I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember and those who read to forget.
William Lyon Phelps

Organic Gardening for Beginners Ebook

Organic Gardening for Beginners
Category: Garden
Ebook cover: Organic Gardening for Beginners


Title: Organic Gardening for Beginners

"Statistics Show That Nearly Thirteen-Percent of All Americans Consume Harmful Chemicals At The Dinner Table Each And Every Night!"

Take Control of What Your Family Eats Daily. Get Rid of All Of the Harmful Chemicals And Purify Your Food With Organic Gardening!

Dear Gardener:

Have you ever considered what the chemicals that are applied to the foods that we eat every day can do to you and your family's health? It's quite scary when you think about it.

Government studies indicate that pesticides can contribute to a myriad of life-threatening illnesses including cancer, multiple sclerosis, and birth defects. They can also contribute to higher stress levels, insomnia, muscle weakness, and depression.

Two of the most popular classes of insecticides used in the U.S. are organophosphates and carbamates. They are designed as neurotoxins, poisoning the nervous systems of unwanted insects. However, they can harm human nervous systems as well. They are found in lawn sprays, weed killer sprays, roach and ant sprays, and even head-lice shampoo.

Children are more vulnerable to the effects of pesticide exposure because their internal organs are still developing and maturing. Pregnant women who are exposed to certain pesticides can spread that contamination on to their unborn children as well causing birth defects and later health problems.

Some may say that the exposure isn't enough to worry about. We've been using chemicals on our food for years, why stop now? But when you think about it, farmers didn't use chemicals on their
crops back in the 1800's, and they grew healthy, productive food anyway!

It's Time We Got Back To That Way Of Life! We Can Do That By Growing Our Food And Flowers Without Chemicals!

When we use pesticides or non-organic fertilizers in our gardens and on our flowers, those chemicals produce a residue that is left behind. Rain can cause those chemicals to seep into our ground water and even our drinking water. Even taking a simple drink of water can expose us to artificial additives that we have no idea we're ingesting.

Were you aware that the farmers who provide us with the grain that makes our bread or the tomatoes that we put on our salads use chemicals to treat their crops? Those chemicals are passed onto us when we consume those foods. What's even more disturbing is that the majority of those farmers won't eat the very food that they produce - because they know it contains components that could jeopardize their health.

If They Won't Eat Their Own Crops, Why Should We?

There are ways to get away from those toxins and start living a healthier lifestyle. Organic foods are not only better for the body, but they taste better and provide more nutrients to nourish us. But
part of the problem with organic foods is that they can be very expensive to buy in the store. That's not a problem! Just grow them yourself.

Perhaps you've never taken up gardening but have always wanted to try? That's alright! It's a perfect time to do so! Maybe you're an experienced gardener who's always used chemical treatments on your plants but never thought about the effect those chemicals can have on your food. Even better!

With our comprehensive book, "Organic Gardening for Beginners", you can learn nearly everything you need to know to garden without the use of chemicals or other harmful substances!

Organic gardening isn't a new age science. What it can be, though, is a new way of looking at the way you feed yourself and your loved ones! It's all really quite simple. Learn organic gardening the
simple way - with this amazing book! There are many things that organic gardening can give you.

  • The knowledge that you are eating all-natural foods with no health risks attached
  • The satisfaction of growing your own food
  • The confidence that you are doing everything you can do to protect the environment
  • The peace that comes with providing your family with pure foods that cannot harm them

And this book can set you on your way! This book is like no other guide to organic gardening. We'll give you over 52 pages jam packed with the information you need to not only get started with your organic garden, but how to keep that garden thriving for years!

Need a sneak peek into what's inside? No problem! You'll learn about:

  • Planning out the perfect garden
  • Preparing the soil for planting
  • Making your own all-natural pesticides and fertilizers
  • Growing plants from seeds
  • How to make your own compost
  • Taking care of your garden

And so much more!

Plus we've given you a guide to the most common garden pests and the way to get them out of your garden - all without chemicals!

It's true, we're exposed to chemicals in everyday life, but why would you want to knowingly expose yourself or your family to those chemicals in the food that sustains life? We're guessing you don't want to!

That's why YOU NEED this book!

Ebook cover: Organic Gardening for Beginners
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Price: $7.00
Ebook Type: PDF
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