Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger Ebook
Title: Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger
There was a little boy who never wanted to grow up. He lived with a group of other little boys who felt the same way. This group of little boys thought they were happy until they discovered that there was something missing in their lives. They didn't have a mother. . . .
That's how the story of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys began. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a fairy tale like this came true? Sadly, we live in a world of reality.
Unlike Peter, we do grow up and as we do, we grow older.
Juan Ponce de Leon trekked across Florida and the Caribbean centuries ago searching for the illusive Fountain of Youth. Little did he know that he would leave behind a legacy that is still alive and well today!
In fact, this relentless search for youth can be traced back to ancient civilians who blamed the gods for old age.
Every day we are bombarded with the "not so subliminal" message that youth and good looks are all that matters. This message is coming through loud and clear at the same time that we are living longer than ever before.
Comedian George Burns lived to 100. When asked if his doctor knew he still smoked, Burns said, "No. . . he's dead! George was that rare exception to the smoking rule. But, he did beat all the odds!
Dylan Thomas had it right:
" Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Yes, you can change your own destiny. The only question is whether you are willing to make the changes necessary to fight the aging process.
There is little mystery about it. We have evolved to the point where we live in a genetically evolved body that can withstand the ravages of time as no other point in known history.
Yet, we ingest foods that constantly attack the immune system. We pour tons of fat down our throats. We sit behind computers all day with little or no exercise. Then, we become concerned when our bodies finally fight back.
It's never too late to flip the hourglass and start over. While we can't always remodel an outdated house or body, we can take steps to see that we take full advantage of every day we have remaining.
For instance:
- We can adjust our eating habits.
- We can change our environment to protect ourselves from further harm.
- Educate ourselves about the benefits of proper exercise.
- Reverse some of the damage of heart attack and stroke
- Change our attitude and lengthen our lives
- Enjoy a healthy sex life
- Learn what tests we should be screened for on a regular basis
Truth be told, Secrets to Looking And Feeling Younger aren't secrets at all. They are available for the asking if you just educate yourself before it's too late.
Did you know:
- Every cigarette puff inhales over 4,700 chemicals to your body?
- If you quit smoking you slash the risk of heart attack by 50%?
- You eat an equivalent of a pound and a half of butter each week?
It's never too late if you begin. Take control. You can do this.
Grab your copy now and before you know it, you'll be calling out, "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning"!
- Food
- Fiber
- Supplements
- Does It Come From Grandma?
- It's A Killer
- Your Environment And Disease
- Exercise
- Retirement
- Sex After 50
The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells. The speed at which that process takes place when we are children is vastly different as we get older.
For years explorers searched for the illusive "fountain of youth." Unfortunately, it does not exist or you wouldn't be reading this.
Every day you are bombarded daily with commercial messages that attempt to lure you into believing that the most recent miracle drug is just what you need to fight off the ravages of Mother Nature.
At times it seems as though there are more miracle methods than ever being flashed in front of your eyes each day. . .and there are. Ask any advertising executive and they will admit that there are more advertisements than ever touting everything designed to cash in on a huge market. What is that market? It's the aging Baby Boomers.
We are living longer as a whole. Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing depending on your perspective. In this book we will
explore low and no cost methods you can use to help in the anti-aging process.
Some of our material may be new and some serve as reminders of things we may have forgotten. We may not have had much say in how we arrived on this earth, but we can certainly determine how and when we will depart. Just remember, YOU are in control.
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