Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Nature ebooks

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Category: Nature, Self Help

Overcoming Your Fear of Spiders

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Title: Overcoming Your Fear of Spiders

"It's True! You Don't Have To Live In Fear of Spiders Ever Again... The Fear of Spiders Is One of The Top Phobias People Suffer From In America Today"

Don't Be Crippled By Your Own Fear - Learn The Most Effective Ways To Cope And Overcome Arachnophobia - Inside This Exclusive Book!

Dear Friend,

Do you cringe or run in fear when you see a spider? You're not alone! So many people have an overwhelming fear of those agile little eight-legged creatures.

If you'd like to learn to overcome your spider phobia as quickly and easily as possible, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read. Millions of people suffer from the fear of spiders. If you're one of them,

Help Has Arrived!

Phobias are very real for many, many people. They are seemingly unexplainable, irrational fears that can put a person in the grip of terror - sometimes for years.

There are times when that fear takes over and dominates a person's life - almost to the point of not functioning. It's time to take control of your phobia and get help NOW! Before it gets completely out of control.

You Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore!

We have done extensive research on phobias and fears, why we Might have them and what you can do to get rid of those fears. For people with phobias, their fear is very real and can

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Action, Adventure, Nature

Light Weight Camping Equipment and How to Make It

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Title: Light Weight Camping Equipment and How to Make It


Watching a large and enthusiastic man and his family unload their gear from the car on a recent camping trip, we became more and more fascinated trying to guess what their plans might be. They seemed to be a family on vacation at a fairly remote lake in the Rockies, but the longer we watched the less sure we were. We weren't at all sure they weren't on a practice run for a projected African safari. The man and his wife, both strong looking, pulled and tugged until they finally had a tent spread on the ground. Three strapping children staggered under the weight of rolls that could be sleeping bags, somewhat disguised. The heap on the ground grew with cartons of canned foods, assorted hardware, clothing, ropes, packs-we finally lost track. Long after dark we could still hear these intrepid campers trying to get their tent secured and their gear stowed away.
We left camp the next morning with four days' supplies on our backs and astonishment on the faces of our neighbors. They were as securely attached to their camp as if they had been nailed into position.
Repetitions of this scene have convinced us that there are many people who would like to know how to go light. Some people, of course, want to set up a home away from home and relax without ever stirring, but many others, like our neighbors, just don't have any idea how to go light.
The following discussions and projects will

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Home, Nature

Living Green: Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint

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Title: Living Green: Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint

How to Live Green:
Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

With all of the pollutants out there right now, imagine what it will be like for future generations. This book gives you tips that you can use to make simple, but positive changes.

The efforts of following these tips over the course of your lifetime will significantly reduce the amount of pollution in our environment.


With all the information out there in the news and on the internet most people are at least aware of pollution problems. The issue is more serious in some areas but the fact remains that we all contribute to it. The concern is that with more people on Earth now and more pollution, we are harming our environment.

Since we all breathe the air that is out there, what is in it should be a top concern for each of us. Yet we often go about it without thinking twice about it. There are enough individuals suffering from health concerns due to what they have been breathing in for years.

With all of the pollutants out there right now, imagine what it will be like for future generations. You maybe don't care must as you won't be around. Yet you will have family who will need to deal with the problems. Even y our own children and grandchildren who are the next generations will be affected by it.

Each of us has the power to make some positive

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nature

How to be Environmentally Friendly

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Title: How to be Environmentally Friendly

Worried About Global Warming? Don't Know What to do to Help? Then You Need...

"How to be Environmentally Friendly!"

Dear Friend,

Global warming has become a very real threat and one that we need to address now or we risk causing even more damage to our planet.

Living more environmentally friendly does not have to be difficult. Often all it takes is small changes that in turn have a big impact.

Today is the day to take action and start making real changes that will have a positive impact on the environment. This does not have to mean a complete lifestyle change. Simply making some small changes can make a big difference.

We All Have One Voice and Together, We Can Make a Difference!

Environmental experts have made it very clear that we all need to make changes if we are going to clean up our planet. And those changes need to start now! With "How to be Environmentally Friendly", you will be shown ways on how you can do your part to live a greener life.

In this book you will learn:

  • Using electricity more economically to reduce your electricity bill and become more environmentally friendly
  • How to recycle
  • How to save water
  • Hybrid cars - should you change?
  • How to have a greener lawn even when there is a water
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Nature

Winterizing Your Home

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Title: Winterizing Your Home

Discover How You Can Save Money On Your Heating Bills From Now On!

Dear Friend,

As the fall season has ended, the brown and orange leaves disappear and a cold chill invites its way in your area. That is, if you reside in an area where winter weather is guaranteed every year. For those of you who are fortunate enough not to have winter weather, good for you. However, for those of us that do, and that's most of us, we have to brace for the frigid and freezing temperatures as we make our way out the door to our various destinations.

We also have to brace ourselves for those humungous utility bills that we look forward to because of cranking up the heater in order to stay warm. Of course, most people dread getting those bills because they know that the amount is usually a whopper. This alone can cause a person major, major stress.

However, that stress factor can be temporary. One of the best ways to get those heating bills down is to winterize your home. Of course, the best time to do this is prior to the cold setting in. You want to be ready and prepared when that cold winds start to hit. By then, you will have everything in place to keep you and your family warm and save money at the same time.

