I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember and those who read to forget.
William Lyon Phelps

The Country Housewife and Lady's Director Ebook

The Country Housewife and Lady's Director
Category: Home
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Title: The Country Housewife and Lady's Director

Table of Contents:

  • MARCH.
  • APRIL.
  • MAY.
  • JUNE.
  • JULY.


  • To send Partridges a long way in hot Weather.
  • To send Venison Sweet in hot Weather.
  • To keep Wild-Ducks fresh.
  • To keep an Hare a long Time.
  • Helps towards the Preservation of Fish.
  • To make Wine of Black Elder-berries, which is equal to the best Hermitage Claret; from Henry Marsh, Esq. of Hammersmith.
  • To make Wine of White Elder-berries, like Cyprus Wine from Mrs. Warburton of Cheshire.
  • A Receipt from Barbadoes, to make Rum; which proves very good.
  • To make fine Vinegar.
  • To make Citron-Water, from Barbadoes.
  • To make Irish Usquebaugh; from Lord Capell's Receipt, when he was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
  • To make a Cabbage-Pudding; from a Gentlewoman in Suffolk, as it was written by herself.
  • To make Green Usquebaugh.
  • Of the Gourmandine-Pea, and its several Ways of Dressing.
  • A dry Travelling Powder, for Sauce, or Pocket-Sauce. From Mynheer Vanderport of Antwerp.
  • To make Verjuice of Grapes, unripe, or of Crab-Apples; from J. S. Esq.
  • To preserve Grapes all the Winter.
  • To fry Oysters for a Plate, or the Garnish of the foregoing Dish.
  • A Collar of Mutton roasted. From St. Edmund's-Bury in Suffolk.
  • Of a Sturgeon, how it ought to be cured, for cold Meat, or dressed hot for the Table.
  • To prepare the Caviar, or Spawn, of the Sturgeon.
  • To Cure, or Pickle, Sturgeon; from Hamborough.
  • To Roast a piece of fresh Sturgeon; from Mr. Ralph Titchbourn, Cook.
  • A Piece of fresh Sturgeon boiled; from the same.
  • To Roast a Collar, or Fillet, of Sturgeon; from the same.
  • To make a Sturgeon-Pye; from the same.
  • The Manner of Pickling and Drying of Sheeps Tongues, or Hogs Tongues, which they call Stags Tongues; from a celebrated Practitioner of forty Years standing in London.
  • To butter Crabs, from the same, for Garnish for the foregoing Dishes, or to be served by themselves.
  • The Smoking-Closets,
  • To make Biscuits of Potatoes. From the same.
  • A Carp Pye. From Mrs. Mary Gordon.
  • To make Biscuits of Red Beet-Roots; from the same; call'd the Crimson Biscuit.
  • Hungary-Water. From Mrs. Du Pont, of Lyons; which is the same, which has been famous, about Montpelier.
  • To boil Onions, that they shall lose their strong Scent, and become as sweet as Sugar in their Taste. From the same.
  • The Manner of making the famous Barcelona Snuff, as it was perform'd at the Lyon at Barcelona; from the same. This is also call'd Myrtle Snuff.
  • To make Orange-Butter. From the same.
  • To make Orangery Snuff. From the same.
  • To make Flour of Mustard.
  • To Roast a Shoulder of Mutton like Venison. From the same.
  • To keep Anchovys good for a long time. From Mrs. M. N.
  • To make a Hare-Pye, for a cold Treat. From the same.
  • Marmalade of Oranges and Lemons. From the same.
  • To preserve Ginger, and reduce the common Ginger for that purpose. From the same.
  • To make Syrup of Mulberries. From the same.
  • To make a Raspberry-Pudding. From the same.
  • Of Syrup of Raspberries, Currans, or other Fruits. From the same.
  • Parsnip-Cakes. From the same.
  • Of Ortolans. From Mr. Renaud.
  • To make Raspberry bak'd Cakes. From the same.
  • To make Sugar Comfits of any Sort. From Mrs. Anne Shepherd of Norwich.
