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Marcus Tullius Cicero

Psychology ebooks

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Category: Holidays, Psychology

Holiday Survival Guide

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Title: Holiday Survival Guide

Attn: Increased Holiday Stress Sufferers

"Don't Let The Stresses Associated With Holiday Get Togethers Ruin Your Holiday Spirit. . .FIGHT BACK And Finally Enjoy Those Seasonal Parties!"

Dear Fellow Holiday "Hum-Bugger",

We all know what's coming. So many holiday parties, so little time. It's enough to make your head spin. Or crack up completely. The holiday season is notorius for raising people's natural stress levels by leaps and bounds.

From over crowded department stores to children clammoring for what they want from Santa to attending, or throwing, the big holiday party, it all adds up on you. And makes it really difficult for you to enjoy the holiday season as you once did when you were a child. Until now that is. . .

Introducing the "Holiday Stress Survival Manual". With this little dynamo, you can experience the joyous gatherings, shopping, setting up the Christmas tree, and everything else related to the holiday season without fear of losing control. Never again will you worry about arriving at "Grandma's" and then only wondering when it's time to leave just fifteen minutes after getting there.

There is more to the holidays that simply wading through and wishing they were over. Remember back when the holidays filled your spirit with happiness? Wouldn't you like to get that feeling back again? You can!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology, Relationships

Silent Signals

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Title: Silent Signals
Author: Ward Oxley
Body Language for the 21st Century

Okay. You're just seconds away from your interview for the job of a lifetime! You've covered all the bases. You're dress in your very best power suit. Every hair is in place. Your perfectly manicured hands are folded serenely in your lap. You're totally prepared. . .or are you?

What if you could have a look inside the mind of your interviewer? What if you knew what he or she is thinking? What if you could anticipate their overall perception and respond appropriately?

Have you ever given any thought to just how many times a day you are required to negotiate? Every single time we interact with another person it includes a negotiation. Most of the time we glide through our day dealing with numerous little situations where we lost the negotiation.

Can you just imagine how much simpler your life would be if you knew that you could control each and every one of those situations? Just think how pleasant life would be if you could avoid the negative ones.

Well, it IS possible. And no, you don't need to be a "mind" reader. But you DO need to be a "body" reader. Say what? Yes, you read it right the first time.

Learn to be a body reader and you can take control of every aspect of your life. Even better, learn how to adjust your own body language to take the best advantage in any situation.

It's easy - if you know how. That's where we come in. Learn how to recognize the messages being sent to you... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals, Mind, Psychology

Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination

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Title: Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination

Now YOU Can Finally Figure Out How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Accomplishing. Order Today!

Don't put off another task, job or chore...by the time you finish reading this manual, you'll be able to handle ANYTHING put in front of you!

Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination
Dead in its Tracks

Completely Unique Solutions to Fix That Procrastinating!

2 Of The Main Benefits to Kicking Procrastination to the Curb

1) It increases productivity and more things tend to get done.

This one was pretty much a given, but it's definately the truth. If you don't procrastinate, things get done. On top of that, you become less likely to put other things off in the future, which creates a trickle down effect to all areas of your life.

2) Less anxiety and more enjoyment

Sure, the things you procrastinate about may not give you more enjoyment, but the time away from those tasks will be alot more enjoyable. Without the anxiety and stress of trying to avoid doing something that needs to be done, you can enjoy the rest of your time much more.

Here is what you will discover inside this manual...

  • What are the results of procrastination? Now that you know why you might be procrastinating, you'll find out what can happen as a result. Do you know how detrimental procrastination... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, Psychology, Relationships

How To EXPLODE Your Charisma Quotient

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Title: How To EXPLODE Your Charisma Quotient

You enter the room.... And heads turn.

Conversation stops. You become the focus of attention - Instantly.

Confidently, you stride forward, smiling and nodding at perfect strangers - yet it seems natural to you. There's a new energy in the room - and you are the center of it

Beautiful women glance shyly at you. Handsome men jostle to shake your hand. Briskly, your host bustles around, introducing you to the rich, the powerful, the famous.

For a moment, you think you're dreaming. But this is for real. You are the center of all attention -

And You Still Don't Really Understand Why!

After all, it wasn't too long ago you were unsure of yourself in every way possible. You didn't like the way you dressed. Or walked. Or talked. Your feet were too large, your ears too big, your clothes too old, or tight, or wrinkled.

In short...

Everything About You SUCKED!

Today, almost as if by magic, your Universe has turned upside down!

Could it be because of...? Nah! How could something like this be the result of a little $7 ebook? Impossible!
You have a great time at the party. But late at night, the thought won't leave you. Could it really be what's inside that little ebook that made you what you are today?

Curious, intrigued, unbelieving, you go to your computer. Sit down. Fire up your system.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Psychology

Anxiety and Depression 101

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Title: Anxiety and Depression 101

Everything you ever wanted to know about...

Anxiety and Depression 101!

Dear Friend,

We have been discussing depression and anxiety and how different information that is out on the market only seems to target one particular cure for these two common conditions that seem to walk hand in hand. You wondered whether there was a ebook that encompassed everything there is to know about depression and anxiety, from both a medical standpoint as well as a psychological standpoint. Something that could answer all of your questions.
All too often, we are besieged with information that is slanted in one way.

While some information begs us not to use modern medicine to treat these conditions, others tell us that modern medicine is the only way to go. Then there are the theories as to why we are depressed and what we, ourselves, can do to help the condition. It seems that we are overloaded with theories and answers that are all slanted to sell a particular product. It can be quite frustrating as we do not know who or what to trust.

