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Men ebooks

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Category: Diet, Men

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Title: The Mango Man Diet

Eliminate Indigestion - Conquer Acid Reflux - Wipeout Heartburn
Abolish Cramps - Annihilate Bloating - Overcome Diarrhea

With The Mango Man Diet you'll have Amazing Energy. You will Wake Up in the Morning Ready to Go and You Rarely Feel the Ups and Downs in your Energy During the Day! Your Endurance will Sky Rocket!

Get a Test Drive on the Way of Eating that's Changed the Lives of Tens of Thousands of Men and Women around the Globe and could End Your Digestive Problems for Good! You WILL:

  • Boost your Stamina + Focus + Energy + Sex Drive
  • Enjoy a Flatter Belly and Thinner Thighs
  • Stop Suffering from Embarrassing Burping and Gas PLUS End the Gurgling Gastritis Attacks
  • Have Kid's Meals that Guarantee NO Tears and NO Tantrums

The Healthiest Diet on the Planet is Here and within moments of right now you'll discover:

  • What to Eat when Dining Out
  • What's for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • How to Maximize your Energy Levels, Exposing the Difference Between Energy
  • How to Perform Better as an Athlete & at your Job
  • Gaining & Energy Draining Foods
  • How to Spell "Relief" Real Fast
  • The 3 Commandments of Eating while Improving Digestion
  • How to Go from Bulked to Buffed
  • Your Best Health after 40
  • How to Blast Fat Fast as you Flatten your Belly
  • How to
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Men

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Title: Self-Coaching To Overcome Premature Ejaculation
Author: Sarah Simon

What YOU have to Master:

  • Have all the answers to your "how"s and "why"s about sexuality and particularly your problem.
  • Understand your physical sexual mechanical functioning and your personal sexual behavior.
  • Define your couple style and determine all the environmental aspects under which your problem evolves.
  • Understand all the characteristics and origins of premature ejaculation.
  • Set up reasonable expectations and realistic objectives.
  • Select the best and most suitable approach to overcome your problem.

The effects of this document on your state of mind will be pleasurably surprising…

  • You will learn to acquire more control over your impulsions. - You will understand how your body reacts to the sexual stimulations you undergo and will be able to detect and control them.
  • You will discover all the secrets of sexuality!  - All those small details you may neglect and which give a totally different aspect to your sexual behavior.
  • You will learn what to do and especially HOW to do it.  - Your understanding of the sexual behavior of your partner, her needs and reactions, will help you offer her what she desires most.
  • You will build a more harmonious couple. - Your couple style really needs to change! Your behaviors and habits, your environment, everything needs to be improved and be adapted to your new life.
  • You will set up
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: Insider Internet Dating

Here's a sneak peek at what you're going to find when you join Insider Internet Dating:

  • A slick 'Spam filter avoidance system' that bypasses the online personals site security system, fooling it, allowing non-members to reply to your emails. (this tip alone is worth the price of the course)
  • A powerful sentence... borrowed from the world's most expensive escort (yes, you read that right)... that completely convinces any woman who reads your profile you are a man she MUST meet
  • A 'Little-Known' tactic taken from the U.S. special forces... instantly find out exactly what type of responses a woman is getting to her personal ad and grab her attention by doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what most guys do
  • The real reason why women use online dating sites (When she realizes you know this you will INSTANTLY become more attractive in her mind)
  • The 5 key things your online dating profile MUST convey
  • Why you suck at online dating...and how a simple shift in thinking and strategy can result in an avalanche of dates...fast
  • The 8 subtle things you can put in your profile that will TRIPLE the chances of a woman emailing you
  • How to use the "forgotten magic" of the World's Oldest Profession to make your profile and email copy next to impossible to skip over
  • The one thing you must always IGNORE in a woman's profile
  • The sites you need to stay away from... unless you enjoy getting a ton of
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Men, Relationships, Romance

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Reviewed by Alex on 2008-10-22
My Rate 5
Amazing design & Awesome Product!

