Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The American Gardener Ebook

The American Gardener
Category: Garden
Ebook cover: The American Gardener


Title: The American Gardener

If you think people are born with a green thumb, THINK AGAIN!

I used to have a brown thumb. I tried raising all sorts of plants, and no matter what type of plant it was they ALWAYS died!

I tried planting rose bushes, and before the beauties could even bloom the bushes had become dried sticks without a touch of green.

I tried planting corn, squash, beans and all sorts of vegetables and my garden didn't even produce a single kernel. Not even enough food to feed an ant. Believe me, I am sure that the ants and bees were laughing their heads off at me as they searched for food elsewhere. They sure weren't finding anything to eat in MY YARD!

I figured maybe because I was living in Georgia, where red clay was a problem then I would try potted plants instead. I tried flowers, and they died. A friend suggested that I try growing a cactus, so I did, the cactus died. HOW CAN YOU KILL A CACTUS???

Someone else suggested that I try an Aloe Plant, because these things were indestructible. A friend gave me an aloe plant and the poor thing was dead within 3 months. Needless to say my friends quit suggesting things for me to grow. One even told me that if I got a fake plastic plant, with my luck, it would probably die too!

I so desperately wanted to see a little lively green plant growing happily in my home. I wanted fresh vegetables for my table. All I found instead was bad luck, wasted money, and a lot of ceremonies where I would go outside, and somberly say goodbye to yet another dead plant.

Then one day I discovered air plants!

I was at a craft show, and a lady there was selling air plants that were OH SO BEAUTIFUL!

She said NO ONE could kill these plants. She told me that all they needed was to be hung in the bathroom, and the steam from the shower would provide all the nutrients they needed. NO DIRT! NO FERTILIZER! They needed nothing except a moist environment that is provided in any bathroom.

I was as happy as an ant on a hill of honey when I got home with my new plants. I purchased 3 beautiful air plants, hung them neatly in my bathrooms and basked in the joy of FINALLY seeing a thing of beauty growing in my home.

That is until they died.

All three of them, yes all three, died. Within a month they were gone, dried up, dead, 3 more somber ceremonies. So much for my green thumb.

By this time even I myself was too scared to get a plastic plant. It would probably dry out and die on me too then I would probably have to cut both of my thumbs off!

I gave up on growing plants for years after that. The air plants were my last attempt, and I had given up for good. I swore to myself I would NEVER again try to grow another plant for as long as I live.

Then one day I was searching the internet for information about knitting. I stumbled across a gardening forum where ladies were knitting plant pot covers. One of the ladies had a picture of the most beautiful tree I had ever seen in my life! A dark red Japanese Maple tree that had a breath taking beauty that I had never seen before in my life.

I HAD to have one!!

This tree was so beautiful, I found myself craving one for my own yard. I wanted one so badly that I spent months researching Japanese Maples and how to grow them successfully.

Japanese Maples, I found, are very expensive. I wanted to discover all I could about them before I purchased my own, because I wanted to MAKE SURE that my Japanese Maple would not die!

Yes, silly me decided to try again, and this time not on a plant that costs just a few dollars. I was getting brave and preparing myself to try and grow a plant that costs over $200 dollars for the large ones.

I read forums, looked up gardening articles, and tried to find as much information as I could about Japanese Maples online.

Sadly, the information I located dealt mostly with maintaining them once they were already established and growing successfully. I needed information on how to keep one from DYING before it got established in my yard and I could not locate this information ANYWHERE!

I checked out ebooks in the local library, and had no luck. I searched for days, hours at a time, and could not find the information I needed.

I decided to look for older gardening ebooks, and THAT is when my search was over! I found a slew of old gardening ebooks written in the 1800's that answered EVERY question I had about growing trees, fruits, vegetables and flowers that I could dream of.

The American Gardener is one of those ebooks, and the main one that helped me in learning everything I need to know about growing any plant I can dream of under the sun!

The American Gardner was written in 1854 by William Cobbett. It is now in the public domain and has been converted into electronic format for your enjoyment.

The American Gardener provides over 150 pages of helpful gardening how to information, and tips that will help you grow plants with ease without them dying like they did on me!

Even if you're a professional gardener, you'll find many tips to help better your growing success!

