A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Mentor Fortunes Ebook

Mentor Fortunes
Category: Home Business, Jobs
Ebook cover: Mentor Fortunes


Title: Mentor Fortunes

"How Would You Like To Start Earning Buckets Full Of Cash Simply By Teaching Other People What You Already Know?

Protégés Will Actually Pay Their Hard Earned Cash To Have You Teach Them Things You Never Imagined They Would Have Any Interest In Learning!"

Then guess what... These People will continue to buy from you again and again in the future, now that you are their Expert Mentor!

  • You are about to discover everything you need to know to make a substantial income using only the knowledge that you currently have?
  • Is it possible to create a huge profit stream without a high priced course?


You're about to discover how you can start raking in cash while building a power network of Protégé's that will bring you new business without creating a huge products!

Dear Friend,

Would you like to find a way to help people and make money doing it at that same time?

It's not impossible. You don't have to write a ebook on the subject to make an impact on the Internet either.

You can make a killing just offering your specialized knowledge as a Mentor.

You may be asking, "If I'm not going to be selling a ebook, what could I possibly be offering?"

There's a way that you can give customers much more value than you could ever give them with a ebook or any other kind of training aid....

What could this be?

Becoming A Personal Mentor For Huge Profits!

Being a personal mentor is nothing more than teaching a person or persons something that you're good at. This can be anything.

If you're a good gardener, swimmer or driver you can teach these things to people for profit!

I want you to take just a second and imagine that you are out searching for a product to buy on how to effectively catch rainbow trout (which is a fish).

You come across two products. One is a ebook and the other is a personal mentoring program.

With the ebook, you get the ebook and a couple of small reports as a bonus and that's it.

With the personal mentoring, you get a personal mentor that is there personally to manual you to the success you want.

It's plain to see that the personal mentorship is going to be much more valuable to you.

Obviously you'd want someone watching what you're doing and telling you when you're making a mistake or doing something right, etc.

With a ebook, you don't know if you're making a mistake.

You Can Teach Long Horn Cattle Ranching, Web Design, or even Internet Marketing With Your Own Mentorship & Make A Serious Amount Of Money, While Teaching What You Already Know!

There are no limits to what you can teach as a mentor. People are constantly looking for specialized information taught by a person who is viewed as an expert.

If you know how to sew great oven mitts and other household items, you could be a personal mentor!

If you know how to work on power nail guns and how to fix them, you could be a personal mentor!

The key point here is "You can teach anything your heart desires" and chances are, there are people out there that are interested in what you have to offer!

Can you think of a few things that you are good at that you never thought of teaching other people?

I bet you can, we all have things we're good at.

The trick is learning how to turn those skills into cash...

You're About To Uncover The Secret Treasure Of Working With Your Own Group Of Protégé's For Big Time Profits

Now, you may be a bit apprehensive when it comes to being a personal mentor.

After all, how are YOU going to be a personal coach to someone?

Not to worry, this was the basic concept that these secret techniques were created around!

You don't need to have loads of experience or a complicated background in teaching or coaching. It's all been arranged for you in a system so simple even a child could pass with flying colors...

If you can read and follow directions, you can become a Mentor and attract your own group of protégé's for profit, production and fun!

What If I Dread Creating A Product?

Even if you dread creating a product or just don't want to put together a big ebook or guide, success is still yours for the taking.

Being a mentor isn't like any product that you've been exposed to before. You don't need to create hundreds of pages of text to give your Protégé's what they need and want to discover from.

You are offering your mind, your personal time and most importantly, yourself to your Protégé's which they will value much more.

So if you've been looking for a way to make a killing with your own product or service but just don't have the time to flesh out a whole product, Mentoring is definitely for you!

Being A Mentor Is As Easy As Following This Plan Of Action

You now have access to a proven plan of action that not only shows you the simple way to become a professional mentor but also how to do this extremely quickly.

You don't need to waste thousands of dollars in investment or hundreds of hours in research and development time.

This blueprint isn't some thrown together piece of content that is just meant to give you a basic understanding of Mentoring. You're going to discover everything you need to get started with a bang and also grow your business.

You don't just want to make a flash in the pan handful of cash do you?

