Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia Ebook

Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia Of Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Bu
Category: E-Business
Ebook cover: Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia


Title: Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia
Discover Multiple Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Businesses As Set Up And Marketed By TOP Internet Entrepreneurs From Around The World!

Learn also how you can set up your very own low-cost, high-profit Internet Business with this Mini-Encyclopedia by next week - even if you've never set one up before, and you have absolutely no web designing or programming skills!

Dear Aspiring Home-Based Internet Entrepreneur,

How would you like to own and operate a STRING of Internet Businesses all generating THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for you every month even as you laze around in your pajamas at home?

And how would you like to do this with an operating cost of less than $300 a year for EACH Internet Business that you do?

That's A YEAR.


Especially when you know that a conventional business would GOBBLE up thousands of dollars PER MONTH in the rental of office space alone, and you haven't taken into account the staff's salaries yet?

Well, believe it.

Because that's the truth, IF you know EXACTLY what to do!

My name is Sen Ze. I'm been an Internet Entrepreneur and Coach for many years now after having been exposed to the power of Internet Entrepreneurship way back in 1995.

I currently own multiple Internet Businesses selling various products and services. I use 5 different credit card Processors for different web sites. Just one of them has processed over $300,000.00 in sales. I've also received huge commissions from other Internet Entrepreneurs who paid me for referring Prospects to them.

In addition, most of my Internet Businesses are operated by me alone. So I have very few employee problems to worry about, and certainly very low overheads every month!

I say this not to impress you, but to impress upon you that the Internet has opened up A WHOLE NEW WORLD of possibilities for entrepreneurs from AROUND THE WORLD who aspire to start a FREE OR LOW-COST Internet Business of their own and earn a VERY COMFORTABLE living with it without ever having to leave their homes or mortgage them in the process!

If you're one of them, and you want to get going very quickly with the right guidance, may I suggest that you get my one-of-a-kind Mini-Encyclopedia Of Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models?

Not only that - learn how you can be in business one week from now and earn truckloads of cash after that with the same Mini-Encyclopedia! Find the exciting details below!


Here's What You Will Learn:

  • There isn't any other guide like it on the face of the planet!
  • Not 1 or 2 but NINETEEN (19) Different, Killer Internet Business Models that you can study and emulate - saving you time, money and effort by eliminating guesswork entirely!
  • How you can AUTOMATE your Internet Business 100% - selling products you don't have to stock or deliver!

There are many advantages with this Model, and some of the TOP Internet Entrepreneurs in the World are using it to make thousands of dollars every month for themselves. Yet some find this Internet Business Model too difficult to do for their liking. Find out why!

  • How to choose from over 6 different Credit Card Processors

The ability to accept credit card payments on your web site in REAL TIME is crucial to your Internet Business. Learn the BEST Credit Card Payment Processors for your Internet Business that you can set up within minutes, all without your having to pay a monthly maintenance fee, or be subjected to credit checks! I will also show you the most appropriate Credit Card Payment Processors you can use for your particular Internet Business Model!
How you can start accepting credit card payments from your customers with one particular Internet Business Model - WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY for setting up or maintaining a credit card merchant account!
This is not the Associate Program model - those customers are really your own, and you OWN your store, which is also GIVEN to you FREE!

  • How you can have 100,000 or more potential customers for your products - OVERNIGHT - without paying a single cent upfront!

This is one of the most powerful secrets you can have - and it's FREE for you to execute within a few minutes! INSTANTLY get customers you have never seen or heard from before!

  • How you can make money using the Internet - WITHOUT SELLING any product!

Who says you must have a product first before you can start making money on the Internet? No product means no need to acquire or maintain a credit card merchant account, thus saving you lots of money!

  • How you can make money using the Internet - without HAVING TO PAY a Web Designer or Programmer to create a web site for you!

Yes, you can EASILY create your own Web Site without any Programming Knowledge. I will point you to some great places you can go to that provide you with a Point-and-Click Web Site Builder that you can use to create your own good-looking Web Site in 2 hours or less - and save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in Web Designing and Web Site Creation fees!

