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Self Defense ebooks

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Category: Self Defense, Women

Self Defense for Women

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Title: Self Defense for Women

"Women Are Being Attacked Each And Every Day Around The World. It's Time That Women Stop The Violence TODAY!"

Woman Deserve To Know How To Protect Them Self Or Those They Love, Against Those Who Want To Hurt Them Or Their Loved Ones.

Dear Friend:

The statistics on violence against women are staggering - even overwhelming. Often, women are thought of as the weaker sex, unable to defend themselves effectively against a strong male attacker. It's this kind of thinking that hurt women.

The truth is that women CAN and SHOULD fight back when they are threatened. It takes a lot of courage to fight back, though, and many myths exist regarding women's self-defense training. These myths include:

  • There's no way you can over-power your attacker
  • You have to discover martial arts to defend yourself
  • Just give in and let them have what they want
  • All you need to know to defend yourself is how to fight
  • If someone wants to get to you, they will no matter what you do

All of these statements are, indeed, myths. There are many, many ways you can protect yourself from being compromised or assaulted. They don't necessarily involve martial arts, they don't require you to know how to fight, and they definitely don't require you to give in to your attacker.

You Don't Have To Be A Victim!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Defense, Self Help

Preventing Identity Theft

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Title: Preventing Identity Theft

If you're set on not falling victim identity theft...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Who Else Wants To Know All The Different Types Of Identity Theft, Be Aware Of What Actions To Take If You Do Fall Victim, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Personal Information In Just 5 Days?

It doesn't matter if you've never fallen victim to identity theft a day in your life, or your the protective person in the world... This Identity Theft guide will help you not only get MORE prepared, but make
you feel more confident if it did perhaps happen to you!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on starting to protect your identity or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people just like you!

And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the local library, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a victim of identity theft, but it wasn't easy for me when it happened! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on preventing identity theft!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Dogs, Self Defense, Self Help

Dog Attack!

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Title: Dog Attack!

Survival Tips To Keep You And Your Family Safe

A Short Introduction Beforehand

A dog attack can happen to any person at any time and for any reason. Just because an animal is domesticated doesn't mean that they aren't capable of attacking another animal, or more importantly, a person.

A very important thing to remember about dogs in general is that ALL DOGS CAN ATTACK! Even the tiny breeds can be killers. It may seem silly, but it is quite true.

Case in point, in October of 2000 a news-story reported that a family's pet Pomeranian had mauled their 6 week old baby. As a result, the baby died shortly thereafter. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

So if you are living under the assumption that just larger dogs can inflict fatal wounds, you had better start re-thinking!

While it's true that larger breeds are responsible for much of the dog attack fatalities reported, you should never underestimate a smaller breed though. Most of the fatalities that occur are within two groups of people, children and the elderly. In the United States alone there were an estimated 304 dog attack related deaths between 1979 and 1996 from an estimated 30 or so different breeds of dogs. Sadly, it seems this fatality number is on the rise.

But, this doesn't have to happen to you! This guide will give

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Defense

Self Defense 101

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Title: Self Defense 101

"Learning About Self Defense 101 Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Safety!"

Discover How To Defend Yourself Even With No Training!

Dear Friend,

Acquire a game plan, avoidance ought to be your first goal but if somehow this has failed you then your following option ought to be escape. Avoidance is a great deal controlled by your cognizance which may be heightened by increasing your self-defense knowledge through reading and research. If running or walking off isn't an option either then escape is by all odds your next option. If this calls for a physical battle then you ought to look to make this encounter as abbreviated as possible. The longer it continues then the odds might be against you. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your safety everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Feel Safe And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Self Defense 101!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the feeling of safety they desire in their overall life? It's because they don't know that it helps to realize who the foe is and discover to distinguish their movements, even rituals that are common among... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Self Defense

The Dangers of Identity Theft and How to Protect Yourself

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Title: The Dangers of Identity Theft and How to Protect Yourself

"You Could be a Victim of Identity Theft"

Have You Been Making These 14 Common Mistakes? Watch for the 5 Red Alerts That You've Been Attacked Discover What to Do If You've Been Victimized and How to Prevent Thieves from Targeting You!

Dear Safety Concerned Friend,

As our lives become more dependant on conveniences like credit cards, the Internet and other technologies we also open up doors to opportunistic thieves. These identity thieves seek to use our name, credit and money to steal and commit fraud. Victims are left fighting - sometimes for years - to overcome the debts, clear their reputation and deal with the emotional consequences of being victimized.

With estimates of nearly 10 million Americans being victimized within a year along with millions of others around the world it is crucial that you discover the steps you must take to prevent, identify and combat identity theft.

"Are You an Easy Target?"

Did you know that thieves do more than just steal credit cards? They can open new accounts or commit fraud in your name and you may not even realize it until the creditors or police come to get you!

Did you realize that many of the methods identity thieves use can be easily prevented by taking simple precautions?

Are you aware of the ways that identity thieves find your information? Methods used to steal your information right in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Defense, Self Help

Workplace Safety

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Title: Workplace Safety

Learn Strategies For Health & Safety In Your Workplace

Dear Friend,

Are you an employer, a supervisor, or an employee who has concerns about health and safety in the workplace? Do you sometimes worry about getting injured on the job, catching an illness from other workers, or how factors like these could affect your ability to get your job done on time?

