SEO and Promotion ebooks

Generating a Stream of Turbo Traffic and Maintaining It
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: Generating a Stream of Turbo Traffic and Maintaining It
"Learn How Helping Others Benefits You And How You Can Begin Accomplishing Powerful Goals In The Process..."
The secrets behind being an Internet Idol and Inspiring Others!
Dear Friend,
There are 2 elements involved in attaining a magnet personality. The first is your ability to draw in people. The second is your accessibility, the extent to which others perceive you as being open. Together, these 2 qualities create a positive attitude, one of the top traits of a master marketer. Together, they influence how magnetic you are for your business.
You've probably heard of a person having a magnetic personality. If something or somebody is magnetic, the object or individual has an extraordinary power or ability to attract.
The truth is:
If You Do Not Know How To become an Internet Idol and and have a magnetic personality you are spinning your wheels!
Fear is the number one reason people don't start conversations--fear of rejection, fear of inadequacy and fear of looking foolish. But practice will make this fear fade. The more you start conversations, the better you become at it.
If you have no idea how to be a magnet or self confidence it will be difficult to achieve any type of success.
But, you can learn how to dominate the internet and become an internet idol. I have the perfect
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Step by Step, how I achieved top 5 positions in ALL search Engines!!!
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Title: Step by Step, how I achieved top 5 positions in ALL search Engines!!!
This is the story of how I managed to make it to from zero to stardom in five days....
First thing first, I will initially tell you how I decided on a niche and how I managed to get a killer idea to produce a website that locally, here in my country and even in Europe is making a killing. Don't worry the website is not important in itself, but rather the method I use will help you get the same results I managed to obtain on this website. I will show you how to replicate this on ANY other website you want because it is so easy to use and yet so powerful.
So the story begins as follows... I live in the beautiful island of Malta, which is just south of Italy in Europe. In Malta summer is great and it lasts for about 6 months. So one day I was lying at the beach enjoying the sun and my brother was rambling about something....
My brother was saying that as a thesis for his university degree in English he will be doing a dictionary from English to Maltese, (Maltese being the national language used here in Malta). At the time I had already discovered the method I am going to show you and had already semi-tested it on other websites, but I wanted to find a killer idea first so I could test it out on it. I spoke to my brother and he gave me the javascript to this fantastic one word at a time translator from English to Maltese, which at the time was still unheard of here in Malta and my brother was doing this as a thesis!!!
So I
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Stealing Traffic From The Giants
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Title: Stealing Traffic From The Giants
Author: Liz Tomey
How To Steal Traffic From One Of The Net's Biggest Traffic Giants... YouTube!
"Here's How YOU - Or ANYONE - Can Leverage On The Internet's 4th MOST TRAFFICKED WEBSITE TO BOOST YOUR POPULARITY & PUBLICITY FOR BUSINESS. . . via Video Marketing!"
With The Emergence Of Web Video Popularity, You CANNOT Afford To Miss Out On This Exponentially Growing Trend - Because It Could Make Or Break Your Popularity & Business Growth!
Dear Marketer,
Unless you've been living under the rock, I bet you've heard and been to before. And what's up with all the Top Internet Marketing gurus preaching about the importance of using videos as an additional arsenal to your array of marketing weapons?
It's all because of one emerging trend that has been taking place on the net in recent couple of years. It is called: VIDEO MARKETING.
So if you're quite accustomed to writing online to promote yourself and/or your business, you're probably wondering, "why should I use videos - and hey, why YouTube??"
Why Use YouTube
- YouTube has been responsible for transforming ordinary individuals into Internet
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Top Secret Press Release Traffic Booster
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Top Secret Press Release Traffic Booster
Table Of Contents:
- Introduction
- Examples of my press releases that reached number one position in and how you too can do it again and again
- The Secret method I use to get to NUMBER 1 Position on in less than an HOUR!!= GUARANTEED
- How to choose the perfect headline to attract traffic.
- How to write an effective press release in half an hour.
- Choosing a press release distribution service (Free options) to achieve maximum success.
- The three key points you should keep in mind to effective press release writing.
1.0 Introduction
Welcome to the Press Release Traffic Booster.
This e-book will outline the methods you can use to get your press release written, submitted and published on TOP number 1 Position on in a couple of hours.
Many people spend tons of money and countless hours trying to work out Search engine optimization, however we all know that certain search engines prefer certain 'content' against any other websites. Amongst the preferred content of top search engines lie Press Releases.
We will delve into the issue of how we can easily tap into this resource and drive tons of traffic to your websites.
This e-book is filled with practical step by step examples that will help you achieve success, there is no filler text neither any affiliate links to
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Traffic Tidal Wave!
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Title: Traffic Tidal Wave!
20 Of The Best Known Ways To Get Traffic Online!
Learn 3 unique methods to drive constant traffic to your website and create a huge tidal wave of subscribers and customers within a very short period of time! Perfect for the busy Internet entrepreneur!
- Blogging and Forum Posting
- Pay Per Click Services
- Article Submissions
- Directory Submission
- Traffic Exchange Programs
- Link Exchange Programs
- Social Networking Sites
- Email Marketing
- Video Sharing
- Viral Marketing
- Podcasting
- Giving Away
- Squidoo
- Yahoo! Answers
- USFreeAds
- Digg
- Craigslist
- StumbleUpon
- Social Bookmarking
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Traffic Mayhem
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Title: Traffic Mayhem
Traffic Mayhem (Transcript in PDF format)
Direct 1 Million Free Visitors To Your Website
Mark Flavin and Terry Telford recently recorded a tell-all TeleClass that showed attendees how to get 1 million visitors to their websites every year...for free. The following excerpts were taken directly from the TeleClass.
