Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.

Nuclear Product Creation Secrets Ebook

Nuclear Product Creation Secrets
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing
Ebook cover: Nuclear Product Creation Secrets


Title: Nuclear Product Creation Secrets

Slow product creation got you down? Shift your focus and turn it into fast money making!

"Fast Track Your Way To BIG PROFITS By Harnessing The Secrets Of 'Nuclear' Product Creation!"
Dear Frustrated Marketer,

You're stuck? Hopelessly stuck?

Too many months ago, you read that special report on creating your own products, and it looked so easy. So You started, filled with excitement and hope for your future prosperity..

At first you trucked along without a hitch. But almost immediately, small but annoying things began to happen...

...You couldn't find the right information...

...You discovered how much you hate writing...

(Well, okay. You love writing - but you don't seem to know how to write a report that should have been simple - right now, it feels as if you can't write a word, to save your own overworked, underwhelmed life!)

Well maybe it's not that bad - but let's look at some of the problems you're probably facing...

Maybe you can't think what to say next that someone else hasn't already said. And in your most gloomy moments (while you're in the middle of playing computer games, instead of tackling Chapter Four) you realize you've got nothing new to contribute anyway.

Why should people pay for your product, when what you've just written looks like it was edited by a chimpanzee?

You face the sad truth: You've totally lost track of where you ought to be - and how to get there...

So what happens to most marketers at this point?

Your project turns into the dreaded 'unfininshed product'!

So how is it that top marketers can churn out new money making products, apparently so easily?

Do they have a legion of gnomes, chained to their basement table legs... Busy working night and day, pumping out product with ferocious concentration...?

How can THEY do it and you can't? (the marketers not the gnomes)

Here's the simple truth - it's because the big boys in the game KNOW things you don't and SEE things in a different way!

They have stumbled upon some simple tips, tricks and tactics that have caused a product creation paradigm shift of nuclear proportions

And the result has been success for them.

But what if I could do the same for YOU - give you a new way of seeing product creation?

One that could open your eyes and let you see what the pros see, every time they come up with a winning idea?

I'd really love to share...

  • The single most powerful reason top marketers seem to be able to create products so easily
  • The 2 most overwhelming reasons 80% of all product creation grinds to a worn-out halt
  • The single most tragic error that new product creators slip into making
  • The common and glaring bad habit that makes you broadcast "newbie", not "pro"
  • 4 rock solid benefits of creating your products more quickly
  • 2 crucial reasons to stop ignoring short report creation - and how to make it finally work
  • 6 core benefits of creating your own products
  • The secret hidden "treasure chest" almost every marketer has - and the unexpected riches it can provide
  • The secret principle Rodin the sculptor unwittingly shares with internet marketers

You might ask what a sculptor has to do with internet marketing and product creation. The truth is, he makes use of one vital tool too many marketers rush to ignore.

There are lessons everywhere in life - but fortunately, we don't have to go too far from what you've already learned.

It's just a question of...

Making What You Know Work For You Instead Of Against You

You see, you really do have everything you need...

...except for a few key pieces of your product creation jigsaw puzzle.
A combination of secrets, tips and technological tidbits that miraculously pulls everything together.

You may only need to discover about:

  • 4 places to find the experts you need to interview - and how to persuade them to do it for free
  • The secret to breathing life into dead content and creating products that "flow"
  • The secret advantage that taking this one tiny extra step will bring your sales
  • 2 extra ways to use PLR - that don't involve putting a word to paper!
  • 5 essential steps for transforming PLR to gold
  • 2 tips to make life easier while you're doing it!
  • The single most important thing you need to have in place, before your first interview can be a smash success
  • 6 tips to make you look like an interviewing pro - and how to avoid small disasters
  • 2 types of questions that can make your day - or scuttle your ship; and how to use them wisely
  • Two things you absolutely have to tell your guest - or risk the possibility of seriously offending
  • The single most fatal mistake even a top web radio host fell victim to - and the simple way to avoid it
  • The single most important secret to creating live "magic" - in any media

Well, as you've no doubt guessed from these bullets, you'll have the choice of working with more forms of product creation than simple, dreary writing.

