Psychology ebooks

Maximum Memory Power
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Maximum Memory Power
Author: John Williams
Have you ever lost your car keys? Maybe you've misplaced an important file or, heaven forbid, missed an important meeting. We may try and pass it off as a joke but it really isn't a laughing matter.
Forgetting the name of your boss's wife at the company picnic could be hazardous to your wealth!
If you listen very carefully we'll show you how you can improve your memory. Much of our memory losses are merely absentmindedness. This usually occurs when we are distracted and do not place enough focus on the task at hand. In other words, we just don't pay attention.
Anyone can get relief!
It doesn't matter whether you are young or old, you can improve your memory. What you need is something to help manual you along, answer your questions and point you in the right direction so you can get some answers.
The good news is that we have the best source on the Internet to answer your questions in a clear and concise manner. "Maximum Memory Power" is a manual that introduces you to what you need to know to improve your memory.
Take a quick look at an abbreviated list of content and see what you will discover:
- How to eliminate the "Did I?" dilemma
- Break through the fog and discover how to focus
- "Power Pegging" for positive results
- Mind mapping
- How to link them and never lose them
- Memory games
- Locating your memories
- . . . and much... Click here to read the full description!

Lucid Dreaming Techniques
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Title: Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Each night, we spend about one and a half to two hours dreaming. We dream about once every 90 minutes of sleep. The time you spend in dreams becomes longer throughout the night, from about 10 minutes to around 45 minutes or slightly longer. But what happens when we sleep?
There are five stages of sleep: four stages of NREM (Non-REM) sleep, also called SWS (Slow-Wave Sleep), and one stage of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The most vivid dreams, and therefore the ones we remember the most, occur during REM sleep (though we dream in other stages too). One sleep cycle is roughly 90 minutes long.
- (NREM) The first stage is a transition state between wakefulness and sleep. This is the stage that hypnagogic imagery occurs in. It usually passes into stage 2 within a few minutes.
- (NREM) During stage 2, the body gradually shuts down, and brain waves become larger.
- (NREM) Stage 3 usually occurs 30 to 45 minutes after falling asleep the first time. Large, slow delta brain waves are generated.
- After stage 4, the NREM stages reverse and move back to stage 2, and then into REM sleep.
- (NREM) Stage 4 is often called "deep sleep" or "delta sleep". The heart beats the slowest and there is the least brain activity. It is during this stage that sleepwalking usually occurs.
- (REM) During REM sleep, some parts of the brain are nearly as active as while awake. In this

Advanced Memory Techniques
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Title: Advanced Memory Techniques
Author: Andrew Stuart Gray
For students, improve your grades with less effort!
But this book is also....
The ideal for any stage mentalist or magician by establishing credibility of amazing skills with an easy to follow instructional book on using the amazing power of your memory.
The ancient Greeks would have power memory contests - they would speak for hours.
The stories would be learned word for word ...
Join the power mnemonists!
'If you are a student then you are really going to find the techniques that are included in this book are weapons in your arsenal of keeping all that information in your head. You would probably have to buy MANY books to be able to find all the information that you would find here in just one easy-to-read volume.
Research has shown that buy remembering creatively not only will you be able to remember AND recall more with less effort, with more fun and interest, but you will ALSO start to THINK more creatively and be able to connect information in such ways that you can answer questions more fluidly.
But memories shouldn't just be used for remembering facts, you can also achieve amazing stunts with very little effort! How? Read on ....
One of the most important parts of stage magic is to convince the audience that you have gifts and talents beyond that which are naturally available to the average human. And even though most of the time they know there must be some trick... Click here to read the full description!