  • To preserve Orange and Lemons-Peels in Jelly. From the same.
  • To make Comfits of various Colours. From the same.
  • To preserve Orange-Flowers in Jelly.
  • Tripe of Eggs. From Mr. Fontaine.
  • Lemon-Cakes. From Mrs. Anne Shepperd of Norwich.
  • Sauce for the Artificial Tripe in Ragoust. From the same.
  • Clary and Eggs, From the same.
  • Bacon Froize, or Fraise. From Mrs. Bradbury.
  • To stew a Pig. From the same.
  • To make a Fricassee of Sheeps Trotters.
  • To stew a Pig another way. From the same.
  • A brown Fricassee of Sheeps Trotters.
  • To make Orange or Lemon Tarts. From Mrs. J. S.
  • To make a Lumber-Pye. From Exeter.
  • To make Lemon Cheesecakes. From Mrs. M.N.
  • To make Cheesecakes. From Lady G.
  • To make Orange or Lemon Cheesecakes, another way. From the same.
  • A Sorrel Tart. From the same.
  • To Stew Peaches. From the same.
  • To make Umble Pye. From Mr. Thomas Fletcher of Norwich.
  • Red Peach Tarts. From the same.
  • To Stew Wild-Ducks. From Amsterdam.
  • Bitters to be drank with Wine.
  • To Stew a salted Brisket of Beef. From Mr. La Fontaine.
  • Stew'd Beef in Soup. From the same.
  • Neck of Mutton ragou'd. From the same.
  • To dress the Liver and Crow of an Hog. From Mrs. Johnson in Devereux-Court.
  • A Shoulder of Mutton or Lamb, roasted with a Farce of Oysters. From Mr. Norman, late Cook in Norfolk.
  • Sea-Larks or Oysters, roasted on Spits or Skewers. From the same.
  • Stew'd Veal, with white Sauce; from the same.
  • To make green Pease-Pottage, with Milk. From the same.
  • Hard Pease-Soup. From the same.
  • To make an artificial Crab or Lobster. From Mr. F. of Buckingham.
  • To make artificial Crabs. From M. De la Port of Lyons in France.
  • To make artificial hot butter'd Sea-Crabs.
  • To make artificial Lobsters. From the same.
  • To make Cherry Brandy. From Mr. Cent-Livre.
  • To imitate Cherry-Brandy, without Cherries, very Good.
  • To make Ratafia. From the same.
  • To make Salmy, or with us Salmy-Gundy. From Lady M.
  • To make Artificial Ratafia.
  • To serve up pickled Herrings. From the same.
  • White Peach-Tarts. From the same.
  • Marmalade of Peaches. From the same.
  • Apricots preserv'd for Tarts. From the same.
  • To stew Cucumbers. From the Devil-Tavern, Fleet-street.
  • Plums to make Marmalade of. From the same.
  • To Farce Cucumbers. From the same.
  • To make a Shropshire Pye, another way. From Lady H.
  • To make a Shropshire Pye.
  • To make artificial Coxcombs. From Mr. Renaud.
  • To roast a Calf's Liver, another way. From Mrs. M. N.
  • Calf's Liver stuffed and roasted. From the same.
  • Cream Custard. From Lady H.
  • To make Pound Cakes. From the same.
  • To imitate the fat Livers of Capons roasted. From the same.
  • To make a Six Hour Pudding. From the same.
  • To roast a Hog's Harslet. From the same.
  • To make a Venison Pasty. From the same.
  • To make Cream of Raspberries. From Mrs. Heron.
  • To make Sweet-meat Cream. From the same.
  • Artificial Cream, to be mix'd with any Preserves of Fruit. From Mrs. M. S. of Salisbury.
  • To embalm Pidgeons. From a Lady in Suffolk.
  • An Attempt to preserve Cucumbers, for Stewing, in the Winter. From the same.
  • To preserve Pidgeons another way. From the same.
  • Pippin Tart. From the same.
  • Seed-Cake. From the same.
  • To Pickle Marygold-Flowers. From Mr. T. of Buckingham.
