Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.

Psychology ebooks

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Category: Psychology

Body Language Magic

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Title: Body Language Magic

Warning: Many people often do not mean what they say.

"How to Efficiently Decode People's Inner Feelings and Emotions Through Their Body Movements, and How You Can Use This Knowledge to Succeed in Your Career, Relationships, and Personal Life!"

What I am about to tell you might shock you.

Many people think that the most popular way of communicating with other people is through the mouth. But what they didn't know is that actual verbal communication accounts to only around 10% (or even less) of the overall means to convey a message.

Moreover, you can never determine the truthfulness or sincerity of people by what they say alone. In fact, words transmitted verbally oftentimes do not reflect what people really think or feel. The only way you can determine their true inner feelings and thoughts is by reading their body language.

Dear friend,

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you can "see through" the emotions of other people? Let's say you asked a person if he can do an important task. He says "ok." But deep inside, you are questioning yourself, "Is he really willing to do this job?" or "Does he have the confidence to finish this assignment?"

You can't question him directly because that would be like belittling him. And even if you ask him those questions, his replies will not be indicative of what he really feels or thinks.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Self Help

Beating Procrastination

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Title: Beating Procrastination
Author: Jack Webster

Finally Uncover How You Can "Be Happier and Achieve More!"

"Set Yourself On the Road to Success by Beating Procrastination Once and For All!"

Change is difficult, but the rewards are so worth the effort!

Nothing is more destructive than procrastination. It's an insidious practice that slowly but surely eats away at our goals and dreams in life. It doesn't seem like a "big deal" when it's just one or two small things that get put off or totally missed.

However, like any other repeated behavior, before you know it you've got a new highly destructive habit!

It doesn't have to be that way! Now you have a tool that will help you changed that learned behavior once and for all! Step by step you will uncover the secrets to beating this dream stealer and eradicating it from your life.

If you are skeptical about just how important beating procrastination can be, take a look at your surroundings. Do you have children? Think about how destructive it would be for you to encourage your son or daughter to put off studying for their final exams until the night before the test.

No parent who genuinely loves their children would give him/her that kind of advice. Our role as parents are to help our children grow and develop into successful adults.

Yet, each time they

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Mind, Psychology

Unleashing the Creative New You!

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Title: Unleashing the Creative New You!

Attention: Now you can think like a genius!

"Who Else Wants to Develop Super Creative Abilities to Generate Highly Innovative Ideas, Solve the Most Difficult Problems With Ease, and Attain Enormous Success in Life?"

They snickered as I strode the length of the conference room, to the podium. I was prepared to address the committee.

"Is this some kind of joke?" whispered a fellow associate, as I moved past him. I was new in the department, and have not yet bowled them over with my great ideas.

"Not exactly an idea generator, what's that person trying to prove?" muttered one of the department supervisors.

I laid the folder containing my presentation on the podium, and opened it slowly. Clearing my throat, I said, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming."

I looked into the eyes of my new co-workers and saw a mixture of amusement, disbelief, and bafflement. It's true I have not exactly wowed my new team with my contributions since I was hired.

What they didn't know was that I've been keeping something from them. Should I tell them about the secret of my success?

I smiled at the assembled committee and began to lay out my ideas for the company's new advertising campaign. Mouths started dropping. Folks started nodding and smiling. Soon there were whispers around the conference room and smiles. When I finished my

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Relationships, Self Help

51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem

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Title: 51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem

Do you have low self-esteem? Do social situations stress you out? Do you wish you weren't so shy?

51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem can help!

You'll learn...

  • How to start conversations
  • How to start thinking positively
  • Ways to make dating less stressful
  • How to start liking yourself again

Find all these ideas and more! Start raising your self-esteem today!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Psychology

How to Influence Others!

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Title: How to Influence Others!

How to Exercise Dominant Influence Over Others!
Newly Discovered Manuscript Teaches Breakthrough Mind Control Techniques From Ancient Oriental Statesman!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some of the so-called leaders in your arena of life seem to attract all the "lucky breaks?" Does it seem like every time you turn around, you hear another one of his success stories?
Deep down you know that guy isn't any smarter than you. He probably has no more education and certainly wasn't born with that proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

So what's the big deal?

The big deal is that he has learned some valuable techniques that darn near guarantee his success in any endeavor he undertakes.
We don't know where he got his information. But, we can sure help you get yours. Stop letting success slip through your fingers when you can quickly and easily discover these principles and put them to work for yourself over and over again.
These are universal laws and principles practiced by world leaders again and again throughout history. . .but until now you weren't given the complete know how to put them to work in your own life!
Finally, here's your chance to take complete control not only over your own actions, but those of others and you can do it with just a few clicks of your mouse!
You are about to expose yourself to the kind of inside

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Self Help

How To Improve Self-Confidence

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Title: How To Improve Self-Confidence

"Discover How You Can Tap Into Your Own Psyche & Build Your Self-Confidence"

The best part is that you can learn how to do this in 15 powerful chapters that will boost success in your personal as well as professional life quickly and easily . . . Guaranteed!