In today's busy world, no one can really afford to miss time from work. Needing to take a week off, or even a day off, can prevent you from getting your work completed, slow down others in the workplace, and possibly even result in earning less money. You, and everyone else in your company, will be much better off with some basic tips on how to make health and safety a priority in your workplace.

All it takes is a little knowledge and preparation...

If you think about how loss of work time has affected you in the past, you do not want it to happen again. You do not want to risk any unnecessary illnesses or accidents, either for yourself or the other people in your company. Your work time is simply too important to waste - especially when it is not necessary!

The good news is most accidents in the workplace are preventable! Illnesses can often be prevented, too! When you have the very best information about how to make your workplace the healthiest and safest place to be, you... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals, Self Defense, Sports

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Title: Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit
Author: Tony Wilden

"Announcing... The New Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit. A Powerful Way to Prevent and Treat Aikido Training Injuries!"

Revealing Unique, Easy-To-Apply, Practical Information on How You Can Vastly Improve Your Aikido Ukemi Skills By Drastically Reducing the Fear of Being Hurt!

Here's Just Some of the Fascinating Information You'll Discover in This Fantastic Aikido Ebooks First Aid Kit...

  • Shortly you'll discover Your Ki power and finally achieve your goals.
  • Imagine feeling full of confidence and self belief - Just Incredible!
  • Learn the main reasons why Aikido dojo accidents occur.
  • Best Tips to survive an 'Over-Enthusiastic' training partner.
  • Discover the 2 main principles involved in Your Aikido practise.
  • Learn how You can become far more flexible... Yes, of course you can!
  • The very Best Ways for You to experience deep relaxation.
  • Unique and original info-packed pages... Don't Miss Out!
  • Learn exactly how to stay safe and prevent Aikido injuries.
  • What are the Best products to support Your training?... Find Out Now!
  • Discover simple ways... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Self Defense

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Title: The JKD Lead Punch: 101 Ways to Mastery
Author: Kip Brockett

How to use Bruce Lee's principles to better your lead punch, no matter what your martial arts style!

This eBook covers:

  • Top & Bottom Bag Drills
  • Speed Bag Drills
  • Solo Drills
  • Paper Target Drills
  • Focus Mitt Drills
  • Combination Drills

And practical explanations along the way to give you the small details necessary to succeed.

I also introduce to you my own 8 Step Practice Sequence that will really help you to break down the mechanics of this punch!

You'll learn how to:

  • Use different pieces of training equipment for maximum results! From basic to advanced and some new twists on old themes. Plenty to choose from so you'll never get bored!
  • Make your punch lightning fast! No. 7 of the 8 Step Practice Sequence I introduce alone, will increase your speed... guaranteed!
  • Make YOUR punch more powerful than ever before! There are 3 vital aspects to punching with power revealed in the first half of the ebook that the majority of martial artists don't employ.
  • Learn to combine footwork and angles for even more deceptiveness! It's hard to hit someone that can move & hit from any direction. Learn to move with finesse.
  • Get rid of telegraphing motions, so you can get past the best of defenses! Are others using these methods to get in on you?
  • Apply broken rhythm like a master! Broken rhythm is a must
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Category: Military, Self Defense, Self Help

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Title: Get Your Gun Guide
  • I’ll show you how to ditch what you have now for the only gun that outperforms them all.

    You’ll never quite run out of bullets for this one.

    Warning: It’s deadlier and messier than an AA2 Automatic Shotgun… and it never backfires!

  • They’ll even try to cut a deal with you. And I’ll share some of the tricks on how to make the best of this opportunity.

  • Once you know how to choose the right weapon and how to use it when someone tries to attack you, you’ll always be the one left standing.

    This is what will get you out when the military police come for your guns.

    And there’s no way they can see this coming.

    They’ll run from your house covered in shame, never to come back.

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Category: Nonfiction, Self Defense, Self Help

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Title: Darkest Days - How To Survive An EMP Attack To The Grid
Author: Alec Deacon

What Disaster Is So Powerful...

It unleashes a chain of mass pandemics, economic meltdowns and violent food riots... all at the same time?

The answer may shock you... but preparing for this means you're 100% shielded against anything mother nature, God or the evil of man may throw at you.

My name is Alec Deacon and in this shocking presentation I'm going to expose the "21st Century Apocalypse".

This ebook is the only practical guide you'll find on EMP preparedness and in fact, if you want your family to be safe when an EMP strikes... this is it.

It shows you not just how to survive... but also how to flourish after an EMP hits America's reset button... and how to do it all on a tight budget.

Who among us could have predicted 9/11? But unlike that tragedy, there has been undeniable scientific proof of an imminent solar flare and a likely HEMP attack.

It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when". The Government, FEMA and the DHS continue to sleep on it. They don't even make an effort to tell people about it.

Here's A Glimpse Of What Charles' Program Covers:

  • And I'll show you what 5 vital electronics you need after an EMP strike...missing out any one of these could mean that your family will struggle with the most essential things like communication, light and heat.
  • You'll discover how to assemble a simple device that will shield your electronics from the EMP...... Click here to read the full description!

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