and put it to use.
- SECRET #6: How an American doctor stirred the water by saving the lives of hepatitis patients with such heavy liver damage that the other doctors practically pronounced dead. The maverick doctor has been curing terminal liver damage using a simple, cheap natural acid. The same acid is one of the corner stones of the Ezra protocol.
- Finally revealed: Why every attempt to reverse liver cirrhosis, fatty liver and loose weight fails miserably every time. The truth will shock you. The answers lay in your liver and your adrenal gland.
- SECRET #7: Every liver cirrhosis sufferer is in grave danger of extremely active Reactive Oxygen Species. How to shift the process within 36 hours...
- SHOCKING: It was a common belief that reversing failing cirrhotic liver cells is practically impossible until a study at the University of London’s School of Pharmacy changed everything.
- SECRET #8: The dishes you cook prevent you from resolving your health issues. If you fail to learn this, you will continue with the deadly practices forever.
- Guidance: 10 precise practical rules to avoid the terrible chemical mentioned above
- SECRET #10: The most deadly man made chemical is lurking from your supermarket shelves and literally scavenging your liver. Learn the truth that has been kept from you...
- SECRET #11: 4 personal care products make it impossible to shift the chemical imbalances in your body. Once you get rid of these offenders, your body's self healing ability will skyrocket. You'll feel it right away. I promise.
- REVEALED: Why many alternative health practitioner say that "There is only one disease and there is only one cure" and how that relates to the liver cirrhosis.
- SECRET #12: A tiny organism uses a unique chemical to break down cocoon walls. No similar substance can be found anywhere else. Resolving the toxic debris in our liver would be impossible without this precious natural healing agent.
- SECRET #13: In liver cirrhosis 6 foods that are commonly considered very healthy are your greatest enemies. Find the complete explanation included...
- Complete list of healing foods that will release chemicals into your bloodstream that will continue to regenerate your liver tissue even when you're asleep.
- DELLUSIONS DECIPHERED: In spite of what you might've been told, fruit is not our best friend when fighting to heal liver cirrhosis. Not even close. Learn why and put it all to use...
- Complete list of offenders that will make it impossible top even think about reversing liver cirrhosis should they find their way on your plate. No matter what kind of expensive medication you take.
- Revealed: Liver has 3 types of cells. In a conventional approach the least important cells (fibrous tissue) prevent the healing of the most important ones (the liver cells proper). Learn how to get around this.
- Food group by group - the rules for liver cirrhosis reversal differ greatly from general guidelines. Get this wrong and you're doomed.
- Basics: What is beta oxidation and de novo lipogenesis and how that relates to our success on the Ezra Protocol
- Aromatherapy, massage and your metabolism...
- Secret 14: A study in Hong Kong proved that a commonly found Chinese Herb can completely repair fatty infiltrations in the liver. Again, one of the corner stones of the protocol.
- SHOCKING: In spite of what you might've been told, fruit is not our best friend when fighting to reverse liver cirrhosis. Not even close. Learn why and put it all to use...
- "Liver Cirrhosis- emotional health" decisive bond proven in studies
- The truth: What are the facts about the liver cirrhosis disease and exercise. By doing it wrong you are endangering your heart.
- Liver cirrhosis, vitamins and minerals. Ignorance here endangers your health directly. See proof in clinical studies
- DANGER: Hypercoagulation and the liver cirrhosis. If you have it, your risk of stroke skyrockets. Bring it back under control.
- OVERSEEN FACT: Genetic connection of the liver cirrhosis development. Learn how to advice your loved ones.
- BASIC TRUTHS: Learn in detail what deficiencies develop as your disease progresses and all about right supplementation strategies. You have no idea how wrong you can go here...
- SECRET #15: Certain every day things, like removing red wine stains by tipping white wine onto them are everywhere. There is one things that is all around us yet we fail to recognize it's potency. Yet, this simple thing is an important part of the healing protocol. Learn about it. You'll be amazed with how simple it is.
...and much, much more...
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