I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all.
Somerset Maugham

Outdoor Sports and Games Ebook

Outdoor Sports and Games
Category: Games, Hobbies, Sports
Ebook cover: Outdoor Sports and Games


Title: Outdoor Sports and Games

Who Else Wants To Enjoy A Long and Healthy Life and "Enjoy Life As Well"?

Take A Vacation From The Rat Race & Starting Treating Yourself and Family To Healthy Living With Outdoor Sports and Games

Stop killing yourself with work, bad habits and Indoor Living!

This ebook is about Outdoor Lifestyle. Discover How To Vastly Improve Your Chance of Living A Long And Happy Life by cultivating a Healthy Outdoor Lifestyle!

Dear Friend,

Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning and find yourself to be the owner of a bicycle. It is a brand-new wheel and everything is in perfect working order.

The bearings are well oiled, the nickel is bright and shiny and it is all tuned up and ready for use. If you are a careful, sensible boy you can have fun with it for a long time until finally, like the "One Hoss Shay" in the poem, it wears out and goes to pieces all at once.

On the other hand, if you are careless or indifferent or lazy you may allow the machine to get out of order or to become rusty from disuse, or perhaps when a nut works loose you neglect it and have a breakdown on the road, or you may forget to oil the bearings and in a short time they begin to squeak and wear.

If you are another kind of a boy, you may be careful enough about oiling and cleaning the wheel, but you may also be reckless and head-strong and will jump over curbstones and gutters or ride it over rough roads at a dangerous rate of speed, and in this way shorten its life by abuse just as the careless boy may by neglect.

It is just so with the human body which, after all, is a machine too, and, more than that, it is the most wonderful and perfect machine in the world. With care it should last many years. With abuse or neglect it may very soon wear out.

The boy who neglects his health is like the boy who allows the bearings on his wheel to become dry or the metal parts rusty. The chief difference is that when the bicycle wears out or breaks down we may replace the parts or even buy another machine, but when our health is injured, money will not restore it.

In order to keep well we must observe certain rules of health. By exercise we keep the working parts in good order. If we are lazy or indolent we are like the bicycle that is allowed to go to pieces from lack of use. If we are reckless and foolhardy we may injure some part of the delicate machinery from excessive exercise or strain.

Play is the most natural thing in the world but we must use judgment in our play. A boy or girl who is not allowed to play or who is restrained by too anxious parents is unhappy indeed. Nearly all animals play. We know, for instance, that puppies, kittens, and lambs are playful.

It is a perfectly natural instinct. By proper play we build up our bodies and train our minds. The healthy man never gets too old to play. He may not care to play marbles or roll hoops, but he will find his pleasure in some game or sport like tennis, golf, horseback riding, camping, fishing or hunting.

In this ebook we shall talk about some forms of play and recreation that are not strictly confined to children, but which we may still enjoy even after we have become grown men and women.

This e-book is about Play and Outdoor Lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that everyone should cultivate in order to live a long and happy life.

If we live a natural, open-air life we shall have but little need of doctors or medicine. Many of our grandmothers' notions on how to keep well have changed in recent years.

Old-fashioned remedies made from roots and herbs have been almost completely replaced by better habits of life and common-sense ideas.

We used to believe that night air was largely responsible for fevers and colds. Doctors now say that one of the surest ways to keep well is to live and sleep in the open air.

In many modern houses the whole family is provided with outside sleeping porches with absolutely no protection from the outside air but the roof.

I have followed the practice of sleeping in the open air for some time, and in midwinter without discomfort have had the temperature of my sleeping porch fall to six degrees below zero.

Of course it is foolish for any one to sleep exposed to rain or snow or to think that there is any benefit to be derived from being cold or uncomfortable.

The whole idea of open-air sleeping is to breathe pure, fresh air in place of the atmosphere of a house which, under the best conditions, is full of dust and germs.

If we become outdoor sleepers, coughs and colds will be almost unknown. General Sherman once wrote a letter in which he said that he did not have a case of cold in his entire army and he attributed it to the fact that his soldiers slept and lived in the open air.

One can almost tell a man who sleeps in the open by looking at him. His eye is clear and his cheek ruddy. There is no surer way to become well and strong than to become accustomed to this practice. Then you can laugh at the doctor and throw the medicine bottles away.

Start enjoying your life today by cultivating an outdoor lifestyle!

Outdoor Sports and Games will open your eyes to the new way of cultivating good health and enjoying life at the same time.

Order now and start changing your life for the better starting right now!


I. Introductory
The human body a perfect machine--How to keep well--Outdoor
sleeping--Exercise and play--Smoking--Walking.
II. The Boy Scouts of America
Headquarters--Purpose--Scout Law--How to form a patrol of
Scouts--Organization of a troop--Practical activities for
Scouts--A Scout camp--Model Program of Sir R.S.S.
Baden-Powell Scout camp.
III. Camps and Camping
How to select the best place to pitch a tent--A brush bed--The
best kind of a tent--How to make the camp fire--What to do when
it rains--Fresh air and good food--The brush leanto and how to
make it.
IV. Camp Cooking
How to make the camp fire range--Bread bakers--Cooking
utensils--The grub list--Simple camp recipes.
V. Woodcraft
The use of an axe and hatchet--Best woods for special
purposes--What to do when you are lost--Nature's compasses.
VI. Use of Fire-arms
Importance of early training--Why a gun is better than a
rifle--How to become a good shot.
VII. Fishing
Proper tackle for all purposes--How to catch bait--The fly
fisherman--General fishing rules.
VIII. Nature Study
What is a true naturalist?--How to start a collection--Moth
collecting--The herbarium.
IX. Water Life
The water telescope--How to manage an aquarium--Our insect
friends and enemies--The observation beehive.
X. The Care of Pets
Cats--Boxes for song birds--How to attract the birds--Tame
crows--The pigeon fancier--Ornamental land and water
fowl--Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice--How to build
coops--General rules for the care of pets--The dog.
XI. The Care of Chickens
The best breed--Good and bad points of incubators--What to feed
small chicks--A model chicken house.
XII. Winter Sports
What to wear--Skating--Skiing--Snowshoeing--Hockey.
XIII. Horsemanship
How to become a good rider--The care of horses--Saddles.
XIV. How to Swim and to Canoe
The racing strokes--Paddling and sailing canoes.
XV. Baseball
How to organize a team and to select the players--The various
positions--Curve pitching.
XVI. How to Play Football
The various positions and how to select men for them--Team
work and signals--The rules.
XVII. Lawn Tennis
How to make and mark a court--Clay and sod courts--The proper
grip of the racket--Golf--The strokes and equipment.
XVIII. Photography
The selection of a camera--Snapshots vs. real pictures--How to
make a photograph from start to finish.
XIX. Outdoor Sports for Girls
What to wear--Confidence--Horseback riding--Tennis--Golf--Camping.
XX. One Hundred Outdoor Games


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Price: $4.95
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