Of course you don't, you want a sustainable income you can count on every month for the rest of your life.

Mentor Fortunes Will Show You How To Find, Profit & Have Fun Teaching A Group Of Your Own Protégé's!

You'll Discover...

  • How To Become The Foremost Authority On ANY Subject You Choose!
  • How To Get YOUR Work Done For You For FREE!
  • How To Squeeze The Maximum Amount Of Cash From Your Clients!

It's Extremely Easy To Be A Profitable Mentor!

Mentor Fortunes is a new guide that's been developed just for you. You're going to discover how to gain the maximum amount profits from being a Mentor in the minimum amount of time.

The whole system is broken down for you step by step with every last detail covered in an easy to understand fashion.

What's Contained Within The Guide?

You're going to discover the real strategies that have worked for me and my clients for years to bring in a huge income.

These secrets aren't for the faint of heart. They are real world, cash producing secrets that will take you from "thinking" about starting up a Mentorship to actually "profiting" from one.

Here are a few more of the Gritty Secrets You Will Discover In Mentor Fortunes?

  • Little Known "Big Time" Benefits Of Being A Mentor!
  • Secret Relationship Tactics Shared Between A Mentor And A Protégé!
  • Hidden Hideouts Of The Most Productive & Profitable Protégés!
  • Generating More Production Than You Ever Expected From Your Protégés!
  • The Results Oriented Protégé Selection Process That Gets You The Cream Of The Crop!
  • Mentor Cycles & How They Provide You With A Never Ending Supply Of Free Assistants!

Would Having A Dozen Or More REAL People Helping You Run Your Business For FREE Help You Make More Money?

The path is already laid out for you, just follow it and you'll get...

  • Extremely Easy To Accomplish Goals, Results & Profits!
  • Recognition As A "Power House" Expert In Your Market!
  • An Army Of People Eager To Make Your Business Profitable!
  • A Busy Website That Makes Money Even While You Sleep!

Here is a full table of contents of what you are about to discover!

Introduction - The Mentor-Protégé Relationship 5
What is Mentoring? 5
A Brief History of Mentoring 6
Chapter 1 - Benefits of a Protégé 8
It's a Two-Way Street 8
Sharper skills 8
A fresh outlook 9
Free labor 10
Career development 10
Higher self-image 11
Personal satisfaction 12
Mentoring: Do you have what it takes? 13
Communication and rapport 13
Insider information 14
Experience and balance 14
Honesty and integrity 15
Organization 16
Chapter 2 - Benefits to a Protégé 17
Knowledge 17
New opportunities 17
A non-threatening learning experience 18
Improved self-confidence 18
Challenge 19
A straighter path to success 19
Long term relationships and networking opportunities 20
Chapter 3 - Where to Look 21
Happenstance 21
Your company 22
Other companies or industry segments 23
Mentoring programs 24
College interns 26
Chapter 4 - Picking a Protégé 29
Ingredients of a good protégé 29
Aligning your goals 33
Background checks-do you need them? 34
How to check references 34
The protégé interview 35
Avoiding lawsuits 39
Creating a contract with your protégé 40
Chapter 5 - Communication 42
When, Where, and How: Communication Basics 42
Accessibility 42
Primary communication 45
Regularity 46
Creating a schedule 46
Documentation 47
Fostering Clear Communication 48
Conversation skills 49
Personal interface: Your body language 52
Better written communication 57
Chapter 6 - Working with a Protégé 61
Stages of a mentorship 61
Pitfalls of mentoring 62
Defining goals 64
Creating a personal vision statement 66
Making time for mentoring: the balancing act 72
Drawing the line 73
Chapter 7 - The Exit Strategy 76
Meeting goals 76
Moving on 79
Keeping in touch 79
Chapter 8 - Running Multiples 82
Diversifying: Different protégés for different purposes 83
Part time mentoring 84
Group mentoring 85
Chapter 9 - Lather, Rinse, Repeat 88
Referrals from your protégés 88
After-retirement mentoring 89
Final thoughts 90
Table of Figures 93
Appendix: How to Be a Professional Altruist 94
Ebook cover: Mentor Fortunes
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Price: $9.95
Ebook Type: PDF
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