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Parenting ebooks

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Title: Natural Parenting
Author: Rami

In the modern world, we have become lost and disconnected. We are sort of like isolated particles floating around in a vast space, trying to bring some sort of meaning to our meaningless existence. This paper summarizes how this affliction affects child raising. Most child raising practices are not based on the Natural principles of life encoded in our DNA. This is a review and a taste of some critical child raising practices and their deep positive impact on the family. The primary focuses are special nutritional factors that support a healthy pregnancy, the avoidance of toxic substances, and ways to create a natural bond between the mother and child. These nutritional factors, and efforts to create healthy bonding with children, are rare in the Western world. A variety of complications related to Pregnancy, Conception and Birth are a result not of a genetic dysfunction, but from a build up of toxins in the body and from the previously mentioned deficiency of certain nutritional factors. Sadly, this information is largely hidden from the public and doctors largely are unaware of it, yet it's influence on the child and parents are extremely significant. You will learn key points to how our ancestors naturally raised children, by holding them close to their skins, for their early years of life. Other conditions are discussed from a holistic perspective, they include Infertility, diet after birth, the birth process, midwifes, self care, motherhood, dietary myths,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Children, Parenting

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Title: Big Book of Preschool
Author: Denise Oliveri

A Preschool Curriculum should be fun, educational, and easy to use. It should also be affordable.

It should reflect what you really want your child to learn! This curriculum offers a wholesome learning style and provides the values of a traditional learning environment. And, we are pleased to say that this curriculum is widely Christian-based in a way that your preschooler can understand!

This curriculum consists of 14 wonderfully colorful and eye-catching workbooks that are jammed packed with all the learning your preschooler needs to satisfy their curiosity and get them ready for kindergarten! Each workbook has a ton of crafts, learning activities, and projects/experiments for you and your preschooler to do together. Each craft, activity, and project/experiment comes complete with a supply list and detailed illustrations easy to understand.



The curriculum comes complete with resources for games and activities fun for ages 2-1/2 to 5 that enhance the worksheets used. These games are computer-based. Now they can have the benefit of playing games and learning how to use a computer, too!

We believe in the importance of young children learning today's technology, but unlike some programs offered, we still think the bases of early learning should be one-on-one time with your child. We believe

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Category: Parenting

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Title: The Adventures of the 7Wonderlicious girls - light
Author: 7Wonderlicious

The adventures of our 7Wonderlicious girls are a great source of inspiration to girls ages 3 to 7.

Our girls are smart, confident and fantastic role models. They teach your girl to be confident, to enjoy problem solving and physical activity and much much more...

We believe every child is placed on this earth to accomplish something remarkable, something that only he or she can do.

Our 7Wonderlicious girls were created with one single purpose , to help reduce all threats to girlhood that crush our girls ' true nature and potential.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

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Title: The Parent's Love Letter

Who would take of your child if you were no longer around?

Would the person who would have to step-in know everything they would need to know about your child to give him or her the best of care?

What do they need to know about your child?

What medications is your child taking?

Where are their medical records?

What is her blood type?

What would you want to tell them?

The questions are endless!

The Parent's Love Letter is a book especially personalized for your child that allows you to answer all of the questions that the persons you have personally selected could go to, to get the answers they would need, to give your child the best of care. Not for just a night of babysitting, but for months, or longer in the event you were not physically able, or were no longer around.

Designed in an easy "fill-in the blanks" format, The Parent's Love Letter asks the questions, you just fill in the blanks.

The more you think about, it the more it makes sense.

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Category: Family, Law and Legal, Parenting

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Title: Parenting After Divorce - A Complete Guide
Author: John Liew

There is no need for parents who are undergoing a divorce, worry of how their actions are negatively affecting their children. By understanding how to minimize the negative aspects of divorce for children, knowing the typical responses of children to divorce, and working with the other parent to maintain the loving, nurturing environment that a child needs through the divorce, parents can help children to adjust to their new lifestyle. Stressing parent co-operation and communication with regards to raising the child or children is critical, but so is being civil, respectful and positive towards the other parent with regards to their abilities to be a good Mom or Dad to the children.

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Category: Self Help, Relationships, Parenting

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Title: Accept No Trash Talk: Overcoming the Odds
Author: Traci Lawrence

This is a motivational book about overcoming various challenges in relationships and our health. These trials may include the following: bullying; physical and mental limitations; and, general disrespect.

The author uses brief stories from her own life, as well as the lives of prominent people, to illustrate her points. She cites great acheivers in history, such as: Helen Keller; Jackie Robinson; and, Teddy Roosevelt. The author also mentions successful individuals in pop culture, such as Katy Perry and Kate Middleton.

The basis for the work is Mrs. Lawrence's own background of being sidelined in school and on the job. She was bullied because of her short stature, her religion, and the mental slowness caused by a medical condition.

The author intersperses accounts of achievement with tips on how the average person can block negativity. The book also includes general "pep talk" about accepting, and believing in, ourselves.

The purpose of the book is to uplift the reader and help him to see that any person can overcome tremendous odds. In a world of chaos and negativity, this work stands as a ray of light.

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