People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves.
Oliver Goldsmith

Profit Pulling eBooks Ebook

Profit Pulling eBooks
Category: E-Marketing
Ebook cover: Profit Pulling eBooks


Title: Profit Pulling eBooks
How to Launch Your Own Fleet of eBooks That Pull in the Profits for YOU!

Dear Friend,

Well, as I just finished putting my 7 month-old baby boy to sleep for his mid morning nap, I thought I'd check my email. Guess what? Ten new orders. A cool $300 since about 3 hours ago when I first checked my email today.

Not a bad profit considering I spent the morning bouncing little Junior on my knee
instead of working the grind like everyone else I know.

You see, I didn't even need to get up this morning and do all of the "marketing" stuff that seems to be on everyone's mind today. I just let my automated profit pullers do the work for me.

Oh, you'd like to hear more about that, huh? Especially how YOU can setup the *exact* same system I use to generate your own automated profits! Am I right? Read on...

How YOU Can Launch Your Own Free Profit Pulling e-Books That Explode Your Profits Like a Fireworks Display

Let me start by sharing an honest-to-goodness *real* figure with you. During the past six months I have earned over $31,000 that came in DIRECTLY because of my free e-Books. Now, that's not to mention additional orders the customers purchased after their initial purchase. That is based on tracking sales generated exclusively by offers inside the e-Books.

Now, what's important to you right now isn't what I've made, but rather what you want to make. So, let's cut to the chase. You can now duplicate the exact system I use for creating these e-Books and launch your own successful e-Book marketing campaign. Profit Pulling e-Books is a step-by-step guide for creating e-Books that *really do* produce results. Just a few of the things you'll discover are...

  • How to make sure your e-Book gets noticed among the traffic jam of free e-Books available on the internet.
  • An 8-step, paint-by-numbers formula for developing e-Books that get results.
  • 4 quick and easy ways to make sure your e-Book provides quality content.
  • 6 simple suggestions for trimming off the fat and providing the meat people are wanting to feast on.
  • A couple of checklist questions to determine if you are including valuable information in your e-Book.
  • 9 easy ways to use your e-Books as your own 24 hour a day, nonstop salesman.
  • How to get your e-Book downloaded thousands of times in a short period of time.
  • How to actually see sales produced and profits earned from free e-Books.
  • 4 easy ways to include bonuses in your e-book and how to use them to produce more sales.
  • One of the most least used techniques in e-Book marketing that is also one of the most important.
  • How toinstill a sense of urgency in the mind of the reader that prompts them to order NOW.
  • Why presentation is just as important as information when it comes to e-Books.


But, that's just the beginning of this 81 page guide that only includes what you need to know. Profit Pulling e-Books actually consists of TWO key sections...

Tutorial 1: How to CREATE a profit pulling e-Book. This section focuses on WHAT to include in your e-Book that virtually guarantees your profits.

Tutorial 2: How to quickly and easily COMPILE an e-Book. This section shows you how to use the most powerful e-Book compiler online to create your own features-loaded e-Books.

In this one-of-a-kind guide you will discover the secrets that the "gurus" use everyday to generate thousands of dollars in profits. The great thing about e-Books is that they create a level playing field. ANYONE (whether you've been online for years or are just starting out) can profit from the viral marketing power of e-Books.

In SECTION 1 of Profit Pulling e-Books we spill the beans on all the secrets, including...

  • How to take the established idea of e-Book marketing and make it work for YOU by making it better. This course shows you exactly how to do it!
  • How to launch your own profit pulling e-Book TODAY in less than 5 minutes of work!
  • The techniques that helped Mark Joyner get Search Engine Tactics downloaded over 1 million times!
  • 5 checklist questions to answer BEFORE titling your e-Book to skyrocket your downloads as much as 300 to 1.
  • Comparisons of what kinds of titles work and which ones don't. Discover this...or your e-Books won't even be downloaded, much less read.
  • How to make sure your e-Book produces a BANG instead of a duds allowed with your new formula for success.
  • How to easily weave in product offers and affiliate links to maximize your profits.
  • The real key to success in e-Book marketing. It unlocks the profit door for you AUTOMATICALLY.
  • Why the Warriors' e-Books are among the most widely distributed online and how YOU can benefit from their success by duplicating their system.
  • An engenius way to use your e-Books to actually improve your search engine rankings!


Of course, there's also section 2! In SECTION 2 of Profit Pulling e-Books we show you how to create powerful e-Books...

  • 9 quick tips for creating powerful e-Book pages.
  • How to quickly and easily compile an e-Book - a 6-step formula for powerful e-Books compilation.
  • 8 screen shots that actually SHOW you how to create your e-Books, using e-Book Creator 2.0.
  • How to direct traffic to your website with links inside your e-Book.
  • A FREE trial copy of e-Book Creator 2.0 w/ Brandible tool. This powerful e-Book compiler is the FULLY FUNCTIONAL version that allows you to create up to 10 different e-Books in the trial version.
  • How to use password protection to "force" people to register your free e-Book in order to continue reading it. Collect these email addresses for future follow-up product offers!
  • How to protect your HTML source code so thieves can't steal your page designs.
  • How to save your e-Book templates for easy future access, instead of creating new e-Books from scratch.
  • How to brand your e-Books with YOUR name, company name, copyright message, and email address. Have thousands of e-Books promoting YOU!
  • How to create a built-in search engine inside your e-Books with one click of a button.
  • How to quickly and easily implement splash screens and startup message graphics.
  • How to link directly to your webpage order form within your e-Books to provide quick and easy ordering for your customers.


In addition to the incredible information you'll find in this guide, we've also included a couple of surprise bonus reports that you'll find very helpful in marketing online.

Table of Contents

==> SECTION 1 How to Create Your Own Profit Pulling e-Books
Step 01: Choose a Title That Grabs The Reader's Attention
Step 02: Develop High-Quality Content
Step 03: Make Your e-Book Viral
Step 04: Include a High-Demand Bonus
Step 05: Make a Time-Sensitive Offer
Step 06: Create an EXCLUSIVE Webpage for Your e-Book
Step 07: Create a Killer Cover Art Graphic for your e-Book
Step 08: Launch Your Own Profit Pulling e-Book TODAY in Less Than 5 Minutes...

How to Quickly and Easily Compile an e-Book
General Overview
Step 01: Selecting the Content Files
Step 02: Customizing the e-Book Interface
Step 03: OPTIONAL Security Features
Step 04: OPTIONAL Expires Features
Step 05: Create Options
Step 06: Using the Brandible tm Tool Registering the Software for Continued Use

Bonus Reports
Report 01: How to Turn THIS e-Book Into Your Own Profit Pulling e-Book
Report 02: How To Earn A Full-Time Living Online In 2 Easy Steps
Report 03: Create a GUARANTEED Monthly Income Using the 2 Easy Steps

Other Recommended Web Marketing / eBusiness Resources
Resource 01: How To Advertise ANY Product or Service on a ZERO-Dollar Budget
Resource 02: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Marketing Site

Other Products with Resell Rights
Product 01: $1.75 Buys a Resell Rights License to Your Own High-Demand Product
Product 02: Resell Rights to over 750 Pages of Web Marketing Information Under $15.00
Product 03: Ezine Ad Profits: HOW and WHERE to Generate Profits from Ezine Marketing
Product 04: Traffic Virus 2.0 - the Web's First Viral Marketing Tool


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Price: $14.95
Ebook Type: PDF
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