  • How you can make money using the Internet - WITHOUT ANY WEB SITE at all!

Who says you must have a Web Site before you can start making money on the Internet? I'll show you the Internet Business Models that do not require you to have a Web Site to make money - which means that you save time - if you're thinking of creating a Web Site yourself - and money - if you're thinking of getting a Web Designer create a Web Site for you!

  • A TOP web site where your target market go to in DROVES to search FOR YOUR Product!

Want lots of free traffic to look at what you have to sell? This top web site gives them to you for free. Get listed here for a ridiculously low fee (listing is just about guaranteed for most types of products), and focus on your product and description! (In case you're wondering - no, it's not a Search Engine like Google.)

  • How you can easily MULTIPLY YOUR INTERNET PROFITS - without spending more or exerting a lot more effort in the process!

I had no visitors to my web site selling the above guide when I completed it, and yet I sold 10 copies of it as soon as I released it on a very small scale many years ago - making a total of US$670 in sales on my very first day! When you go from zero to a few hundred in the space of a day, this is quite an achievement considering I wasn't very sure that I was doing the right thing then as it was my first attempt! Let me show you how you can do the same for your own product - ANY PRODUCT!

Not only that - let me show you how one very clever Internet Entrepreneur who makes over US$200,000 a year doing nothing but sending out jokes via e-mail actually DOUBLED his profits by just THINKING a bit more without having to increase his efforts significantly at the same time!

  • How you can start your Internet Business - with a ZERO SET UP budget!

Yes, this is really true. Not a single cent to pay to set up your Internet Business, if you follow this Internet Business Model!

  • If you're a Consultant (tax consultant, lawyer, financial planner, etc):

How to get MORE work at HIGHER fees from now on by doing a little extra work - one time! Some savvy Consultants get this concept, but the majority are not getting it!

  • What Domain Name to register for your Internet Business that CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN by your Prospects or Customers! This is so easy, but not being used often enough for some reason. An $8.00 a year Domain Name is also one of your biggest assets - but you must choose the right one for yourself!
  • How you can easily CLONE yourself so that you can reach out to MORE people WITHOUT more effort and earn MORE money in the process! Easily put yourself in the minds of more prospects without having to do extra work!
  • How to use one of the best off-line methods of marketing your services that ENHANCES your on-line marketing methods 10-fold - while creating for you yet ANOTHER source of income! I absolutely love this method!
  • If you provide a physical service to your Customers to make a living (car mechanic, chiropractor, dog-trainer, etc):

- How to provide your type of services to people from all over the world - without having to be there in person - and multiply your earnings manyfold! Your visitors WILL get their services after having been to your web site - but you can be sleeping while the service is being delivered! This is one of the TOP sources of income you can create for yourself, which can TOTALLY eliminate the physical work that you do!

  • How to give FREE and DETAILED, STEP-BY-STEP manual to your Prospects with the sole intention of giving them the ability to handle their problem themselves - and make LOTS of money in the process, even if you've held NOTHING back! This is a jaw-dropping concept that very few are even aware of. The MORE you give away with an open heart, the MORE you will earn as a result. Find out how!
  • Hobbyists

How to make lots of money just by CHATTING with others with the same interest as you do! That's it - just talk, and make friends! And money! (The only requirement is that you conduct intelligent chats!)

  • How To Make Lots More Money - By Thanking Your Prospects Or Customers!

This is a real gem, and another Internet Business Model in its own right. By simply thanking your Prospects Or Customers for doing something on your web site, you're opening up another form of income stream!

  • How to allow others to use your on-line software for FREE - and make LOTS of money in the process!

This is another gem. You're combining some ingenious business principles with software architecture to make this work for you on auto-pilot!

  • How you can get MILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of FREE ADVERTISING for your web site - by knowing what to write on a piece of paper and faxing it to the right people!