  • To make Orange-Chips. From the same.
  • To make a Tart of the Ananas, or Pine-Apple. From Barbadoes.
  • To make Hartshorn-Jelly. From the same.
  • Marmalade of Pine-Apples, or Ananas.
  • To roast a Piece of Turtle, or Tortoise. From the same.
  • To dress the Giblets of a Tortoise, or Sea-Turtle. From a Barbadoes Lady.
  • To make a Turtle, or Tortoise-Pye. From the same.
  • To preserve Ginger-Roots, fresh taken out of the Ground. From the same.
  • To preserve Ginger-Roots. From the same.
  • To make Paste of Pippins, or other fine Apples. From the same.
  • To make Marmalade of Cornelian-Cherries. From the same.
  • To preserve Cornelian-Cherries. From the same.
  • To make Jamm of Damsons. From the same.
  • To dry Apricots. From Mrs. Walsingham of Suffolk.
  • To preserve Currans in Jelly. From the same.
  • To stew a Rump of Beef. From Mrs. L
  • Damson-Wine to imitate Claret. From the same.
  • Pepper-Mint Water, From the same.
  • To Cure a Lap-Dog, when he continues drowsy some Days, and cannot eat. From the same.
  • Lisbon or Portugal-Cakes. From the same,
  • Dog-Grass, or Couch-Grass, or Twitch-Grass, necessary to be had, growing in Pots in London, to cure Lap-Dogs, that are sick, in the Summer. From the same.
  • Imperial Florentine. From Mr. Byecorf at Augsburgh.
  • To make a Tart of white Beet-Cards. From the same.
  • To make Farced Meat, for the foregoing Florentine. From the same.
  • To make a Preserve of Quinces, white in Jelly. From the same.
  • To stew Soles. From Yarmouth.
  • To Candy whole Orange, or Lemon-Peels.
  • A Hash of raw Beef. From Mr. Moring at the Blue-Posts Temple-Bar.
  • Stew'd Beef-Steaks. From the Spring-Gardens at Vaux-Hall, Surrey.
  • Thin Beef-Collups stew'd. From Oxford.
  • To make Cologn's-Geneva. From Cologn.
  • Butter turned to Oil recovered. From Mrs. M. N.
  • To make Scots-Snuff, or pure Tobacco-Snuff. From Mr. Hyslop.
  • Orange or Lemon-Cakes. From the same.
  • The Shropshire and Worcestershire-Dish. From the same.
  • To dry Plums, of any sort, without Sugar. From the same.
  • Fine Cakes to keep. From the same.
  • To make Crystal candy'd Sweet-meats. From the same.
  • To make Penzance-Cakes. From the same.
  • To make a Hackin. From a Gentleman in Cumberland.
  • Of the Baking of Fruit. From Mr. L. M.
  • The Northampton-Cake.
  • To make Paste. From Mrs. Peasly.
  • To boil Fresh Salmon.
  • To dress a Dish of Fish in the best manner. From the same.
  • To boil Turbut, Flounders, or Plaise, Pike, or a Cod's-Head, or Whitings.
  • To broil Whitings.
  • To fry Soles, Flounders, Plaise, Whitings, Smelts, and Gudgeons, or such like.
  • The Grand Dish of Fish, and its Sauce.
  • To broil Herrings, so as to prevent their rising in the Stomach. From the same.
  • Sauce for a Bisque of Fish.
  • A white Fricassee of Rabbits. From the same.
  • To dress a Cow-Heel. From the same.
  • A Neat's-Tongue roasted. From the same.
  • To make Marmalade of Quinces. From the same.
  • To bake Tench. From Lady G.
  • Boil'd Tench. From the same.
  • To roast a Westphalia-Ham. From the same.
  • Boil'd Venison, with its Furniture. From Mr. L. L.
  • A Neck of Mutton and Broth. From L. P. Esq.
  • Frogs, a white Fricassee of them. From Mr. Ganeau.
  • Snails, to be dressed with white Sauce. From the same.
  • Frogs, in a brown Fricassee. From the same.