Anxiety Disorders
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Title: Anxiety Disorders
Author: Mel Griffin
The Complete Guide To Understanding And Treating Anxiety Disorders
Do you find yourself sniping at your mate more frequently than usual? Are you avoiding social encounters? Have you recently developed feelings of apprehension or fear when there is no logical reason for it?
Well, if you can relate it may be advisable to get some answers. You may very well be teetering on the edge of an anxiety disorder.
The term "panic attack" has become a "trendy term" for anything that creates feelings of anxiety in a person. Truthfully, there are many different manifestations of anxiety and so-called panic attacks are just one condition.
Having an anxiety disorder does not make someone a bad person. Everyone experiences feelings of anxiousness at one time or another. How a person deals with and expresses those feelings is wherein the challenge lies.
Presently, anxiety disorders are assuming alarming proportions. Many adolescents and children also develop such disorders.
It afflicts more than forty million American adults. The instances of such occurrences are mostly of the serious kind with the disorders extending over a long period of years or many months.
You face continuous spells of fear, concern, or apprehension of some untoward happening. You may suffer many such attacks of disturbing thoughts.
"Taking Control of Your Life" will help you learn how to recognize the symptoms of various anxiety disorders... Click here to read the full description!

Identify A Good Man or Good Woman
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Title: Identify A Good Man or Good Woman
Author: Shawn Nelson
I must admit the headline is a little deceiving! The manual is not only about identifying a good man or good woman. It focuses on how you prevent yourself from meeting the mate you deserve.
If you constantly think to yourself, "How many times must I waste my precious
sanity dealing with the wrong man/woman before I finally wake up" you need to the manual.
Identifying a good man or good woman is not as hard as you think.
Sure, there is a shortage of men or you may not be able to find a decent woman. Yet, good men and women walk pass you everyday and you don't see them.
You will discover:
- How to remove the barriers that prevent you from acknowledging a good man or good woman
- How to identify a good man or good woman
- Why you aren't happy
- How you use ineffective methods to select men and women
- How your wants and needs cause most, if not all of your relationship problems
- How to refine your wants and needs to identify a good man/good woman
- The best way, which is overlooked by millions of people, to avoid another relationship disaster
- How to use your good man/good woman list to find the love of your life
- How to say Goodbye To Unhappy Relationships and Heartaches forever
Hi Shawn,
I am so glad that I accidentally found this manual. I never realized that my problems as far as relationships were basically my fault. Not that I am
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Streamline Your Communication
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Title: Streamline Your Communication
Author: Bernard Andersen
Are you saying what you mean? Are you meaning what you say? Do you find it impossible to engage in social conversation? Are your attempts at written communication lackluster, to say the least?
Unless you are one of the gifted few who are blessed with charismatic communication skills, you probably fall within the "normal" category.
We begin to develop our ability to communicate as soon as we leave the womb! In the beginning those cries and non-verbal communication let people know what you do and don't like about a given situation. That approach works for awhile.
As you age and your communication skills develop, the chances are that you will fall into the largest group of humans on this planet - "nice people with less than perfect communication skills." For whatever reasons, your communication style is the result of how your communication skills were developed.
If you feel that you are lacking in the ability to effectively communicate using your verbal skills or that you even need a little boost in your written communication skills, you are in the right place!
"Streamline Your Communication!" is just what you need to sharpen your skills and get rid of some bad habits. Just take a look at some of what the author presents:
- Discover if you are you an "um-mer" and how to stop.
- How to ask the right questions.
- Learn the right way to ask questions.
- Are you a good confidante?
- Keep

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Title: DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE
Author: Stephanie Mallet
Did you know
- That more women than men suffer from depression?
- That ten million Americans are affected by depression every year?
Depression is no laughing matter. It is a serious debilitating disease that affects every facet of life for the sufferer. Sadly it is also on the increase at an alarming rate.
Unfortunately many people with depression either go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to a lack of knowledge. This is scary because for the depressed person life can become a living hell leading to serious consequences.
Taking the first step
The first step is discovering if you do suffer from depression. The next step is understanding what depression is all about and how to deal with it.
Most information about depression is written in technical terms and unless you are a trained therapist you will need a medical dictionary to decipher the content.
What's really needed is a guide that is easy to read and understand. That's where "DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" comes in. It is unlike anything else out there that discusses depression.
It is easy to digest and understand. But most importantly it gives you answers! Answers to burning questions like these:
- What are the different types of depression - Not all depression is alike. All
Ebook Type: PDF