And even if you're completely techno-challenged, I'll gently burst that fear-balloon and safely set you back down to earth.

The Secret Is In Simplicity

The real reason product creation is so hard? Because we expect it to be.
We look for ways to complicate it, deep at the back of our minds, even as we're sincerely struggling towards success.

(It's rather like taking a 25 mile detour - on foot - when all you have to do is open that gate and walk through.)

That's the real tragedy of people who get stuck on content creation.

The truth is, we're all looking for a system - and sometimes, life's just not that clean and simple. It's in the horde of small, seemingly-assorted details that we sometimes find unexpected keys to success.

Keys like:

  • 3 simple precautions to prevent major disaster striking in the middle of your success
  • Hidden "glitches" in popular product creation methods - and how to avoid them.
  • The one simple task you have to do, in order to make sure registrants attend your virtual event (hint: it's one that too many people forget)
  • 2 ridiculously simple keys to defusing real stage fright and making sure your virtual event is a smash success!
  • 3 powerful teleseminar benefits you'll experience almost immediately - and 2 unexpected connections they'll allow you to make
  • The single hidden reason it's harder to attract teleseminar expert guests than audio interview ones
  • The tiny step from pre-recorded audio to teleseminar creation - and how to make the transition so easy, it doesn't even warrant a chapter
  • When to choose a teleseminar, and why it's a special advantage in this particular case
  • 6 teleseminar tips that will make your show run like it was done by a seasoned pro
  • The single most vital action you must not take - even though logic tells you it's needed
  • The single most important thing not to forget, once you start
  • The silly secret for getting over an aversion to seeing yourself on video (no, it doesn't involve plastic surgery, or yodeling while drinking water)
  • Equipment you need- and how to keep it really simple

You see, balance is the key, in successful product creation. And that involves knowing your personal "big picture", while deciding what details to use - and which to ignore.

The only way to defeat the product creation bogeyman is to see him at his real size.

And simple knowledge - with tips for instantly acting on it - is the fastest way to remove that mask!

The Diagram That Will Put It All Into Perspective

No, this isn't some amazing chart you can use... or a secret treasure map (though it easily could be.)

It's just a simple graphic illustrating the blinding revelation that helped me finally put product creation firmly in place, once and for all.

And I'm only too happy to share my simple (but solid and concrete) methods and tools with you.

That's why I created this 50-page e-Book, when I realized how it all came together. And why product creation is easy for me (and may not yet - unfairly - be easy for you.)

At the risk of making you think there's too much information, I've got even more little gems to share with you:

  • 3 powerful teleseminar benefits you'll experience almost immediately - and 2 unexpected connections they'll allow you to make
  • The tiny step from pre-recorded audio to teleseminar creation - and how to make the transition so easy, it doesn't even warrant a chapter
  • The single hidden reason it's harder to attract teleseminar expert guests than audio interview ones
  • How to still make video products and audio files - when you're way to phobic to face doing it in person
  • 3 extra ways to enhance your static screenshots
  • Simple technology solutions that may solve things you once thought insoluble

You'll also discover about:

  • 11 simple information packages that can bring in staggering amounts of money!
  • 4 priceless tips unique to video that professionals rarely share
  • The most neglected category of product creation - and yet it brings in the most bucks!
  • How to avoid the "bargain basement" trap of inferior Resale rights products
  • Resale rights demystified - along with these few simple secrets that nobody wants to tell you

And I'll even show you:

  • Sales letter tips and secrets to help you either write your own - or not
  • Your secret weapon for creating multiple streams of income out of one old product - even if it wasn't that great to begin with

Now, I'm not going to claim this is some revolutionary new system... You won't discover the secret of the Sphinx, or how to turn dust into gold.

But I do teach you practical, common sense methods you can easily wrap your head around (along with supplying the many "missing pieces") too many e-books and articles simply ignore.

If you're ready to check out Nuclear Product Creation Secrets and judge for yourself, just hit the button, and download your copy of this truth-packed e-Book right now.

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