Intellectual: the man, which reads the books even in good weather

Resell And Grow Rich Ebook

Resell And Grow Rich
Category: E-Business
Ebook cover: Resell And Grow Rich


Title: Resell And Grow Rich
" Discover How You Can Increase Your eBook Upsells, Build Expert Status, Increase Quality Leads, And Grow Residual Income EXPLOSIVELY With Your Own Resell Rights! "

Find Out Why You Are Cheating Yourself Out Of Bigger Profits And How You Can Use The Power Of Resell Rights To Become The Next Best-Selling Author Rather Than Just A Struggling Writer!

Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,

Are you tired of hearing the same old lines like: "Write an e-Book, start an affiliate program, and get your affiliate army to sell thousands of copies for you"?

And you've been trying to do just that without any success right?

The truth is while in 'theory' it's a great business model in reality IT SUCKS!

95% Of affiliates don't make money! Some because they're lazy, some because they lack motivation. And without wanting to sound unkind, most of them just don't know how to market products effectively - as a result they don't make sales BUT THAT MEANS... you don't make any money either!

In the last five years I could count on my fingers the number of truly successful affiliates I've worked with....

.... Don't get me wrong, there ARE super affiliates out there that can sell hundreds/thousands of your products and make you rich in the process but finding them and, more importantly, persuading them to actually work with you can be almost impossible unless your a 'name'

You're cheating yourself out of a better solution.

Before you see any further let me set this out properly, this information is specifically for you if.......

You've written an e-Book or created a software program that you're planning to sell online.

  • Or if you have already tried selling your products with little success.
  • Or if you're marketing digital products 'you own' and your results aren't what you'd hoped for.

If you want a solution that works for the best selling Internet Marketers like clockwork then keep reading...

Because Here Is The Best Advice You'll Ever Receive!

Leverage your marketing efforts on resellers instead of affiliates?

Reseller vs. Affiliate

In case you are still new to Resell Rights, resellers are individuals who resell digital products with Resell Rights and keep all the profits. That's the one feature that separates a reseller from an affiliate, since the reseller has access to the product together with its acquired rights while the affiliate acts mainly as a referrer without having the benefit of keeping the product unless they purchases it.

So, you are probably wondering: why resellers and not affiliates?

Consider the following:

  • Resellers are more motivated than affiliates.

Why? because a reseller has to invest an amount of money in acquiring a product with Resell Rights. It's their own money on the table and as a result they're more motivated to recover their investment quick and profit from it.

There is no joining fee in becoming an affiliate. There's no pressure to sell and it's the reason why most affiliates fail - they're simply not as motivated as resellers because they didn't invest a penny to become one.

  • Resellers work independently.

A reseller sets up his or her own page or web site to start selling the product. If the reseller is at fault, their business would be affected and not yours. Besides, overall resellers are more serious about their business than most affiliate marketing novices.

If you recruit just any Tom, Dick, and Harry into your affiliate program, on the other hand, don't be surprised if you see one of them spamming your favourite forum IMPORTANTLY if affiliate spamming gets out of hand, it won't be long until you have your first - and last - online date with your domain name provider just before he shuts your online business down for good.

Resell Rights - A Powerful Online Leverage?

"Leverage" is a very powerful word in business of any kind. But like a kitchen knife, it can be used in your favour - or even against you.

If you have been online for some time, I am very sure that you have come across quite a number of Resell Rights products. They can come in the form of e-books or software, scripts and audio/video. But they all sure have Resell Rights conveyed.

And if you hang out often with other Internet Marketers, some of them would loathe Resell Rights like mud on the ground. In other words, most Resell Rights products out there are garbage that should belong in the Rubbish Bin folder!

But not ALL of them. Not YOUR e-Book, you don't want that to happen!

Creating your own Resell Rights offers you incredible leverage and you can easily increasing your upfront sales, grow your residual income, and even build up your expert status almost overnight.

But like any other forms of power, it can be used in your favour, or even against you.

More often than not, most Resell Rights e-Book authors use Resell Rights against themselves.

Small wonder why most Resell Rights products are labelled "junk"!

Getting it wrong means you'll simply not make any money and end up wasting your time.

You need to understand:

  • Why you should you convey Resell Rights to your e-Book when resellers get to keep 100% of the profits for every copy of your e-Book sold since you won't be getting a single cent out of it?
  • Why resellers choose to resell YOUR e-Book in the first place?
  • How you're going to earn residual income by conveying Resell Rights to your e-Book?

So many people ask me the same questions and now there's an answer ...