Mark Flavin and Terry Telford Reveal How To:
- Get listed in Google in 6 hours
- Legally hijack YouTube videos
- Get 40,000 targeted visitors in 1 day
Legally hijack YouTube videos
Excellent! As far as video, is there any way to brand a video? So if I want to send a video for one of your products, for example, can I brand that video with my affiliate link?
Yeah, there's a very cool website called This is a particularly cool website. It allows you to take any YouTube videos and allows you to put a little bubble on it which is clickable.
So you can take any YouTube video, you don't have to go to the effort of creating a video yourself. If we go back to the golf example. If there's a funny video of some guy playing golf and he takes a swing and falls or something. You could put a bubbleply link on it and link it to your product.
Ship that off to your
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SEO For Busy Marketers
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: SEO For Busy Marketers
Lift The Lid On The Quick And Effective SEO Secrets Used By Top Marketers!
Creating and publishing a website is no longer a mysterious, cryptic task that is reserved only for computer geeks.
Nowadays anyone wanting a piece of the virtual pie can easily sign up for a free blog in about five minutes.
In addition, there are lots of free WYSIWYG editors available that make creating a beautiful, interactive website a very simple drag & drop process.
In short - putting up a blog or website is now the EASY part.
What Really Separates The Men From The Boys (or Girls) These Days Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
So what exactly IS S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) ?
SEO can be defined as the process of driving traffic to your website organically (unpaid) from the search engines.
That's the technical bit over with.
All you REALLY need to know is that there are two kinds of people in the online marketing world:
- Those who know the SEO shortcuts and how to use them
- Those who DON'T
Your online business requires a lot of work.
Chances are you have to be accountant, CEO, marketing manager, sales director, affiliate team leader and a dozen other different roles all at the same time.
Time is your biggest enemy.
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SEO For Beginners
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: SEO For Beginners
- How Search Engines Work
- What Is SEO ?
- The Importance of Quality Content for SEO
- Keywords In Text
- Optimizing Content For SEO And Readability
- Is Your Website Hurting Your SEO
- Are Top Ranking Keywords Best For SEO?
- Choosing The Right Keywords for SEO
- Duplicate Content and SEO
- Does Site Accessibility Matter for SEO?
- Online Tools for Keyword Research
- Blog Commenting Equals SEO
- Keyword Research Through Brainstorming
- Common SEO Mistakes
- Are Links Important to SEO?
- 10 Top Tips for SEO Success
- Long Tail Keywords for SEO
- Sitemaps for SEO
- SEO And Keywords
- Linking to Other Sites
- You Cannot Buy SEO
- Testing Our You Keyword Choices
- Tags and SEO
- URL'S and SEO
- Keyword Density for SEO
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Web 2.0 for Newbies
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Title: Web 2.0 for Newbies
Find Out How To Triple Your Traffic Cheaply, Easily, And Conveniently Using Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Is Not A New Technology, But It WILL Provide You An EASIER, SIMPLER AND CHEAPER Way To Collaborate, Communicate, And MAKE MONEY On The Web...
If you are looking for information about Web 2.0, and how you can use the next generation technology to promote your business and collaborate with others, you've landed in just the right place.
I have to admit. I am an old-fashioned guy. So when I heard about the "next generation" Web I was a bit skeptical, and rightly so. Turns out, this "new" technology isn't really new at all.
Does Web 2.0 deserve all the hype it receives? Find out for yourself...
You are going to discover:
- The philosophy supporting Web 2.0, and its use in businesses, commerce, communication and collaboration...
- 5 key features of Web 2.0 and how you can use them to your advantage whether promoting your business or creating a personal portfolio and commentary on the Web...
- Why Internet Marketers are jumping on the Web 2.0 bandwagon, and how you too can use this technology to increase the volume of traffic to your sites tenfold...
- How to tag and ping your web pages, so you attract more attention on popular Web 2.0 sites...
- What Web 2.0 means to the future of Web, and whether you should start your own

An Introduction To Indexing, Linkbuilding, And SEO
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Title: An Introduction To Indexing, Linkbuilding, And SEO
A great site, a great product, and great advertising are just a few small parts of making it in the Internet Marketing world. You're competing with millions of other marketers out there, so you'd better know how to get Indexed and rise to the top of the Google ranks.
"An Introduction To Indexing, Linkbuilding, And SEO" will show you how.
Once and for all, everything you wanted to know, revealed!
Reach Search Engine Stardom, Virtually Overnight!
Dear Friend,
How long have you been cracking away at this whole Internet Marketing thing? More people don't make it than do make it in this "game". It's nothing personal and I can definitely tell you it's not due to a lack of hard work or effort.
Chances are you've actually worked so hard that you're doing more harm than good. You may have made a few bucks, but as we all know you've probably spent a lot more than you've made.
Memberships, Content, Tools, Software, Gimmicks, Advertising, etc... It all adds up pretty quick. At the end of the day the person on the other end of the Internet is the one making all the money and you can't believe how much you've spent.
When the Internet came out, anyone could put a site up on anything with little effort, money and skills and they could very easily make a fortune. They had the eyes of millions of people staring at just them.
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