The 80-20 Diet Ebook
Title: The 80-20 Diet
We all want to stay fit. We all want a healthy body. We all want to feel proud of ourselves when someone compliments us about our good shape. We all want to lose our extra fat, bring down our weight and do everything that we wanted to do for years - LOOK GOOD.
There are gazillion methods of weight loss that are being taught but some way or the other, nothing seems to work out for some people. If you're anything like me, you've probably tried all kinds of exercises like aerobics, strength training etc. and dieting with all types of plans that literally make you feel like you are STARVING to death but still don't help you lose weight.
What's wrong with those exercises and diet plans? What are we doing wrong here? The problem is that we are putting in the effort, but we are not directing it at the right place.
Vilfredo Pareto was a French-Italian sociologist, economist and philosopher who was born on July 15, 1848. He is famous for describing an interesting principle which you might have heard about. It is called the Pareto Principle and it states that:
80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts
He had originally noticed how 80% of the income in Italy went to just 20% of the population; but his principle has been found to have application in many other fields as well.
If you apply this principle to weight loss, it necessitates doing only those things which will give you the BEST results. So, you have to do only those 20% exercises which give you 80% of all your results. You have to cut down on that 20% of food that results in 80% of your fat.
Once you do that, it will become very easy to lose weight.
In this e-book, I am going to share with you The 80/20 Diet - my personal system that can help you lose 20 pounds in just 30 days!
Having tried all the diet and exercise plans on the market and seeing them fail, I was really de-motivated. I didn't like the way I looked with all the fat on my body but I felt I really couldn't help it either. I tried everything from cardio exercises to low cabbage-soup diets but nothing worked for me. I even took up fasting for a week to see if it would help, but all to no avail.
That was probably the most frustrating time of my life. But then, I hate being helpless. I just couldn't sit there and see myself get even fatter. I decided that this had to change; and so I started on my quest to finding the perfect system for weight loss. I looked on the Internet, I consulted doctors and read magazines. I did everything within my power to find help for myself.
After a lot of reseach, I realized that it's not just a single plan or exercise that would help me. Instead, it's a whole combination of things that would work together to help me lose weight. In the 80/20 Diet, I bring to you the same techniques that I used to lose all my fat and return to a perfectly normal weight myself.
Let's begin...
Table Of Contents:
- Introduction
- What to Eat and How
- Debunking the Myths
- Diet Supplements
- How to Exercise for Weight Loss
- About White Dove Ebooks
Ebook Type: PDF
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