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Parenting ebooks

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Category: Parenting

75 Parenting Tips

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Title: 75 Parenting Tips



1. How should I deal with my child being a bully?
It is important to realize that nearly one in ten children are victimized by bullies and that bullying is a very serious problem that should not be taken lightly. Start by determining how your child is bullying others. The most common type of bullying is physical; punching, pushing, kicking, etc. However, a child may be teasing other children, calling them names or otherwise verbally assaulting them. Once you have determined the type of bullying, you need to make it completely clear to your child that the behavior is unacceptable. Then, you need to find out the reason that your child has become a bully. Talking to your child may lead to him or her giving you an explanation, however in many cases it is a good idea to involve a professional counselor who is specially trained to work with bullying children.

2. What should I do when another child bully's mine? So many parents tell their children to ignore bullies, and to look the other way rather than react. However, it is never advisable to let bullying go, because it will never just "go away". In some cases, it may not even be apparent to you that your child is being bullied because bullied children are often afraid to tell an adult what is happening. When you suspect that bullying is an issue, talk to your child and school officials. Getting the... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Parenting

SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century

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Title: SMART PARENTING: Raising Happy And Responsible Children in the 21st Century

Attention: All full-pledged, would-be, and aspiring parents who want to give only the best for their children!

"Who Else Wants to Become the World's Greatest Mom or Dad Without Putting Yourself to Wit's End in Raising Highly Successful Children?"

There is not a perfect parent in the world, but you can surely be the best parent your children can ever have. How will you do that? You must:

  • Anticipate their every tantrum.
  • Comprehend what moves children's sentiment.
  • Appreciate them as wonderful gifts and blessings.
  • Address all their challenges and emotions.
  • Understand what your kids need or like.

Surely, being an exceptionally learned parent is a vital responsibility in building a stable family. However, what you may not know is:

"Being a parent can both be fun and easy!"

Dear Smart Parent,

Becoming an effective parent is a big task. Parents are expected to be fair, just, and always right. They are supposed to be caring and loving at all times. Moreover, it is always assumed that any parent would put their kids' welfare over their own, whatever the cost.

While it is true that new parents would suddenly develop a fatherly or motherly instinct right after the birth of their first child, it is not always right to let everything rely purely on instincts

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Parenting

The Challenges AND Rewards Of Single Parenting

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Title: The Challenges AND Rewards Of Single Parenting

If you're wanting to learn how to take on your new task of single parenting...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Learn The Secrets To Overcome The Major Challenges That Come Along With Single Parenting, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never experienced single parenting up close and personal, This guide will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on becoming a single parent right now or in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, single parenting environment that will bring a smile to your face, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a single parenting counselor for 15 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on single parenting!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Single Parenting You Can Find In Any... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Parenting

How to Stop Bullying

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Title: How to Stop Bullying
Author: Gail Matthews

Once and For All!

A Manual for Parents

As good parents we protect our children. We make certain they receive the best healthcare. We make sure their dental needs are met. We teach them not to speak to strangers and how to cross a busy street.

But, what happens when your child is bullied? Unlike the old jokes about "my Dad will beat up your Dad," the reality is that this is an old problem exacerbated by our modern lifestyles.

It used to be that when Billy ran home with a bloody nose, Mom would be there to wipe away the tears and help him understand that there would people in the world who do mean things.

Nowadays Billy probably goes to a sitter or daycare. Or, if he's a little bit older goes home to an empty house. Bullying has been around since the first little Neanderthal boy or girl had their lunch taken away by someone bigger and stronger.

For a millennium parents have tried to protect their children from bullies. And, while you may not have given much thought to it, there are adult bullies as well. If you stop and think about it, you'll be able to spot them within your sphere of contacts and acquaintances.

Finally, someone has given us a tool to help us understand and interact with the bullies in our lives. That's right, we're talking about a guide to teach us "How to Stop Bullying."

For instance, did you know that there are almost

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

Help Your Child Read & Write Better

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Title: Help Your Child Read & Write Better
Author: Marilyn Martyn

How You Can Help Your Child Read & Write Better

There isn't a parent among us who doesn't want their children to succeed. That success has a direct correlation to how well and how early they are able to read and write.

What if there were a way you could teach your child to read before he or she ever reached a classroom? Isn't that something every caring parent would wish for?

Well, you needn't wait any longer. Someone has done the work and made it available to you. "Help Your Child Read & Write Better" has just hit the digital shelves and it's waiting for you right now!

Trained as a teacher and librarian, our author has put her many years as a teacher and consultant to work and created her own set of lessons that gives her students the ability to discover very quickly. These lessons are the foundation of this ebook.

This ebook is jam-packed with all the tools you need to teach your child to read, write and spell. Marilyn outlines four important parts to improving your child's reading and spelling skills. These are:

  • Fluency: the ability to read quickly and naturally, recognize words automatically, and group words quickly.
  • Phonics: the relationships between letters and sounds.
  • Vocabulary knowledge: remembering new words and what they mean.
  • Text comprehension:... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Children, Parenting

The Complete Baby Shower Planning Guide

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Title: The Complete Baby Shower Planning Guide

"Who Else Wants to Discover How to Throw the Perfect Baby Shower - Without Having to Break the Bank to Do it?"

Learn Everything You Need to Know to Plan a Baby Shower That is Affordable, Fun & Sure to Produce a Ton of Great Memories for the Mom-to-be!

Dear friend,

Do you need to plan a baby shower - that all-important event that allows us to strengthen and renew friendships, forge new ones, give meaningful and heartfelt gifts, and honor the creation of new life?