Let Me Show You How You Can Use Resell Rights to
Increase Your Upsells, Grow Your Reputation, Build Quality Leads, And Explode Your Residual Income!

In this new guide, you'll learn how to start from scratch and create a profitable business around your e-Book simply by conveying Resell Rights to it.

Within days you can be on your way to become the next best-selling author!


  • The Resell Rights concept and plan for e-Book authors.

While Resell Rights is a broad topic you'll learn that the rules are different for Resell Rights e-Book authors and resellers.

You'll own an entire Resell Rights profits plan blueprint, leaving no more guesswork for you.

  • The 4 money making centres.

Find out the 4 ways you can make money from your e-Book with Resell Rights, some of which you won't know so well or that could never be accomplished if you start a regular affiliate program to sell your e-Book.

  • Everything you need to get started!

Find out exactly what you need to get started to create a serious Resell Rights business and where to get them for free to low cost!

  • How and what a savvy reseller thinks.

Elite resellers are individuals on the look out for quality, in-demand products to resell and keep all the profits to themselves. You need to know how they think and analyze their "investments" before making a purchase and investing their own effort and sweat equity into marketing them.

Once you understand how they think you'll know exactly how you can go about making your Resell Rights program a reseller magnet!

  • How to write your e-Book.

While this can fall under info product creation, you'll discover how to strategically architect your e-Book to make it high in quality and attractive to your resellers. You'll also learn why your e-Book should be in PDF Format rather than .EXE format.

  • How to draw up 'SAFE' Resell Rights terms and conditions.

A lot of product authors goof up this part. Don't make these common mistakes. You'll know how to avoid them and see the TOP 10 questions you must answer in your Resell Rights terms and conditions. You'll also get valuable insights and strategies so your terms work in your favour rather than against you!


  • What to equip your resellers with.

You don't want to give them any excuse not to resell your e-Book. Equip them to the fullest because their main concern should be marketing, marketing, marketing.

Find out what you need to prepare for them in detail in this guide and how you can gain an edge over other product authors simply by adding a few different components to your Reseller Materials Pack. Hardly anyone thinks to do this!

  • How to prevent your e-Book from getting devalued.

Most Resell Rights products have very low "life span" due to huge mistakes in marketing and product creation. This manual will show you some of the most important factors you should be aware of that can be responsible for putting your e-Book in the E-graveyard too soon.

  • Where to look for resellers in the masses.

Find out where to look for resellers in masses and how you can get your product to them!

  • How to earn back-end income, quality leads and gain more exposure.

And much, much more!

Dreamers Beware ...

I would be lying if I said that there is no effort involved so if you're naive enough to believe there's a 'magic bullet' that works without effort this manual is not for you.

  • Yes you'll have to work - but with these tactics you only have to do everything RIGHT once.
  • You create your e-Book - once.
  • You write and execute your plan - once.
  • You prepare your Reseller Materials Pack - once.
  • You write your Resell Rights terms and conditions - once.
  • You set up your web site for business - once!

Your resellers will be taking on the continuous marketing effort and as long as you do it right you'll be enjoying passive income without any additional effort.

Let's be 100% clear on this... Would you prefer to sell your e-Book on your own? Because if you do you'll end up having to write and sell several e-Books a month just to survive online -

Or would you like to work smart and put your income on autopilot and harness the power of leverage the easy way.

Get Your Copy of Resell And Grow Rich NOW!

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P.S. Remember there is more to being a best-seller than just being a best-writer. Get the Resell Rights insights, tips, strategies, and concepts you MUST use if you want to earn continuously from your written work.

P.P.S. In online business, selling your product once is like grabbing a ticket to being broke forever. This one of a kind manual ebook shows you how you can get more back-end income out of your e-Book, no matter how many copies you sell.

P.P.P.S. Your resellers are vital to the success of your business. Make sure you understand how to be the person they return to for new products everytime.

P.P.P.P.S. If you want to increase your upsells, reputation, quality leads, and residual income exponentially, look no further than getting a copy of this guide right here, right now.

P.S. Remember there is more to being a best-seller than just being a best-writer. Get the Resell Rights insights, tips, strategies, and concepts you MUST use if you want to earn continuously from your written work.

P.P.S. In online business, selling your product once is like grabbing a ticket to being broke forever. This one of a kind manual ebook shows you how you can get more back-end income out of your e-Book, no matter how many copies you sell.

P.P.P.S. Your resellers are vital to the success of your business. Make sure you understand how to be the person they return to for new products everytime.

P.P.P.P.S. If you want to increase your upsells, reputation, quality leads, and residual income exponentially, look no further than getting a copy of this guide right here, right now.

Price: $45.00
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