Here's What You'll Find In The American Gardener:

  • Preparing the soil properly to provide nutrition for healthy plants.
  • Choosing the right location on your property for growing plants. You'll find in depth information on slope of your land, and what spot is best for growing successfully.
  • Fencing techniques for your garden. I LOVE this section. The author provides humorous techniques for using hawthorn trees as fencing, to keep troublesome lads from stealing their fruits and vegetables! You do not need to spend hundreds for a chain link, wooden or brick fence. Use hawthorn trees and with a little love and time you'll have a fence that will make your neighbors green with envy!
  • You'll discover how to make hotbeds, so that you can start your vegetables earlier in the season and have edible produce as many as 15 days earlier than normal! This can be a moneymaker if you sell produce. Be the first in your neighborhood to have fresh green tomatoes and watermelons!
  • Designing, or laying out, your garden so that it's pleasing to the eye yet functional as well.
  • Discover the benefits of operating a hobby greenhouse, and how it can be beneficially to your household.
  • Discover proper methods for saving and preserving seed. I find this the most fun of gardening! I now save seed regularly and have a yard full of beautiful blooms from seeds I have saved and sown.
  • Discover about true seeds and the soundness of seed. You'll discover how to test seed before you plant them, to determine if you have good seed or bad. Some seed will not grow if it's bad, and by using a simple technique you can throw out the bad instead of laboring with planting them only to find no lovely sprouts growing where they were sowed.
  • Discover proper sowing methods to improve your seeds germination rate, and to ensure healthy plants. Proper spacing and depth can mean success or failure in the garden!
  • Cultivating your garden properly and methods for tilling, trenching and sowing to ensure your gardens success.
  • American Gardener provides proper transplanting methods, to ensure your plants survival when moving from one area to another. This is the chapter that covers the information I was looking for, to ensure my Japanese Maples survival. I now have two Japanese Maples growing successfully in my yard, and what beauty they both bring!
  • Discover propagating methods so that you can grow many more plants form just one stock plant. Discover propagating from cuttings, by grafting, by using stock tress, by budding and by layering. All of these are easy and fun methods that you and your family are sure to enjoy!
  • Discover how to successfully grow 81 different vegetables and herbs, 26 tasty fruits and nuts and the most popular flowers and shrubs with the most gorgeous blooms!
  • There is a nice section on growing grapes in minimum space while producing so many grapes that it'll make your mouth water!

You are sure to love the information, guidance and tips provided in American Gardener!

I have used this information for myself, and now have a yard full of beautiful trees, flowers and plants instead of a mass plant graveyard!

This type of information has helped me in so many ways. I now have 5 rose bushes growing successfully in my yard including the coveted Don Juan rose that now grows below a beautiful catalpa tree.

This past spring I planted a successful vegetable garden that provided enough produce to feed 5 families for 2 months and provide many bags for our freezers! My second fall garden was planted just last week and is already sprouting many tiny plants for a second harvest. All this was planted on a piece of plot that measures not more than 20 feet by 40 feet!

I had so many cucumbers growing that I could not even can them all I had to give them away! My zucchini's were so huge that they had to be shared with my in laws and my mother, because we could not eat them as fast as they grew.

My flowerbed has lavender, dianthus, clematis, daisies and many odd plants growing beautifully.

My verbena has taken over our drive; it's outgrown its bed!

I now have 2 Japanese Maples growing successfully. One a glowing embers the other the coveted bloodgood (the most beautiful tree on the planet in my opinion).

I have hundreds of boxwood that I propagated from cuttings, growing successfully beside my cuttings beds. My Azaleas are rooting successfully now, and they are LIVING!

I have come a long way from where I could not even keep an air plant alive, the where I am now growing plants with no roots in just a box of peat moss and sand!

My success is thanks to ebooks like the American Gardener.

All the information you'll need to get started is provided in the American Gardener, no matter what type of growing success you have had in the past you'll find tips and techniques to improve your growing success in this guide!

You too can grow successfully as I have, by increasing your knowledge and putting these methods into practice today!

SAY NO to dying plants and SAY YES to success now!

Table Of Contents:

On the Situation, Soil, Fencing, and, Laying-out of Gardens.

On the Making and Managing of Hot Beds and Green-houses.

On Propagation and Cultivation in general.

Vegetables and Herbs.





Ebook cover: The American Gardener
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