SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century Ebook
Title: SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century
Attention: All full-pledged, would-be, and aspiring parents who want to give only the best for their children!
"Who Else Wants to Become the World's Greatest Mom or Dad Without Putting Yourself to Wit's End in Raising Highly Successful Children?"
There is not a perfect parent in the world, but you can surely be the best parent your children can ever have. How will you do that? You must:
- Anticipate their every tantrum.
- Comprehend what moves children's sentiment.
- Appreciate them as wonderful gifts and blessings.
- Address all their challenges and emotions.
- Understand what your kids need or like.
Surely, being an exceptionally learned parent is a vital responsibility in building a stable family. However, what you may not know is:
"Being a parent can both be fun and easy!"
Dear Smart Parent,
Becoming an effective parent is a big task. Parents are expected to be fair, just, and always right. They are supposed to be caring and loving at all times. Moreover, it is always assumed that any parent would put their kids' welfare over their own, whatever the cost.
While it is true that new parents would suddenly develop a fatherly or motherly instinct right after the birth of their first child, it is not always right to let everything rely purely on instincts alone. There is such a thing as smart parenting, and it is supposed to be understood and internalized.
"Your children's needs changes over time."
Do not assume for a moment that your first-born's needs are the same as your third or fourth child. Consider their age gap; and then try to analyze the things that kids used to do then and what things influence the children of today. You will then understand that effective parenting is an ongoing learning process. And parents can discover a lot from their kids, too.
"You have to become a smart parent!"
Know the exact ways that any responsible parent would do in every given situation. Mold your children in a very precise but loving way towards the path they should take - the one that is right and good.
Then you can say that you have successfully played your part as a parent!
All children need encouragement and praise as they grow up. It makes them strive to do things better the next time around. It also shows them that what they do is being appreciated and admired by the very people who matter most to them - the parents!
Discipline must be carried out. It is a trait so important that it should be the cornerstone of parenthood. In fact, the hardest part of being a parent is that you must carry out discipline as you relay love and affection. Indeed, being a parent requires some skills!
"No doubt that clueless parents stop at nothing to become better at their missions!"
Because your children's future is in your hands, you should do everything under your power to give them only the best in the world. This does not only relate to material things. Values, virtues, knowledge, and principles have to be inculcated and taught to your children considerably.
And because the crucial job of parents is highly acknowledged, a report was prepared with the sole intention of teaching every aspiring parent on how to raise children the smart and effective way, so that these kids would have better chances of having a happy and successful future.
SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century is a must-read for all parents who want to raise success-bound kids.
This report is designed for parents of the new century. It is packed with all the necessary information that parents of today will surely need. It is updated with the current ideas and studies that pertain to parenting and child psychology.
This exciting report will bring out the best parent in you. It also tackles children's behavior from a psychological viewpoint. This will enable you to understand your children more and know why they engage in the things that they do.
SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century will teach readers:
- How to increase your chances of raising highly successful kids.
- What the children of the 21st century are like in general.
- What encouragement, praises, and positive reinforcement do to children.
- How children can be subjected to unnecessary pressure by demanding parents.
- The things a parent should avoid so as not to spoil their kids.
- The negative effects of unreasonable demands by parents to their children.
- How to teach the value of obedience, sincerity, order, and justice to kids.
- How to know if you are a demanding parent.
- The best way to talk to your children.
- How to form values in your kids and instill good behavior in them.
- How to build your children's self-esteem.
- Why the time for play and recreation is important for children's growing years.
- The magic of touch and hugging.
- How simple acts of affection create positive responses from children.
- Why parenting is such a challenge.
And a whole lot more!
In SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century, you will enjoy and cherish being a parent, no matter how challenging the task may seem.
This report will clearly show you the step-by-step process of converting yourself into the greatest parent you can be to your kids. It will transform the taxing job of being a parent into a whole new ballgame. Raising kids will go from challenging and straining, to becoming fun and exciting!
"You'll become so likeable that your kid's friends might wish you were their parent too!"
There's no need for any trial and error stages with your children. You can't afford to do that! With this report, you'll be a knowledgeable parent even before any of your kids are born!
Ebook Type: PDF
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