Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Presentation For Profits Ebook

Presentation For Profits
Category: Business
Ebook cover: Presentation For Profits


Title: Presentation For Profits
Discover How To Increase Your Sales By 750% In Just 45 Minutes, Simply By Changing Just One Simple Aspect Of Your Business..

Let me take you back almost seven years to when I first started out in my online marketing career, I have an important lesson I'd like to share with you that almost destroyed my business, and if you can avoid it, all the better.

It all started with the very first site I put up. It was entirely online business based, and with dollar signs floating around in front of my face (you know how it is) I dove in headfirst and put up a membership site. This was no ordinary membership site though, it was packed full of live tools such as ad tracking, autoresponders, forums, conference rooms, reviews of services I'd tried and the like.

Everything went well for a few months...

I'd just started out with only bare bones knowledge of business and no online business experience, but before long I was sitting pretty with enough members to replace the income from my job and things were peachy.

The problem was, I was totally unprepared for what came next..

It all started one cold November morning when I received an e-mail from my host stating I'd used all my available resources (those autoresponders really took a lot to run I tell you). Anyway, from then on things went downhill. I had quit my job, but I'd spend all day wrestling with server resources to keep the site afloat, meanwhile my marketing was suffering, new customers were sparse and things started going south.

To cut a long story short..

Nine months later, I found myself bogged down even more so than with my 9-5 job. Things were really going badly, and if I had any hope of redeeming my business, I had to close the site down, which indeed I did. So here I was over a year later back where I started. What a waste. Or was it?

If you take nothing else away with you today, ask yourself this.

Do I have the resources available, the time and money available to run my online business? Do I know which method of presentation, whether it be single sale, membership, licensing is right for me and my business? These are the questions I thought I knew the answer to, and only just recently, after seven years of trial, error and a heck of a lot of cash ($38,378 to be exact) do I truly know how to answer these questions and avoid business disasters like the one you just see about.

Are you headed for disaster without even knowing it? If you don't have seven years and a spare $38,378 laying about your home to find out, consider this:

  • Calculating the risks. Did you know the risks you take when you set up a membership site compared to single sale are huge? When I say this to my new contacts, most of them don't even know why. Discover to avoid being one of them, or this is going to hit you where it hurts - In the pocket.
  • Profitable Affiliate Only Promotion. There's only one way that I know of to be able to wake up in the morning, fire out some ads, and guarantee you'll have thousands of dollars sitting in your account at the end of the day. Most won't like the answer, but it's need to know information, so I'll give it to you anyway.
  • The high income, low maintenance option. I'll show you a little used method of presentation that has the potential to both give you a high reoccurring income, but without the big risks and expenses of a full blown membership site. (Here's a clue, many of the big earners are using this to their advantage right now or have used it within the past 9 months)
  • Finally create the business empire you want. Which is the best way to go? Single sale? Membership? High priced? Low priced? A mix of all of them? Each method has distinct advantages and disadvantages that if you're not aware of, you're literally giving your money away. I've done the dirty work, and spent the cash to test all this out. Now I'm going to make these all clear from you right from the word go, so that you can concentrate on more important (and far less costly) aspects of your business.
  • Did you know the choices you make before you even finish creating your products determine how successful you're going to be? There are 5 key points to consider, and if even one is out of alignment, you're in big trouble. I'll show you exactly how to carry out this process, and you'll never launch your products in the same way again.
  • 3 Ways To Spice Up Your Sales Figures through methods of presentation. Did you know that you could actually be making a higher volume of sales by raising your price? Never feel you have to sell your months of hard graft, and the products that you're so proud of for a cheap $10 or $20 again.
  • Membership downfalls. 3 mistakes to avoid when thinking about creating a membership site. 3 problems that many didn't even know existed until they smacked into them headfirst destroying their profits, not just now, but for years to come. Discover to avoid these devastating pitfalls and prosper.
  • 12 ways to build a fluid situation. The way in which you present your product will ultimately determine how much cash you're going to rake in. Can you get affiliates to promote for you? Can you secure the all important high profit joint ventures? Will anybody even buy your products at all? No more guessing games or time wasting, I've got proven facts and answers for you right here.
  • If you've ever thought about launching a product to make a profit, you're losing money. A bold statement, but how can that be? It's simple. There are many other roles for sites to fill other than to sell products over and over again. When you start launching products for profit, you can make money. When you start building sites for other reasons, you can get rich. I'll show you how both work. Which path you take is up to you.
  • The number one most devastating occurrence that lands in online business owners laps *extremely* often. You'd do best to avoid it before it hits you, or maybe it already has and you don't know it (you'll know if you've been in the business for 9 months or more, and still haven't reached your goals). Discover what it is today, and stamp it out to stop if affecting you tomorrow.
  • It's far easier to reach the income you desire through creating your own products, something that it's clear many out there have probably heard, but are not grasping. Is your business shaping up to launch with a big money grabbing bang, or a little quiet hiss that will fizzle out just a month or two down the line?
  • Is the time right for you? You know, many people run out their and start creating their own sites and products without really looking at what it'll take out of their pocket in the short term (regardless of what it'll put in at the end of the day). Do you really have the time and money to put into a successful online business? You might be surprised to find out that you have more flexibility with this than you thought.
  • Thinking Beyond Profits. The biggest mistake a majority of marketers make is that they don't think beyond profit. Money is all they see. I'll show a little used method that in my experience could increase your chances of success by ten or twenty times.


1 Introduction
2 Goals Of This Section
3 Affiliates Vs Your Own

  • 3b. The Choice Is Yours
  • 3c. Lost Potential
  • 3d. The You Brand
  • 3e. Thinking Beyond Profits
  • 3f. Beyond Direct Promotion Outlets
  • 3g The Exceptions

4. Summary
5. Goals Of This Section
6. Single Sale Vs Membership 1

  • 6b. Time Constraints
  • 6c. Single Sale Vs Membership: The Risks
  • 6d. Money Talk
  • 6e. The Viability Of Memberships
  • 6f. Maintenance Vs Pro-Activity
  • 6g. Flexible Memberships: The Low Maintenance Option
  • 6h. A Final Word

7. Summary
8. Goals Of This Section
9. Single Sale Vs Membership 2

  • 9b. The Other Side Of The Coin
  • 9c. Tools Of The Trade
  • 9d. Commitment Factors
  • 9e. Automation Contemplation
  • 9f. Secrets To Success: Multi Task Sites
  • 9g. Traits Of A Membership Site Owner
  • 9h. A Final Word: Licensing

10 Summary


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P.S. Everything you're about to read is tried and tested material. This will apply to your business not just once, but for many years to come. It's an investment not just for today, but far into the future.

P.S. Everything you're about to read is tried and tested material. This will apply to your business not just once, but for many years to come. It's an investment not just for today, but far into the future.

Price: $39.95
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