The Atkins Diet Plan Ebook
Title: The Atkins Diet Plan
Still struggling to lose weight?
Is your Weight Control, Weight loss or Fitness Program working?
Do you need a Weight Loss Program? Obesity is a high factor in heart attacks. Good Nutrition, Fitness, Good Health & Dieting all help to reduce the risks associated with being over weight and help to improve your well being and lifestyle.
Here's what's included:
- The Carbohydrate Counter
- The Atkins Diet Plan,
- 1000 Low Carb Recipes
- The Dr Atkins Low Carb Diet
Atkins Diet Nutritional Principles - According to Dr Atkins...
- You will keep the weight off. Almost every experienced dieter has embarked on a weight loss program, worked hard at it, lost a lot of pounds and gained them all back in a few months or perhaps a year. This is usually due to the expected consequence of low-fat, low-calorie weight loss diets: hunger. Once the biological gap between hunger and fulfillment grows too large, the rebound can be rapid. People who do the Atkins weight loss plan gradually find their effective individual level of carbohydrate intake, the tool that allows them to experience weight loss and maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime.
- This low carbohydrate diet will help you lose weight. For the small numbers who have a truly hard-core metabolic resistance to weight loss, there are ways to overcome the barriers that prevent successful weight loss.
- You will achieve good health. With the Atkins diet, you meet your nutritional needs while achieving weight loss by eating healthy, wholesome foods and omitting junk food. As a result, fatigue drops from your shoulders. This occurs not merely due to weight loss, but because the physical consequences of a truly dysfunctional blood-sugar and insulin metabolism are reversed.
- You will lay the permanent groundwork for disease prevention. By following the Atkins diet individualized controlled carbohydrate nutritional approach that results in lower insulin production, people at high risk for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes will see a marked improvement in their clinical parameters.
The Atkins Diet pack includes:
1. The Atkins Diet Plan
Why Atkins works Atkins, the rules-find out what food is allowed and isn't allowed, food you can eat liberally and those that are limited. Convenience foods How to Test yourself to show Atkins is working Ongoing weight loss Preparation for permanent maintenance of your ideal weight Lifetime maintenance.
2. Atkins Carb Counter
The easiest way to count your carbs, no matter what diet you're on, is with Dr. Atkins' New Carbohydrate Gram Counter.
- Has over 1200 listings
- Is guaranteed to work for all low-carbohydrate diets
- Includes brand-name products
- Lists grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat
3. Over 1000 Atkins Diet Recipes
243 pages/1000 recipes to keep you on the Atkins program with ease. The variety and simplicity of these recipes will ensure that you never run out of inspired ideas for your next low carb meal.
And bonuses:
4. The Latest Atkins Thinking & 10 New Tips
5. The Right Fats Can Slim You, But The Wrong Fats Can Harm You
6. Dr Atkins Original Sheet
7. Cellulite Report
8. 71 Top Weight Loss Tips
9. Top Fat Shedding Exercises
10. 12 Reasons to Use a Treadmill
11. Tips For Handling Midlife Weight Woes
12. Basic Introduction To The Atkins & Quick Tips
13. Diary of Vegetarian on Atkins Diet
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My Rate 5
great ips and good info for someone who looking in succes plan for weightloss
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great ips and good info for someone who looking in succes plan for weightloss
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