The Science Of Being Great
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Title: The Science Of Being Great
Author: Willace D. Wattles
THERE is a Principle of Power in every person. By the intelligent use and direction of this principle, man can develop his own mental faculties. Man has an inherent power by which he may grow in whatsoever direction he pleases, and there does not appear to be any limit to the possibilities of his growth. No man has yet become so great in any faculty but that it is possible for some one else to become greater. The possibility is in the Original Substance from which man is made. Genius is Omniscience flowing into man.
Genius is more than talent. Talent may merely be one faculty developed out of proportion to other faculties, but genius is the union of man and God in the acts of the soul. Great men are always greater than their deeds. They are in connection with a reserve of power that is without limit. We do not know where the boundary of the mental powers of man is; we do not even know that there is a boundary.
The power of conscious growth is not given to the lower animals; it is mans alone and may be developed and increased by him. The lower animals can, to a great extent, be trained and developed by man; but man can train and develop himself. He alone has this power, and he has it to an apparently unlimited extent.
The purpose of life for man is growth, just as the purpose of life for trees and plants is growth. Trees and plants grow automatically and along fixed lines; man can grow, as

Be As Happy As You Want To Be
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Title: Be As Happy As You Want To Be
Author: Craig McPherson
7 Day Plans For:
- Life Coaching
- Enlightenment
- Abetter You
- Way To Wellness
- Stress Management
And Much, Much More.
- The Key To A Better Life
- Be As Happy As You Want To Be
- Life Mapping: A Version For Success
Yes! I would like immediate access to download "Be As Happy As You Want To Be." I understand I will be given instant download access to the program so that I can immediately begin to develop strategies to turbo boost my life..
I understand that as soon as my order is approved, not only will I get immediate access to download "Be As Happy As You Want To Be", but I will also get the valuable bonuses as well.
What You Get:
The Complete Be As Happy As You Want To Be
As I explained before, this product will Develop strategies to turbo boost your life..
- Proven success principles that have an outstanding effect.
- 7 day plans to implement for a richer life.
- Easy to read and follow..
2 Bonuses Included:
Bonus #1: The Science Of Getting Rich eBook
Superb updated version of the 1910 classic that transforms ones thinking to attain exactly what they desire
Bonus #2: The Magic Story
This one principle alone is responsible for many people attaining untold wealth.
Happy as You Want to Be
Almost everyone have
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
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Title: 101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
Are you ready to start ramming your head into the wall as a punishment for repeated procrastination?
No matter what you do, what you promise yourself, you never seem to be able to get your work, chores, or projects done. It can happen to the best of us and it's a hard habit to break.
Let me ask you this...
...As a procrastinator, are you having trouble meeting your personal and professional goals? Are you in the same place you were a year ago?
These are the terrible effects waiting 'til the last minute can place on all of us. If procrastinating is slowing your life down to a halt, you need to do something fast. You need...
...101 Tips For Avoiding Procrastination!
Greetings Friend,
Feel like you've hit rock bottom yet?
It hurts to procrastinate. Your boss sets your due date a few weeks away and you promise you'll get started right away. But for whatever reason, despite your best intentions, somehow you always seem to wait 'til the last minute.
Living for weeks with a project over your head can be tough. And very stressful. Especially when finishing it late means getting a late start on your next project.
If you want to reach your personal and professional goals, you must attack procrastination like Mr. Clean attacks a kitchen.
Give Me 45 Minutes And You'll Have A Battle Plan For Attacking Procrastination At It's Source!
Have you been a procrastinator your
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
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