If those sound like pretty bold statements to you, you're right they are! But if you are truly serious about acquiring self-confidence and achieving your dreams listen carefully because we'll show you how.

But first, before we get started let me ask you a few questions. . .

Dear Seeker of Wisdom,

Can you imagine having the secrets that instantly put incredible power into your words and attitude? We are talking about the ability to persuade and inspire others easily and confidently.

Well, we are here to tell you that you can learn the secrets and skills necessary to unlock your own personal power. You will discover how to use that powerful self-confidence to exercise control over your circumstances and influence others in your personal as well as professional life!

Some of the most powerful tools to build your confidence and influence more customers, grab more profits, and achieve new heights in your personal life as well are just a click away. You'll find secrets that show you how to conquer:

  • Fear of loss
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Psychology

Hypnotherapy Health

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Title: Hypnotherapy Health

"Learning About Hypnotherapy Health Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

How To Use Audio Hypnotherapy To Improve Your Life And Make Money!

Dear Friend,

Now, a lot more people practice self hypnosis in the comfort of their own homes. While this may be done, it's best to do it one has knowledge or background on the practice. To know more about audio hypnotherapy, research must be done before really trying it or practicing it at home. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your effectiveness and better your life!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Hypnotherapy Health!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that authorities state that when utilized or practiced correctly, self hypnosis may benefit everyone. This is everyone-who experience different levels of stress and those who require motivation for personal development or to step-up performance in arduous activities like sports.

Which brings us to a very

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Self Help

How to Make Meetings More Productive

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Title: How to Make Meetings More Productive
Author: Pete Harmon

How to Take Your Meetings From Snoring and Boring to Exciting and Productive

Dear Reader,

How many meetings have you attended that resembled a "free-for-all" with hardly any work accomplished? Sadly, it happens every day all over the world. Wasted time is like flushing dollars down the drain.

It makes no difference if you are the the "go to guy or gal" for a large Fortune 500 corporation or a small business owner, the principles are the same. Time is money and no business can affordto waste it.

If you really want to show a boss you've got what it takes to move ahead in the company; or, you want to take your own business to the next level, you are in the right place.

Let's cut right to the chase. If you want to continue down the same old road getting the same old results then click away now. But, if you are ready for change "How to Make Meetings More Productive" is just what you need!

It contains everything you need to know to begin conducting meeting that people will want to attend! Yes, that's what we said. They'll want to attend YOUR meetings.

Discover how to:

  • How to properly chair your meeting
  • Prepare for your meeting - the RIGHT way
  • Handle the tell tale time factor
  • How to implement brainstorming
  • Taking minutes
  • Mind mapping with a purpose
  • The meeting "after the
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology

Dream Psychology

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Title: Dream Psychology

"What do my dreams mean?"

Interested in learning what your dreams mean? And more importantly, what they reveal about you, your desires, and your secrets?

Dr. Sigmund Freud was one of the first of his day to psychoanalyze dreams, and many, both novices and experts alike, are still practicing and using his methods today.

Would you like to be able to psychoanalyze your own dreams?

We Present to You...

Dream Psychology

Psychoanalysis for Beginners

By Dr. Sigmund Freud

Brought Artfully into the 21st Century

We have painstakingly brought Freud's classic work Dream Psychology into the 21st century by compiling it in its entirety into an easy-to-read format, Adobe PDF. This e-book is pleasing to the eye, delightfully simple to navigate, and very interesting to read.

You can easily navigate through this entire e-book to jump from chapter to chapter. You can print it out to read from anywhere!

Take a Peek at What's Inside!

Dream Psychology contains 232 total pages and will provide you access to this rare and esteemed work. Here's a glimpse at the topics included:

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, Psychology, Self Help

Text To Speech: Captivating Speeches Made Easy

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Title: Text To Speech: Captivating Speeches Made Easy

"Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Public Speaking Once And For All, Discover How To Give Speeches Like A Professional Speaker"

Never Shake, Stumble On Your Words, Or Worry About Speaking In Public Again. Read This Ebook And You Will Discover All The Secrets You Need To Know!

Dear Friend:

Does the thought of having to stand in front of a group of people and talk send chills up your spine? Do you shudder at the idea of having to give a speech or a business presentation? It's alright - you're not alone. It's true that people are afraid of public speaking almost as much as they fear death.

However, the ability to give oral presentation or speeches can significantly enhance your career as well as your standing in the community or in groups. Maybe you're not really afraid so much as unsure how to proceed once you've been asked to give a speech.

I've Got The Answers You Need!

Both of the above situations can be stressful on a person, but they don't have to be. There actually are some simple steps can help you both plan and deliver an amazing speech no matter how little experience or how much fear you have.

Everyone has a defining moment in their lives. Those defining moments can live in our memories for years and years. Often becoming a great speaker - even if it's only sporadically - can be one of those defining moments. That's

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