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Somerset Maugham

Recipes Tried And True Ebook

Recipes Tried And True
Category: Cooking


Title: Recipes Tried And True
Cookbook (87 pages)


The best soups are made with a blending of many flavors. Don't be afraid of experimenting with them. Where you make one mistake you will be surprised to find the number of successful varieties you can produce. If you like a spicy flavor, try two or three cloves, or allspice, or bay leaves. All soups are improved by a dash of onion, unless it is the white soups, or purees from chicken, veal, fish, etc. In these celery may be used.

In nothing so well as soups can a housekeeper be economical of the odds and ends of food left from meals. One of the best cooks was in the habit of saving everything, and announced one day, when her soup was especially praised, that it contained the crumbs of gingerbread from her cake box!

Creamed onions left from a dinner, or a little stewed corn or tomatoes, potatoes fried or mashed, a few baked beans--even a small dish of apple sauce--have often added to the flavor of soup. Of course, all good meat gravies, or bones from roast or fried meats, can be added to the contents of your stock kettle. A little butter is always needed in tomato soup.

Stock is regularly prepared by taking fresh meat (cracking the bones and cutting the meat into small pieces) and covering it with cold water. Put it over the fire and simmer or boil gently until the meat is very tender. Some cooks say, allow an hour for each pound of meat. Be sure to skim carefully. When done take out meat and strain your liquid. It will frequently jelly, and will keep in a cold place for several days, and is useful for gravies, as well as soups.



One small can salmon, four eggs beaten light, four tablespoons melted
butter--not hot--one half cup fine bread crumbs. Season with salt,
pepper, and parsley. Chop fish fine, then rub in butter till smooth.
Beat crumbs into egg and season before putting with fish. Butter your
mold and steam one hour.

SAUCE FOR SAME.--One cup of milk, heated to a boil; thicken with one
tablespoon of corn starch and one tablespoon of butter, beaten
together. Put in the liquor from the salmon and one raw egg, beaten
light; add a little pepper. Put the egg in last, and carefully pour
over loaf; Serve hot.


Stir in one cup of drawn butter, the yolks of two eggs (well beaten),
pepper and salt, and a few sprigs of parsley. Let it boil. Pour over
fish when ready to serve.


One-half cup butter, with one-half cup vinegar; let boil, then add two
mustardspoonfuls of prepared mustard, a little salt, and one egg,
beaten together. Make in the farina kettle. Stir while cooking.


Place good-sized oysters on pie plates; sprinkle well with flour,
small lumps of butter, pepper and salt. Cover with strained liquor
and a little cold water. Set in a warm oven fifteen or twenty
minutes. Nice to serve with turkey.


Open and clean fish (white or bass). Have fish pan spread thick with
butter, and lay fish in. Season with salt. Over this pour two
well-beaten eggs, and dredge with flour. Bake three-quarters of an
hour, and baste with butter and water. Garnish fish plate with


Pick bones and skin out of one can of salmon, and mince fine. Use as
much rolled cracker as you have salmon, a little salt, and cup of
cream. Fill sea shells with this mixture, placing a small piece of
butter on top of each shell. Bake twenty minutes and serve in the


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