There's A Solution Anxiety & Depression 101...

Getting a concise ebook about depression and anxiety not only from a medical standpoint but an alternative medicine standpoint as well is the best way that you can make a decision on your treatment for this common condition. Depression and anxiety are not

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology

The Self-Improvement Handbook

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Title: The Self-Improvement Handbook

The Art And Science Of Success Distilled Into One Simple But Powerful Life-Changing Manual!

Ever notice that in almost every level or circle of the society involves and preaches element of self-improvement? You can see this being practiced not only by leaders and entrepreneurs but also corporates, managers, executives, small business owners, and even teachers.

The one constant fact is that you have to continuously improve and change yourself throughout time especially if you want to achieve more, may it be in your career or life.

The Self-Improvement Handbook is peppered with inspirational quotes, motivation and even a 7-day manual you can use for your own!

Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Improving Yourself
  • Self-improvement & Success - Hand in Hand
  • Building Your Self-Esteem
  • Motivation: The Heart of Self-Improvement
  • Spiritual Growth: the Spiritual Challenge of Modern Times
  • Unlocking Your Self Improvement Power
  • 10 Inspirational Self-Improvement Quotes
  • Crash Course 7-Day Program to Self-Improvement
  • Resource Manual and Bonuses

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology

The Might Of Character Building

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Title: The Might Of Character Building

Your Ultimate Self Help Manual To Building Your Character To Face Adversity!

Without our consciousness, we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature, some undesirable, some others not so bad, and others that are exceedingly bad! So have we, within our power, to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our lives?

The Might of Character Building highlights the core secrets to building your character to reduce your stress level, focus your energy, make your decisions simplified, and maximize your satisfaction!

The Might of Character Building

UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish, while their opposites would, on the contrary, bring as much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power.

Have we it within our power to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our lives? In other words, is habit-forming, character building, a matter of mere chance, or have we it within our own control? We have, entirely and absolutely. "I will be what I will to be," can be said and should be said by every human soul.

After this has been bravely

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology

Practical Ways To Conquer Fear

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Title: Practical Ways To Conquer Fear
Author: Mark Hamble

Okay, we've all heard that quote, "The only thing to fear is fear itself." And, it's all well and good to intellectualize that content. But, it's been so over used that it's become more of a cliché than words to live by.

It's pretty sad when you think about it. Here we are in the future that so many who've gone before us dreamt about. In less than 100 years we've conquered outer space as well as inner space.

We are smarter, healthier and wealthier than any society that has gone before us. But. . .there it is. . .but with all of these advancements many of us are paralyzed by fear.

Someone once said that fear is merely "False Evidence Appearing Real" (FEAR). Well that works - as long as you aren't the one who is experiencing the fear. Not everyone can be a Tony Robbins.

If you are reading this letter, it's a good bet that you suffer from one of the deep seated fears that renders you helpless to forge ahead to try and shove that fear out of your reality. What are some of your fears? Are they:

  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of loss
  • Fear of crowds
  • Fear of pain
  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of being ignored
  • Fear of being in the spotlight

If you recognize yourself in any of those fears, then you are ready for the first step in learning how to overcome them. Not only is it possible to overcome those fears,

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, Psychology, Self Help

Prevent Stuttering

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Title: Prevent Stuttering

Tips & Tricks to Help Combat Stuttering

Are You Suffering From Social Withdrawal?

Do People Shun Or Ostracize You Because You Have A Hard Time Getting Some Of Your Words Out?

Or Does Your Child Get Teased At School Because They Stutter And Can't Speak Like Everyone Else?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then you are in the tiny percentage of people that stutter.

Dear Friend,

In the United States alone, there are about three million people that have trouble speaking clearly because of a stuttering disorder.

Stuttering is a speech disorder in where there is a disruption or interruption of a normal speech flow. When people speak, they have to force some of their words out because the flow is blocked or broken. They end up looking weird because when they stutter, they make weird looking facial expressions or are constantly blinking their eyes. When they have to force what they have to say out of their mouths, it sounds cluttered. Sometimes people are not able to understand what they are saying.

So people that stutter end up feeling left out and alone. People don't want to take the time to listen to what they have to say because they take too long to get their words out.

Not only do they not want to be patient, but they are not interested in socializing with people that have this speech disorder. This

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Psychology

Staying Motivated

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Title: Staying Motivated

Do you have a difficult time becoming motivated to make it through the day?

Learn Daily Rituals to Staying Motivated!

Dear Friend,

It is very common to find yourself stuck in a funk and not able to find the motivation deep within yourself to complete projects. This can be around the house or even at work. There are many ways you can motivate yourself and others. There are techniques you can practice on a daily basis that will help you get the motivation you need that can help you achieve certain goals in your life.

You might not have any goals set for yourself but you will be motivated to set these goals once you begin your motivational techniques.

You can be motivated and find the energy and the oomph you need to reach the goals you have always wanted

It is really easy to make it through the circumstances in your life. Find out what you need to do in order to get you off of the couch and moving again. Discover daily things you can do that are so simple you will be surprised how excited you are. Add the excitement back in your life so you can begin to be successful and reach the goals you have always wanted to do.

You will find out that life is so easy and reaching your goals are too. If you didn't set any goals before you will find you are now reaching goals and setting the highest expectations for yourself because you know you can be very successful.

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