Profiting With Words Ebook
Title: Profiting With Words
Learn How To Influence, Persuade & Captivate Your Way To An Online Business Fortune!
How to control the minds of your website visitors, and have them lining up in droves to shove their cash in your pocket
Dear Online Marketer,
Wouldn't it be great to be able to control other peoples thoughts? Imagine how many of your products you could sell then. In fact, forget the products for now, how about being able to spot a scam from a mile off? Or, how would you like to be able to resist corporate marketing. While everybody else is controlled by it and follows it, you're setting the standards, the fashions and influencing opinions. It feels pretty good to be able to do that.
It's a very powerful position to be in, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can get there, just by understanding what goes on in the mind of marketers. Not just online, but offline too.
Sure, there's cliche's out there that everyone knows. There's the whole 'secret' thing (which is way overused), but aside from that, did you know that the ads you see on TV, the ads in publications and on websites are finely crafted, with thought going into every word. Each one with a purpose, the majority of the time influencing peoples actions for the sole purpose of getting them to buy something.
It happens to everyone, and unless you understand this whole letter, you're being controlled by it too. An uncomfortable thought, (and I get bucket loads of hate e-mail for saying things like that) but it's easily avoided. Easily controlled and bent to you own advantage even, if you know what you're doing.
Before we go any further..
Let me let you in to an example of exactly what I mean. So, here we were, Friday night, pizza, and a couple of drinks watching a DVD and just relaxing, and talking. The DVD ends and we switch back to the TV. The conversation turns to marketing, so I began trying to explain to them about the media and the methods they use to control people's actions. Most of them downright unethical, derogatory and insulting. But people still buy it (even those who assume the odd cliche such as 'secret formulas' and 'be your own boss' catchphrases and 'exploding bank account' buzz words is what marketing is about).
Anyway, literally thirty seconds after we stop talking about that, an ad comes on TV. Totally insulting to any man/woman looking to buy that product. 100% legal of course, but verging on breaking ethical boundaries, almost insulting. There was a short silence, and then it came.
"Wow, that looks good. I'm gonna grab some in the morning".
The person who had just said he doesn't fall for marketing and would never buy a product that was advertised in a negative or unethical way, just fell for it! Again! Now I can't reveal too much more about that example, or what the ad was for now, but take it from me..
Every single ad you see, anywhere, created by serious marketers is 100% crafted, word for word. It's not just the little cliche' catch phrases that have the effect on your mind. There's much more.
So this is where I get to teach you my special little skill that makes me a whole load of cash, (the one that everybody assumes they understand, and fall for it 30 seconds later). Get this, I insult people, and they give me money for it. I be nice and helpful, and they give me money for it. This is what real marketing is about.
Master it, and the world is your oyster (and the people in it, even those who think they're invulnerable)
No matter what you sell, discover the inside knowledge, the language, thoughts and techniques behind real marketing.
Discover To Influence, Persuade And Captivate Your Audience In Such A Way That They Buy From You.. What You Tell Them To When You Tell Them To
- Discover to understand real marketing, and how the media uses it to control people, even those who say that it doesn't affect them. Whether you want to free your mind and become your own person again, or use it on other people to make a profit, it's up to you. (Important: This extends far beyond the well known cliche's and buzz words. Every single word, phrase, suggestion and action can be carefully crafted to control your audience if you know how.
- I'll show you how to change your business outlook literally overnight. Failing badly? Need quick results and profit? Not a problem, it's not as hard to achieve as many seem to think. (Take it from a guy who does $100,000 in a week, not when conditions are right, not when anyone else tells me to, but when I feel like it.
- Warning! When you've finished reading this report, you'll know why almost every ad through any medium says what it does and its intent. You will never see any advert in the same way again. If you'd prefer not to know, stop reading now.
- Learn how emotion will sway almost anyone when trying to sell your products. You don't have to be cliche about this either (free bit of information here for you: This is the mistake most marketers make when trying to evoke emotion in their sales material. They're so obvious about it, every says 'pah I see what you're trying to do' and discounts anything they've been told so far. Devastating to any sales process. My approach cuts that problem out totally, and you'll make a load more sales because of it.
- Warning! (again) The way you do business will change forever with this information. If you're happy with the results you're getting now, and want to get by with only the basics as far as marketing is concerned, this report is not for you. This is real marketing, advanced knowledge, inside the machine. You're either controlled or the controller. It's your choice.
- Did you ever think that there would be long term affects to your business, depending on how you decide to promote right now? When you hit the big time, you really don't want to be in the wrong corner, or all the hard work you've already done, all that money you spent? All for nothing, because your business will be dead wood. Stop this right now. Before it happens. or be thoroughly disappointed when success comes your way for not knowing this in advance.
- Be remember, and be talked about. Two ways you can be sure your business will launch with a bang and make you a bunch of money, not just on launch day, but months, even years down the line. I'll show you four ways that real world businesses establish themselves as an authority quickly, and go on to show you how you can adapt it your online business. The contacts, big launches, hundreds of sales, the reputation, all easy to achieve once you have this in place. Without it, you just have another website.
- Discover from real life examples, selling millions of dollars worth of products, right now, as you read this. When I wrote this report, I sat in front of the TV, the internet, the newspapers, and I tore examples out over and over again. Three or four every minute, and I dissected the methods they use to control their audiences for all those with access to this report to see, understand, and use for themselves. Everything is pulled straight from real life. No fluff. It's just how things work. Understand it, use it, discover from it, or fail. Simple as that.
- 12 cheap shortcuts to business success. I'm not all that brainy, I have no degree or special characters before or after my name. I did however succeed beyond even my expectations. How? Well, I cheated to be honest. Not unethically, not ripping anybody off, but as far as most marketers are concerned I cheated. I cut out the bits that didn't work, and concentrated on those that do. Simple huh? All you need to know is what works and what doesn't, and you're set. Luckily I had many great contacts to discover from when I began. If you don't have that luxury right now, this is for you.
- 1 reason most will never reach their goals. Failure. Everyone hates that word, but everyone at some point or another experiences it. For most, it goes on forever. For others, something happens, something clicks into place, and bang, they' suddenly succeed. That's how it happens. Rarely is great success gradual. There is only one surefire way to speed this up and get there quick-fast (It took me 8 years and I learned the hard, expensive way). I'll share exactly what I learned with you and how to not have to spend 8 years learning it and putting it into action.
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