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Search Engines Revealed Ebook

Search Engines Revealed
Category: SEO and Promotion
Ebook cover: Search Engines Revealed


Title: Search Engines Revealed

Is it really possible to get targeted traffic for free?

It is possible? Is it possible? Not only is it possible, it's impossible to make money with out it !

Dear Struggling Web Marketer,

I feel your pain. I know things aren't going as well as you wanted them to but rest assured (seriously) things are about to change. The time wasn't too long ago when I was trying to find a way to get some really good traffic that converted well for me (converted means turns a surfer into a customer).

You name it, I tried it. Mailing lists, newsletters, "viral" stuff, social networking, blogging, etc... I mean sure it did get me some traffic but it just wasn't cutting it so I knew there had to be a better (and cheaper) way.

I was correct. There is a better (and cheaper) way to get targeted traffic that converts well for free. First I thought it was PPC (Pay-Per-Click) but it wasn't. It's just flat out regular search engine traffic.

The Only Problem Is ...

Understanding what search engines are, what they do, how to get your site in them and how they'll help you is often a mind boggling experience. Have you ever heard the old saying, "You have to walk before you can run"?

Well, when it comes to getting targeted traffic to your site(s) from well ranking search engines listing is no different. To understand how to achieve success with search engines you have to understand everything I mentioned above.

Now I personally spent several years figuring all this stuff out before I really got it down and starting to make some money from search engines. Additionally, a large amount of money was invested in all my "learning".

I highly doubt you're looking to spend several years and tons of money on mastering search engines. That would be completely pointless, wouldn't it? Yea, I thought so. So, with out any further a due please give a warm welcome to :

Search Engines Revealed !

Just like the title says, someone has finally come along and laid out everything there is to know about Search Engines and everything there is to know about making money from them, with ease.


1) How Search Engines Work

Duh! Of course you have to know what water is before you boil it. There I go again with the sayings :) Anyways, you do need to know all about search engines to use them to your advantage and I've spilled the beans...

2) The Correct Way To Get Indexed

Sure there are ways to get your site listed in the search engines overnight (many of which I'll teach you) but if you want more than a few hours of traffic you'll need to (PLEASE SEE CONTENTS OF E-BOOK)

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

  • A simple way to get any site indexed in the search engines quickly and easily
  • Why every other traffic source is simply unacceptable to make money
  • How the key to your success greatly depends on your sites title and...
  • How you can make the search engines come to you over and over and over
  • When simply submitting your site to search engines no longer works
  • The in's and out's of the search engines and how to use them for your own good
  • Why you need to leave what you thought you knew on the table and start over
  • What simple changes you can make to your site for the best possible chance of...
  • How to attract search engine spiders to your site and see what you want them to
  • The cold hard truth about why some sites rank well and others don't

And a lot more!

Ebook cover: Search Engines Revealed
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Price: $3.00
Ebook Type: PDF
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