Do you want to appear in the media? Just give them what they want and you'll be featured in any newspaper, tv and radio station you choose as you publicise your Web Site in the process!

  • How you shouldn't get too excited when you get 10 million visitors to your site!

Why? If your Internet Business Model is selling a product directly off your web site and you sell only 5 units from this sort of traffic - your Web Site is a TOTAL FAILURE. An acceptable closing rate is between 2% - 4%. Which means that for every 100 TARGETED visitors to your site, you should have at least 2 to 4 customers for your product.

If you don't achieve this, it's time for some corrective action. Those millions of visitors are simply eating up your hosting bandwidth without giving you enough money in return!

Let me show you exactly HOW to convert your prospects into customers by answering just 4 simple questions!


I've conceived, managed and delivered my 1-of-a-kind Internet Business and Internet Marketing Boot Camp that I've been conducting over the past 2 years. I did it out of sheer boredom (I was the only person among my old friends who makes a living on the Internet, and I still am) and a desire to help other ordinary people like me do the same thing.

My participants currently pay up to $2,000 or more per head for the privilege of sitting together in a room full of motivated and like-minded individuals looking to make a difference financially in the comfort of their own homes. Everybody gets LIFETIME Support from me, plus a host of other benefits not available elsewhere. Each Boot Camp is 3 to 4 days in duration, and is only held as and when I feel like doing it (I've held only 2 in 2004).

However, I've also received many requests for a mini-version of this Boot Camp from those with a smaller budget or who simply can't take time off from their jobs to attend a 4-day Boot Camp away from home.

I heard you.

Ebook cover: Sen Ze's Mini Encyclopedia
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Table Of Uncommon Contents:

From The Laptop of Sen Ze
The Top 8 Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models

  • The Killer Sales Letter Model
  • The Comprehensive Catalog Model
  • The Membership Site Model
  • The Super Affiliate Model
  • The Expert Model
  • The eBay Power Seller Model
  • The Packaged Residual Income Model
  • The InterNetwork Marketing Model
  • The Automated Service Model 1
The Other 11 Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models
  • The Virus Model
  • The Paid E-Zine Model
  • The Community Model
  • The Free Functional Tool Model
  • The Comprehensive Resource Center Model
  • The Free Tip Of The Day Model
  • The Domain Name Trader Model
  • The Directory/Manual Model
  • The Free/Cheap Software Download Model
  • The Thank You Page Model
Summary & The Matrix
  • Basic Free Internet Marketing Activities
  • Internet Business Set Up Activities
  • Paid Internet Marketing Activities
How To Build Your Own Internet Business Empire!

Your Next Step
Want Some Free Traffic?
Want To Be Featured In This Mini-Encyclopedia?
Make Money With This Mini-Encyclopedia!

Table Of Uncommon Contents:

From The Laptop of Sen Ze
The Top 8 Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models

  • The Killer Sales Letter Model
  • The Comprehensive Catalog Model
  • The Membership Site Model
  • The Super Affiliate Model
  • The Expert Model
  • The eBay Power Seller Model
  • The Packaged Residual Income Model
  • The InterNetwork Marketing Model
  • The Automated Service Model 1
The Other 11 Low-Cost, High-Profit Internet Business Models
  • The Virus Model
  • The Paid E-Zine Model
  • The Community Model
  • The Free Functional Tool Model
  • The Comprehensive Resource Center Model
  • The Free Tip Of The Day Model
  • The Domain Name Trader Model
  • The Directory/Manual Model
  • The Free/Cheap Software Download Model
  • The Thank You Page Model
Summary & The Matrix
  • Basic Free Internet Marketing Activities
  • Internet Business Set Up Activities
  • Paid Internet Marketing Activities
How To Build Your Own Internet Business Empire!

Your Next Step
Want Some Free Traffic?
Want To Be Featured In This Mini-Encyclopedia?
Make Money With This Mini-Encyclopedia!

Price: $49.95
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