So, now you are stumped. You are really stumped when they tell you that you are most likely having an anxiety attack. What?? Yes, they did not stutter. You are having an anxiety attack.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Nature

Renewable Energy - Eco Friendly

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Title: Renewable Energy - Eco Friendly

How You can play a part in helping to protect the environment and save money


  • A Few Words about Solar Energy
  • Renewable Energy: Wind Power and Water Power
  • Hydropower as Renewable Energy
  • What are Solar Water Heaters?
  • Why Renewable Energy And Eco-Friendly Tactics Matter
  • The Growth of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Why We Must Develop Renewable Energy
  • Water Power: A Great Energy Source
  • Using Wind Power as Renewable Energy
  • What is Renewable Energy?
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Wind Power
  • Want to Make Your Own Energy? Try Solar Power!
  • What Is Biodiesel?
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • How to Get Renewable Energy from Your Power Company
  • Why We Need Renewable Energy
  • Renewable Energy and Your Taxes
  • A Word about Solar Power
  • Ethanol Renewable Energy Myths Debunked
  • Become Energy Independent With Renewable Resources!
  • Renewable Energy: The power of solar energy
  • Need Cheap Renewable Energy at Home?
  • Renewable Energy: Why We Need It
  • Renewable Energy: Solar Power
  • A Word about Wind Energy

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nature

101 Camping-Out Ideas and Activities

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Title: 101 Camping-Out Ideas and Activities

Table Of Contents:

Finding the Right Type of Wood Kindling a Fire Different Types of Fires Cooking Sites Baking
Bread Drilling a Fire OVERNIGHT SHELTERS
Ranger or Gypsy Tents and Trappers' Bivouacs The Tepee
The Bush HutThe Pyramid HutThe Gabled Hut Reed Huts The Trapper's Roof

Reading Tracks Tales of Master Trackers Human Tracks Blazing Your Trail Trailing Animals Animal Footprints Traces of Birds Other Marks of Animals and Birds The Natural Habitat of Animals The Deer The Elk and Moose The Fox The Rabbit The Polecat The Porcupine The Badger The SquirrelMaking Plaster Molds of Tracks
The Moon The Sun The Stars
Diving Boatbuilding The Rules of the Sea Sailing Ships
With Your Tomahawk in the Woods The Totem Pole The Boomerang Making a Bow and Arrow Tricks with a Lasso
Looking at Tree Trunks Branches and Leaves Animal Tracks and Traces Birdwatching Birdcalls and Other Sounds Looking for Lesser Creatures
Birchbark Strips Picture Writing Invisible Inks Secret Codes

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Hobbies, Nature

Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches

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Title: Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
Author: Theodore Roosevelt

When we became a nation in 1776, the buffaloes, the first animals to vanish when the wilderness is settled, roved to the crests of the mountains which mark the western boundaries of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. They were plentiful in what are now the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. But by the beginning of the present century they had been driven beyond the Mississippi; and for the next eighty years they formed one of the most distinctive and characteristic features of existence on the great plains. Their numbers were countless−−incredible. In vast herds of hundreds of thousands of individuals, they roamed from the Saskatchewan to the Rio Grande and westward to the Rocky Mountains. They furnished all the means of livelihood to the tribes of Horse Indians, and to the curious population of French Metis, or Half−breeds, on the Red River, as well as to those dauntless and archtypical wanderers, the white hunters and trappers. Their numbers slowly diminished, but the decrease was very gradual until after the Civil War. They were not destroyed by the settlers, but by the railways and the skin hunters.

After the ending of the Civil War, the work of constructing trans− continental railway lines was pushed forward with the utmost vigor. These supplied cheap and indispensable, but hitherto wholly lacking, means of transportation to the hunters; and at the same

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Nature

The Canoeing Manual

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Title: The Canoeing Manual


CANOEING as a recreation made its debut nearly a hundred years ago when John MacGregor built his canoe "ROB ROY" and in her made pioneer journeys along European waterways. His subsequent lectures and the ebooks that came from his pen introduced the sport to the public; and the young men who followed it up and persuaded MacGregor to found The Canoe Club in 1866 became responsible for popularizing the sport in Europe and America. As a result of this background, the early ebooks on canoeing were all written by British or American canoeists, and both from a technical point of view and as travel ebooks they made excellent reading.

Times have changed, and the last three decades have seen the sport make tremendous advances, particularly among non-English speaking nations in Europe. These have been reflected in a growing literature in many languages, to which Britain has contributed a fair share as can be seen from the bibliography at the end of this ebook. Some of these ebooks have been technical treatises on canoe building; some have been manuals to specific waterways; others were manual guides on particular aspects of the sport. But too little attention has been paid to producing a ebook with a general picture of the activity for the newcomer. This little ebook by my friend Noel McNaught does not pretend to be as detailed as an encyclopedia on all branches of canoeing, but it does aim to supply the interested inquirer with the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Nature

The Yosemite

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Title: The Yosemite

Chapter 1. The Approach to the Valley

When I set out on the long excursion that finally led to California I wandered afoot and alone, from Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico, with a plant−press on my back, holding a generally southward course, like the birds when they are going from summer to winter. From the west coast of Florida I crossed the gulf to Cuba, enjoyed the rich tropical flora there for a few months, intending to go thence to the north end of South America, make my way through the woods to the headwaters of the Amazon, and float down that grand river to the ocean. But I was unable to find a ship bound for South Americafortunately perhaps, for I had incredibly little money for so long a trip and had not yet fully recovered from a fever caught in the Florida swamps. Therefore I decided to visit California for a year or two to see its wonderful flora and the famous Yosemite Valley. All the world was before me and every day was a holiday, so it did not seem important to which one of the world's wildernesses I first should wander.

Arriving by the Panama steamer, I stopped one day in San Francisco and then inquired for the nearest way out of town. But where do you want to go? asked the man to whom I had applied for this important information. To any place that is wild, I said. This reply startled him. He seemed to fear I might be crazy and therefore the sooner I was out of town the better, so he directed me to the

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