  • Snails, to be drest with brown Sauce. From the same.
  • To make minc'd Pyes, or Christmas-Pyes. From Mrs. M. C.
  • A Gammon of a Badger roasted. From Mr. R. T. of Leicestershire.
  • Plum-Pottage, or Christmas-Pottage. From the same.
  • A boiled Goose with its Garniture. From the same.
  • Amber-Rum, from Barbadoes; an extra-ordinary way of making it, from that Country.
  • Viper-Soup. From Mr. Ganeau.
  • To dry Plums with Sugar. From Mr. Girarde.
  • Ketchup, in Paste. From Bencoulin in the East-Indies.
  • To make small Almond-Cakes. From the same.
  • To preserve Goosberries. From the same.
  • To preserve Bullace. From the same.
  • To candy Eringo-Roots. From Mr. Lufkin of Colchester.
  • To dress a Calf's-Head in a grand Dish. From Mrs. E. Sympson.
  • To preserve Grapes in Syrup. From the same.
  • Calf's-Head-Pye. From the same.
  • To make Spirit of Lilley of the Valley. From Norway. N.B. This serves in the room of Orange-Flower-Water, in 'Puddings, and to perfume Cakes; though it is drank as a Dram in Norway.
  • To bake a Calf's-Head. From the same.
  • Things to be provided, when any great Family is going into the Country, for a Summer. From Mr. R. S.
  • To make artificial Anchovies. From Mr. James Randolph of Richmond.
  • To salt a Ham in imitation of Westphalia, &c.
  • Apple-Dumplings in an extraordinary way. From Mrs. Johnson.
  • An Hog barbecued, or broil'd whole. From Vaux-Hall, Surrey.
  • Apple-Dumplings made with Sweet-meats. From the same.
  • Beef, or Pork, to be salted for boiling immediately, from the Shambles. From Mr. J. P. Chymist.
  • Potatoe-Pudding baked. From Mr. Shepherd of Windmill-Street.
  • Potatoe-Puddings, made with Sweet-meats. From Mr. Moring, Temple-Bar.
  • To make Whipt Syllabubs. From Mrs. Cater of Salisbury.
  • The Manner of killing and salting Oxen, in the hottest Months, for the Sea, that the Beef may keep good. From a Contractor with the Commissioners of the Royal-Navy.
  • Of the fashionable Tables, for Persons of Rank, or Figure, where five Dishes are serv'd at a Course. From S.G. Esq.
  • Cheshire-Pye with Pork. From Mr. R. J.
  • To draw Gravey for a private Family. From the same.
  • To bake Herrings in an extraordinary manner. From Mrs. M. N. of Shrewsbury.
  • Another Gravey, for a private Family, where there is not an opportunity of getting Beef to make it of.
  • The Manner of Trussing a Single Rabbit for Roasting. From Mr. W. N. Poulterer.
  • The Manner of Trussing a Rabbit for Boiling.
  • To make a Pheasant of a Rabbit, truss'd in such a manner, that it will appear like a Pheasant, and eat like one, with its Sauce. This is called, by the topping Poulterers, a Poland-Chicken, or a Portugal-Chicken. But it is most like a Pheasant, if it is larded. From Mrs. Johnson, at the famous Eating-House in Devereux-Court near the Temple.
  • Of Trussing a Pidgeon. From the same.
  • [Illustration: Fig. 4]
  • A Goose to Truss. From the same.
  • The Manner of Trussing a Chicken like a Turkey-Poult, or of Trussing a Turkey-Poult. From. Mr. W. N. Poulterer of St. James's-Market.
  • The Trussing of an Easterling. From Mr. W. N. Poulterer of St. James's-Market, London.
  • The manner of Trussing an Hare in the most fashionable Way. From Mr. W. N.
  • To Truss a Pheasant or Partridge. From the same.
  • A Fowl trussed for Boiling. From Mr. W. N. Poulterer, &c.
  • To boil an artificial Pheasant, with Sellary. From Mrs. Johnson, Devereux-Court near Temple-Bar.
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