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Self Defense ebooks

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Title: Family Bunker Plans
Author: John Hartman

Fellow Patriot,

If your anyone like me, you want to do absolutely everything in your power to make sure your family is safe, no matter what.

We all know our country is heading in a pretty scary direction and these days our family's are faced with more dangers than ever before.

After deciding to provide my family with a survival bunker I sat down and drew up a plan with all of our special requirements.

  • My bunker needed to me impossible to break into.
  • I wanted my bunker to be hidden and secretive.
  • I needed it big enough to fit 5 people comfortably.
  • It needed to be ventilated.
  • I needed to fit enough food and water supplies for 6 months straight.
  • It needed to have a source of renewable energy for unlimited power!
  • It needed to be durable and solid enough to withstand natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

Here's what you're going to learn with our Family Bunker Construction Manual:

  • Crucial site preparation tip! Warning: You must know this before preparing ANY site. Not knowing this quick tip could result in heart ache and lost $$$.
  • Use our secret sources to get your materials at the lowest possible price. This can make or break your chances at building a low cost bunker.
  • How to obtain your permit. Get full step-by-step instructions to obtain a building permit including a check list of what you need to do. Just check them... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help

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Title: Backyard Liberty

The opportunity to keep your family healthy and well fed when the coming food collapse strikes is just too important to ignore.

You Will Achieve Total Food Independence In Less Than 28 Days...

Here's what's inside Backyard Liberty...

  • The in-depth video instructions practically builds your aquaponics for you. You'll use only common parts and supplies that can be found in your local hardware store, and the whole system costs $190 to make.
  • A step-by-step video guide showing you in EXPLICIT detail how to create your own pocket sized "Garden of Eden." Gain a never ending supply of drippingly-fresh fish and produce that will keep your family healthy during the coming food collapse.
  • Anyone can do this. The instructions are so easy and the construction is so simple. And because you'll be growing your vegetables in raised bed, even those with bad backs or joint pain will have no trouble building this life-saving system.
  • Enjoy high protein and vitamin-rich foods from your own backyard. While others are digging through dumpsters for scraps, your loved ones will be sleeping soundly in their own beds with food in their stomachs...
  • Save thousands of dollars compared to paying for your own stockpile. Be free from the worries of your food sources expiring, and have delicious, tasty meals 3 times a day – instead of soggy, salty canned vegetables...
  • It's a low input, high output food... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help

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Title: My Survival Farm
Author: Dan F. Sullivan
We call it:
"My Survival Farm"

...and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before… An A to Z guide on Survival Gardening and Permaculture for All Climates and Growing Conditions that is easy to read and a joy to put into practice, full of photos, diagrams and step by step advice.

This Comprehensive Permaculture Guide Shows You:

  • How to set up Highly Nutritious Soil for your plants. Do this before you plant anything and you're on your way to setting your food forest on auto-pilot for decades to come. I'm gonna tell you this one “weird” thing to add to the mulch that's not only highly effective but also 100% free (because you already have it in your home right now).
  • How to plan, design and put into action high-yield survival garden that will literally keep you and your family fed for life, no matter what hits you, even when everyone else around you is starving to death. No digging and planting year after year and no daily watering because you’ll have more important things to worry about when TSHTF.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to plant over 125 plants inside your permaculture garden. Plus, special instructions on choosing the right ones for your climate, with instructions for every Growing Zone in the world.. From Arizona to Alaska, you can do this anywhere…
  • How To Drought-Proof Your Garden by using one or several of the included
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Defense, Sports

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Save yourself weeks, months, even years of unnecessary training patterns. There are several key ways to evade unnecessary delays and blocks along your path and the Aikido Success Blueprint shows, in great detail, what may be slowing you down.

It is clearly laid out in an easy-to-read format with proven strategies, that work. You will quickly learn how to avoid many of the training pitfalls that you may come across and experience on your Aikido path. Here's what you'll discover...

  • How You can successfully choose Your Aikido instructor.
  • Learn universal Aiki principles... the Real Key to Effective Technique!
  • Unique and original info-packed pages... Don't Miss Out.
  • Discover simple ways to improve Your techniques... Fast!
  • See Yourself mastering 5 ways To easily unbalance Your training partner.
  • Shortly You'll discover Your Aiki power and finally achieve Your goals.
  • How You can walk the path of a peaceful warrior for Zen calm.
  • The best ways to focus Your mind... Find Out Now!
  • Learn how to boost Your Ki energy levels... Just Incredible!
  • Just picture yourself... performing powerful techniques.
  • The very Best Ways You can analyze Aikido posture and form.


Bonus to the "Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit"

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help, Women

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Title: How to Pickpocket Proof your Purse or Shoulder Bag
Author: JHWhite

Be aware that when you withdraw money from the ATM, especially when you are traveling abroad, pickpockets watch to see where you stash the cash. If it's easy for you to access, it's equally easy for them, and you've just become a target.
And nothing will keep thieves out of your purse if you leave it on the restaurant table, hooked over the chair back, on the grocery cart or any other place where it is not on your person.
In a crowd, your purse or shoulder bag is not even safe if you are wearing it on your body. BUT IT CAN BE. Two small items from the hardware store will do it. You won't even need any tools, a nail file at most. And thieves cannot get into your purse without you knowing it! They know it and don't even try.

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