Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Stolen Success Ebook

Stolen Success
Category: E-Business
Ebook cover: Stolen Success


Title: Stolen Success
The Success Principle the Internet

YOU may feel the Internet could be your Goldmine. However, there is a 93.5% chance the Internet will do nothing more than steal from you a MANDATORY LAW, directly from the pages of...

"Think & Grow Rich"


Let's put it this way. After reading the ebook, if you don't think different, if you don't have a paradigm shift, if you don't have absolutely any doubt that this information is going to make a major difference in how you view your business, let me know and I will refund your seventeen bucks.....NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

  • Suffer from information overload
  • If you Feel frustrated and confused
  • Are sick and tired of email
  • Are having trouble focusing on your business
  • Don't know if your upline or affiliate manager knows what they are doing
  • Sick of your lack of progress in your enterprise
  • Don't know how to spend your time productively in your business
  • Don't know who to trust
  • Have trouble completing projects
  • Seem to be working harder, but making less $$$
  • Tend to get lost in the Internet Surfing Time Warp
  • Question if people are really making the kind of money online they claim to be
  • Are a seminar junkie
  • Upset with your dinky affiliate checks and bonus checks
  • Have trouble making decisions
  • Afraid the light at the end of the tunnel is really a train coming towards you...
  • Wonder if you are on the right track

YOU NEED TO SEE AND TAP INTO THE HIDDEN TRUTH EXPLAINED IN "The Success Principal the Internet has Stolen"




Even if you don't have the above symptoms, you still need the ebook so you can help your business associates, downlines, uplines, sidelines, affiliates and 99% of the other marketers who find themselves spinning around like a top, flat-dab in the middle of this new Techno Internet Marketing Cyber Millennium WHIRLWIND!

I promise, without this information your SYMPTOMS are going to get a whole heck of a lot worse, even fatal to your marketing career until you get your medicine.

What is your medicine?

The paradigm shift this ebook will give you.

If you are immune and for some reason the shift doesn't occur, again, just let me know and your seventeen bucks will be refunded IMMEDIATELY!


  • How to make certain you don't waste blocks of time surfing the Internet with zero to show for it.
  • Exactly how and why the Internet has stolen a success principal from you and your associates, without you even realizing it.
  • You will learn exactly which gurus you can trust and which gurus you should run from.
  • You will discover absolutely positively how to KNOW WITH ZERO DOUBT how to put yourself on the right track for financial RICHES and stay there.
  • You will discover the Inside Secrets to guaranteeing you financial success.

Well, that's about all I know to share with you. If seventeen bucks is an issue, then your probably need this worse than anyone.

If you have see my materials before, or watched my training videos, you know your brain is getting ready to be tweaked... so go ahead while it is FRESH on your mind and ORDER THE EBOOK NOW!

Take 4 3/4 minutes RIGHT NOW and save yourself countless number of hours over the next few weeks, doing, saying, doubting, and focusing on the wrong business building projects and activities.

If you don't do it now, you and I both know you will come back to this site 4 or 5 times until you will finally FORGET what you just SEE!

You will put it off, never order the ebook, never learn the hidden idea and be doomed to continue to spin around searching for the right wealth building answers and direction. I know what your problem is, and quite simply this information is the cure that YOU CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE!

We both know it is not healthy or productive for you to remain spinning around in this Techno Internet Marketing Cyber Millennium.

So make the first step out of confusion and into productivity right now!

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Have we all forgotten this success principle?
  • The Internet has given, but it has also taken away... without us knowing.
  • The #1 reason marketers today are dazed, confused and afraid to act!
  • Who are you learning from and where are they taking you?
  • magic questions that will free all marketers from the bondage of lack of productivety.
  • Case reopened! Unexpected confirmation I must share!
  • People follow leadership... right or wrong... good or bad.
  • Personal Coaching... P L E A S E! WHY, HOW, WHEN & WHERE DID THIS IDEA COME FROM?
  • How to provide leadership and mentorship to your organization.
  • How to find an upline Mentor.
  • The #1 way to create old fashion relationships in the Internet Age!
  • Dale's suggested resources.
  • The Internet, Friend or Foe?
  • One Final Thought


When Dale shared with me the philosophy and concept behind "The Success Principal the Internet has Stolen" I couldn't finish my lunch. Quite frankly I was disturbed and saddened. I didn't sleep well for several nights.

I realized that he had lifted the curtain behind a concept that most people will live the rest of their life & never learn, and therefore never achieve the success in their life they deserve. Dale has actually discovered an obstacle that wasn't present when we were blowing and going and building our empires, BUT IT IS A HIDDEND ROAD BLOCK for all entrepreneurs today!

Dale & I hope that you & other entrepreneurs will steal this concept and idea and make it your own. YOU SIMPLY MUST HELP US SPREAD THE WORD TO ALL "Up and Coming" Entrepreneurs, IF YOU DON'T GET THIS... The Internet WILL STEAL YOUR CHANCE FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS & YOU WILL NEVER REALIZE WHAT HIT YOU!

I am very thankful that Dale has decided to give you the reprint & resale rights to this awesome ebook. This ebook is mandatory insurance for all entrepreneurs. Please help us spread the word!

Roger Wagers

Ebook cover: Stolen Success
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P.S. Let me share with you some of this best advise I have heard in a long time.

"We have to discover to say NO to the good ideas,
so we have TIME for the great ones!"

Wow! Ponder on that while you are downloading the ebook.. YOU think that is mind-tweaking... wait until you start reading!

P.S. Let me share with you some of this best advise I have heard in a long time.

"We have to discover to say NO to the good ideas,
so we have TIME for the great ones!"

Wow! Ponder on that while you are downloading the ebook.. YOU think that is mind-tweaking... wait until you start reading!

Price: $14.95
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