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Marcus Tullius Cicero

Sports ebooks

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Category: Health, Sports

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Title: Critical Bench
Author: Mike Westerdal

Here's a small sample of what this Power Building "bench specialization" program reveals:

  • Why your lifestyle habits will affect your training. We're not going to put you on a strict diet, but if you think poor nutrition, partying, and sleep deprivation won't affect your performance in the gym your greatly mistaken.
  • Why you shouldn't pre-exhaust your muscles when trying to increase your bench press. Pre-exhausting your muscles can be a great training method but it's not applicable when you are trying to up your max. For example, you cannot train triceps before chest. If you do, your bench will go nowhere fast since the bench involves the use of the tri's. If they're already tired how are they going to help you bench press?
  • Why you can't believe supplement ads. Did you know that almost every major bodybuilding magazine is owned by a supplement manufacturer? This makes it almost impossible to find reliable information about what really works and what gives you the most bang for your buck. Supplements are good for two things, insurance and covenience. If you don't get enough food they act as insurance, and if you live a hectic lifestyle they can be convenient. Supplements aren't necessary to succeed on this program, but if you want some cutting edge suggestions we have proven recommendations for you based on real life experience as well as scientific research.
  • Why technique is so important. I'm confident if you adjust your form,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Body, Fitness, Sports

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Title: The Super-Natural Size And Strength System
Author: Al Alfaro

The Greatest Secret in Bodybuilding... is that it's much easier than it seems to burn fat and, at the same time, build lean muscle mass.

Introducing... The All-Natural Bodybuilding System for Gaining Massive Size, Incredible Strength And Awesome Power!

I'll Show You 67 Specific Insider Secrets For Transforming Your Body Into A Finely-Sculpted Mass Of Huge, Rock-Solid Muscle --The 100% Safe And Natural Way!

You get dozens of specialized routines, tips, techniques and little-known secrets to achieving almost unbelievable size, strength and power, naturally. Secrets like:

  • Why a lifting belt is the most important piece of safety equipment any lifter could own... BUT why it's something that SHOULD NOT be worn for all lifting
  • The single most important tool for taking you from where you are now to where you want to go (and it's dirt-cheap for anyone)...
  • The safe, healthy way to consistently gain from every workout without ever suffering from "burnout"
  • The number one secret to massive results over time that most lifters completely overlook...
  • The not-so-obvious problems of working out in a gym or health club.
  • The best individual lift for total body strength (this is also one of the best for preventing back problems)
  • The basic equipment every serious body builder MUST have and some additional pieces that are nice, but not essential
  • Specific preparation... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Manuals, Self Defense, Sports

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Title: Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit
Author: Tony Wilden

"Announcing... The New Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit. A Powerful Way to Prevent and Treat Aikido Training Injuries!"

Revealing Unique, Easy-To-Apply, Practical Information on How You Can Vastly Improve Your Aikido Ukemi Skills By Drastically Reducing the Fear of Being Hurt!

Here's Just Some of the Fascinating Information You'll Discover in This Fantastic Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit...

  • Shortly you'll discover Your Ki power and finally achieve your goals.
  • Imagine feeling full of confidence and self belief - Just Incredible!
  • Learn the main reasons why Aikido dojo accidents occur.
  • Best Tips to survive an 'Over-Enthusiastic' training partner.
  • Discover the 2 main principles involved in Your Aikido practise.
  • Learn how You can become far more flexible... Yes, of course you can!
  • The very Best Ways for You to experience deep relaxation.
  • Unique and original info-packed pages... Don't Miss Out!
  • Learn exactly how to stay safe and prevent Aikido injuries.
  • What are the Best products to support Your training?... Find Out Now!
  • Discover simple ways... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Sports

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Title: The Ultimate Frozen Shoulder Therapy Guide
Author: Brian Schiff

So, you may still be asking yourself how will I really benefit from buying this ebook. The answer is simple. You can not afford to put off getting this program another day if you want to overcome your stiffness, pain and limited function. Granted, adhesive capsulitis does eventually go away on its own, but even if you have a mild case, it is likely your condition will actually worsen before it resolves. Do you want to suffer even more?

The Ultimate Frozen Shoulder Therapy Guide promises to give you all the tools necessary to accelerate your recovery and maximize the function of your shoulder...

  • Understand how often and how long to stretch for the best results
  • The 7 most important stretches for your shoulder
  • Provides a straightforward program for resolving shoulder stiffness
  • Learn the #1 reason why most people never get better with home programs
  • Immediate access to successful therapeutic stretching exercises
  • Harmful daily activities to avoid for pain control
  • Discover specific range of motion exercises to reach overhead again
  • Details over 40 illustrated photos of the exact exercises you need to do
  • Complimentary strengthening exercises to prevent muscle weakness
  • Appropriate strengthening exercises to aid healing & recovery
  • 8 proven range of motion exercises to decrease stiffness

You'll get literally everything you need to successfully... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Manuals, Sports

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Finally after 16 years of training and research, I Discovered a training program that works for every bodybuilder every time! It's called TRULY HUGE and is factually THE MOST POWERFUL MUSCLE BUILDING METHOD KNOWN! This bodybuilding program can boost your recuperation abilities, allowing you to INCREASE YOUR STRENGTH EVERY WORKOUT AND MAKE SIZE GAINS EVERY WEEK. The human body is quite capable of making gains each and every week if it is trained and rested at the proper time within the recuperative cycle. You will also learn the "laws" that guarantee you HUGE MUSCLE GROWTH and how to PREVENT PLATEAUS. (Leveling Off)

Trainees following this program exactly have never failed to make INCREDIBLE GAINS IN SIZE AND STRENGTH. Here's just some of the success stories from people using the Truly Huge bodybuilding Program



This contains the full theory and bodybuilding program proven to build incredible MUSCLE MASS FAST! This ebook covers such things as:

  • The truth concerning genetics.
  • The best exercises to use for mass and strength.
  • Ideal training volume and workout frequency.
  • How to "ride the training wave" to keep those fast gains coming.
  • Advanced bodybuilding training techniques.
  • And much more!


... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Manuals, Mind, Sports

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Title: The Mental Manual for Tennis Winners How to finally get the edge in the most difficult tennis matches
Author: Tomaz Mencinger

"Master Your Mind In The Most Difficult Situations In A Tennis Match And Start Winning Even Against Your Toughest Rivals!"

Learn What Goes Through The Mind Of Tennis Winners And Use Their SECRETS To Improve Your Game

The Mental Manual for Tennis Winners explains and shows you:

  • the one crucial factor which you must have in order to gain maximum benefit from visualization (if you don't get this right you'll be wasting a lot of time and losing confidence in your mental abilities)
  • The main part of the ebook consists of 29 potentially stressful situations in matches as well as making you aware of the trap of feeling too confident.
  • how to control your emotions in the short time between points (mastering this ability will elevate you to the top 10% of tennis players - at least in your competitive group)
  • how to concentrate (and do it in a couple of seconds so that you are totally focused for the next point)
  • what acceptance is and why it is so powerful (if you begin to accept things as they are, you will never need any more information about mental toughness - imagine how much frustration and money would that save)


You'll get

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Category: Mind, Sports

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Title: Tennis Strategy Encyclopedia: Start winning matches against players you've never beaten before
Author: Tomaz Mencinger

The only way to quickly improve your tennis is to play a smarter tactical game. In fact, smarter play is what separates champions from average tennis players...

"The Tennis Strategy Encyclopedia"
"Start Winning Against Players You've Never Beaten Before!"

This is an ebook in Adobe PDF format that you can immediately download to your computer.
It is truly an encyclopedia of tennis strategies and tactics for every level of play, whether you are a beginner or an expert tennis player.

Actually as you will discover expert players base most of their game on very simple tactics that are suitable even for beginners. And only on top of those basic patterns they choose more advanced and expert tactical combinations.

So the encyclopedia teaches players of every level how to play better tennis and use their potential to the maximum.

Then what can you learn from it?

You get more than 100 pages of condensed and organized information showing you:

  • The secret to playing good tennis (It's NOT trying to beat your opponent!)
  • Learn the basic tennis tactics that Roger Federer and Andre Agassi used 64% of the time in their 2005 US Open final.
  • The 6 general tennis strategies that
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Category: Sports

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Title: Working as a Golf Caddy
Author: Matt Canham

Here's How You Can Learn The Skills Of A *Tour Caddy* Get Inside the Ropes, And Make Great Money Caddying for Amateurs and Pros

If I was a person interested in becoming a professional Caddy and was reading this page, I would expect the ebook to contain information about...

  • Where you need to be get to a bag so you can concentrate on caddying.
  • What do I do to get the biggest tip to maximise your payments.
  • The one sentence you need to say BEFORE the player pays you.
  • The number 1 mistake you can make and how to avoid it.
  • Making it as a Professional Caddy and how you can avoid making mistakes.
  • How to find the Tournaments so you can prepare your own schedule.
  • How to create your own expert yardage ebook for any golf course.
  • How much money can you can make Caddying.

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Category: Sports

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Title: Vertical Jump Higher Faster Sports
Author: Kelly Baggett

"I improved my vertical jump from 23 to 42 inches and I'm gonna teach you how you can realistically improve yours too"


The Vertical Jump Development Bible

Defying the effects of gravity - One athlete at a time

The Most Comprehensive Vertical Jump Resource Ever Created

We will cover:

  • Why training smarter and less frequently is almost always more effective then training hard and frequently all the time.
  • Why specializing on a vertical jump program (or any other specialized program) during your competitive sporting season is often the worst thing you can do to guarantee yourself ZERO results.
  • Why some people are "naturally" wired to jump higher and how you can make your body function more like theirs.
  • Why most of the exercises that we know in the United States as "plyometric" exercises really aren't plyometric. How you can employ and benefit from REAL plyometrics.
  • Why focusing on the wrong type of jump training, even with the utmost dedication, will actually make you slower and less explosive
  • What muscle groups are the most important contributors to vertical jump performance and which
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Hobbies, Sports

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Title: Go Pro: The Definitive Guide On How To Become A Professional Skateboarder
  • Where do you send "Sponsor Me" videos?
  • Where do you even start?
  • How do you make a good "Sponsor Me" video?
  • How do you get sponsored?
  • How do you become a professional skateboarder?

The Definitive Guide On How To Become A Professional Skateboarder

  • How do pro skaters pull off dangerous tricks over and over without fail & without fear?
  • GO PRO reveals novel techniques for raising your profile and getting you noticed in your community, with the media and with the sponsors of your choice!
  • GO PRO is the one and only STEP BY STEP method that can show you EXACTLY the right plan of action you can start TODAY to take you on a direct path to getting sponsored!
  • GO PRO includes tips and key advice from pros like Ryan Sheckler, Paul Rodriguez, Mark Appleyard and more!
  • GO PRO includes over 60 meticulously researched and up to date Pro Team & Sponsor contact addresses, phone numbers and emails!
  • GO PRO defines exactly what your "Sponsor Me" video should include.
  • GO PRO defines a precise method that real pro skaters and other pro athletes use to master fear and repeatedly land dangerous and difficult tricks.
  • GO PRO defines a precise daily, goal oriented system that you can work at your own pace to achieve "levels" that position you in exact ways so that you can become "Sponsor Material".
  • GO PRO also includes
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: Video Included,
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