The Best Abdominal Exercises Ebook
The Best Abdominal Exercises
Category: Body, Fitness
Title: The Best Abdominal Exercises
Author: Nick Nilsson
It's taken 16 years of research, experimentation, and sweat to develop these extraordinary and powerful, NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN abdominal exercises.
If you've got the desire, these exercises will ensure you...
- Use every moment of your ab workout to maximum efficiency, cutting your workout time to a fraction of what it was before, with stunning results!
- Tighten your waist to wasp-like proportions
- Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear
- Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
- Get great abs, even if you don't have any training equipment at all!
- Flatten your stomach in areas where regular crunches totally fail (lower belly bulge)
- Develop six-pack abs that pop out and make a washboard look like a chalkboard
- Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power
Upper Abs - Develop an eye-popping six-pack that will reach out and GRAB attention!
- Think you've felt a strong contraction in your abs before? Just wait till you try this cable exercise that makes the contraction you get from a regular cable crunch seem like a gentle breeze. You get MAXIMUM tension at the point where the abs are in their most "anatomically-possible" contracted position (completely bent in half). You simply can't get a stronger contraction in the six-pack area.
Lower Abs - Get tight well-defined lower abs in that hard-to-reach area. You'll never have trouble working the lower abs effectively ever again!
- Hanging leg raises are a good lower-ab exercise but I'm going to teach you a variation that not only hits the lower abs hard, it also forces your abs to support almost your ENTIRE bodyweight while you're doing it...and all without a single worry about failing grip strength! The tension on the abs is just incredible and it'll tighten up that area faster than you will believe!
Rating: 4.5 after 4 votes)
Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I love this book and will give 5stars to it as helps me a lot by giving tactics to Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear,
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision.
My Rate 5
I love this book and will give 5stars to it as helps me a lot by giving tactics to Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear,
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision.
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power
My Rate 5
Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-28
My Rate 5
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
My Rate 5
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
Reviewed by michael iroegbulem on 2012-03-20
My Rate 3
could be better access when read.
My Rate 3
could be better access when read.
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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I love this book and will give 5stars to it as helps me a lot by giving tactics to Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear,
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision.
My Rate 5
I love this book and will give 5stars to it as helps me a lot by giving tactics to Tighten the muscles under your love handles to make those bulges practically disappear,
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision.
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power
My Rate 5
Develop astonishing core strength, rock-solid stability and explosive power
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-28
My Rate 5
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
My Rate 5
Target your hard-to-reach lower abs with pinpoint, guided-missile precision
Reviewed by michael iroegbulem on 2012-03-20
My Rate 3
could be better access when read.
My Rate 3
could be better access when read.
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