Before panic sets in, relax, help is at hand.

My new ebook, entitled "The Complete Baby Shower Planning Guide" is full of practical and fun ideas for creating a truly magical event that will be remembered and cherished by everyone who attends - especially the mom-to-be!

Your Role as the Planner of a Baby Shower is Indeed a Very Special One!

A baby shower done right will create beautiful memories that will be treasured and cherished forever.
A baby shower done wrong may also be remembered forever - for all the wrong reasons!

But luckily for you, everything you need to know to throw a perfect baby shower is now contained in one convenient, inexpensive ebook.

"The Complete Baby Shower Planning Guide" contains all the tips, techniques and secrets you need to know to create a truly

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Parenting

Potty Training, Stop The Mess, The Ultimate Potty Training Guide

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Title: Potty Training, Stop The Mess, The Ultimate Potty Training Guide

"Get Rid of The Diapers Once and For All.....And Potty Train Your Toddler!"

If It's Time To Start The Process Of Potty Training, Don't Spend Hours Trying To Find The Best Advice Around. Start Right Here!

Dear Fellow Parent:

This is an exciting time in your life and your child's life too! It's time to start thinking about potty training. If the mere thought of it strikes fear in your heart, rest easy. You are a busy parent trying to juggle all of the responsibilities that are expected of you. How do you fit in potty training? The answer is easier than you think!

Let us start by saying that we aren't one of those hyped up systems that promise you can train your child in an hour, a day, or any time frame at all. Every child is different, and all of these so called "foolproof" systems are not for everyone. Sure they might work sometimes, but not all the time.

There are tons of how-to books out there that will cost you a pretty penny and then you find that none of their advice works after you've already spent your money. I'll address the money aspect later, but rest assured that the book I'm offering you is no sure fire anything - except for a sure fire winner.

You see, the book I have here for you, "Potty Training, Stop the Mess, The Ultimate Potty Training Guide" offers practical advice that has been tested by

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Parenting, Women

Pregnancy And Childbirth

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Title: Pregnancy And Childbirth

Attention: If Pregnancy Is Something That Frightens You, It's Time To Convert Your Fear Into Joy!

Ready To Give Birth To A Child? Is The New Status Hitting Your State Of Mind? Are You Still Scared To Undergo All The Pain That Your Best Friend Underwent Just A Few Days Back? Not Convinced With The Answers Given By The Experts?

At Last! Learn The Various Methods To Eliminate All The Fears That Are Killing Your Enthusiasm To Give Birth To The Little Angel In You...! Keep The Fears Aside, And Await The New Kid That Is Going To Transform All The Pain Into Joy...!

Introducing! A New Mom's Manual On How To Overcome Their Fears On Pregnancy!

Pregnancy And Childbirth

More than 77 Pages Of Valuable Information About Everything You Want To Know About Pregnancy.
Pregnant women as well as those who are trying for a baby will be delighted with the contents of this interesting, 77-page e-Book, "Pregnancy And Childbirth." As its title suggests, the ebook is a very successful attempt to tell you everything you want to know about pregnancy. The greatest advantage of this ebook is that it is well organized and simply written, with no medical jargon to confuse you.

These Are Some

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Category: Children, Parenting

Raising Children Who Succeed!

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Title: Raising Children Who Succeed!

Raising Children Who Succeed

It is one of the most powerful things any person alive can do, to choose to raise a child. Whether he or she is a genetically related child or one you have gained from another family, a child is a life long commitment. It's worse than a puppy!

There is a well known saying that to have a child is to wear your heart forever outside your body. TO some extent that is true. Think teenage angst was bad? It's noting on the first time you have to deal with your own child's heartbreak!

With our busy lives it is so easy to become geared up to making sure our children have all the essentials covered, such as food, shelter, learning to read and write, and all those important jobs done, that we forget that so much of what our children need us for is for us to impart a spark of desire in them to succeed, to become all they were made to be.

It's the drive of many parents to watch their child surpass them in their life in some way. Whether it is with a talent, a discovered passion, or their standard of living, children should be able to combine what they discover from our mistakes, and our life lessons with the lessons and opportunities they themselves face and collate them together to succeed.

To have a successful child we need to create a childhood that breeds success. The best part about this is it doesn't cost you thousands of dollars in private school fees or in plenty of extra... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Children, Parenting

28000 Baby Names

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Title: 28000 Baby Names

How to choose the best baby name

Are you trying to find the perfect name for your baby?

Dear Parent to be,

This e-book contains over 28,000 names, from 48 origins and also the meaning of the name. This is perfect for soon-to-be-mothers or fathers who are trying to find a name for their baby or for anyone curious about their own name or other names!

What do you get?

  • A to Z Listings for Boys and Girls
  • Over 28,000 Baby names ~ easy to read, beautifully designed
  • Top 100 names from the year 2000 to 2009
  • Naming Subsequent Babies or Twins
  • 11 tips for naming your baby including the Single Most Important Tip on Naming your Baby. (This advice is so important I'm surprised that it is not in some of the Baby Names Ebook I have Researched.)
  • Types of names to avoid
  • And a Worksheet ~ designed to keep track of all your choices and narrow down your favourites, while keeping it FUN
  • Choosing Unusual Baby Names
  • This ebook is over 600 pages long!

Table Of Contents:
Tips for naming your Baby
Naming Subsequent Babies or Twins
The Types of Names to Avoid
Choosing Unusual Baby Names
Top 100 names in 2009
Top 100 names in 2008
Top 100 names in 2007
Top 100 names in 2006
Top 100 names in 2005

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