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Title: How To Get a Girlfriend
Author: Stephen Nash

Do you struggle with meeting and attracting women?

Do you feel "average" and unattractive?

Do you feel clueless as to what to say when you are standing face-to-face with an attractive woman?

Are you looking for a systematic plan for meeting and attracting the RIGHT kinds of women for you?

Would it surprise you to learn that most men struggle with meeting and attracting women? In fact, most men settle for women that they don't feel that true burn of attraction for.

I was once on of the greatest pick-up artists in the world, but since 2004 I have codified a system for helping men get GIRLFRIENDS. Sure, my ebook "How To Get A Girlfriend" will help you meet and attract virtually any woman you want. But, my primary interest is in helping single men meet and attract the women of their choosing.

My ebook outlines the 7 essential skills that you need to meet the woman of your dreams. These skills are very simple to learn, and that if you are willing to simply put one foot in front of the other - in a direction that I prescribe - you will find yourself dating interesting and attractive women within 30 days (or, I refund your money...deal?).

With "How To Get A Girlfriend", I have taken all the guesswork out of your game plan for meeting and attracting women. I incorporate the best social skills that I learned as a PUA (pick-up artist) along with the smoothest, most transforming lifestyle program in the dating market for men.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Medicine, Men

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Reviewed by Patricia K Mack on 2009-04-10
My Rate 5
The info is top notch!! My cousin is currently going through prostate cancer screening. The info supplied in this dvd & booklets have been very beneificial to him. i'm giving out copies to all my male friends & family members for fathers day!!!!

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Title: The African-American Man's Guide To "Cancer Proof Your Prostate??"
Author: Andre Campbell

Of course you can't really cancer proof your prostate, but you can do some of the things that may help with slowing down the possibility of getting prostate cancer or not. In this ebook there are some ideas of what you can do to help, eating right, exercising and others. This is not a medical book, but a book of ideas that might help you or somebody you may know. Remember, you can't buy good health. Knowledge is power...

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Medicine, Men

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Reviewed by Patricia K Mack on 2009-04-10
My Rate 5
This site has all the info needed to be well informed concerning prostate cancer. Black men can rest assured they will come out on top if they follow the simple guidelines in this book! Kudos to the aurthor!!!!!

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Title: The African-American Man's Guide To Prostate Cancer Screening
Author: Mr. Andre Campbell

If you are African-American man today and your Father or Uncle had prostate cancer, then you maybe at a higher risk for prostate cancer. are at High Risk for Prostate Cancer, and some are even at Higher Risk. For a step-by-step look at the screening process of prostate cancer. If you found out you may have prostate cancer this ebook is for you.

This eBook is not a medical book, but a culled account as the result of the Award Wining Documentary DVD, "The Silent Killer: Prostate Cancer." There is a90% chance of a cure rate if prostate cancer is found early.

This eBook will help you or anybody you know. Early detection is the key. And remember, "What you don't know may kill you." R. Brewington ~ Knowledge is power!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships, Men, Self Help

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Reviewed by Chuck Boney on 2015-11-13
My Rate 5
This is a great e-book,because i have been through some really,i mean really bad relationships,retlationships so bad they made me feel as though everything i said and did was wrong,but it was the woman. i need this book to find that wake up call next time.

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Title: The Social Interaction
Author: Bobby Singh

The social Interaction Is a online website based free guide book. The pupose of me writing this guide book is to help those people who face social awkardness in their life especially when it comes to interacting with woman. But I will not suggest you to  limit this knowledge only interacting with women. as guide explains step by step process how any conversation can be made in natural way with any person you like. If done correctly it would be helpful in business relations too . Guide is focused on how to make connection with the people you just met, using diffrent tools such as body language . with the help of body laguage users will able to undersatnd comfort and discomfort of their conversation partner. it does not only limited to that but also helps you to teach how you can respond to those body signals to make your partner feel more comfortable. usres will also learn how to embrace their confidence by using body language , and special tip to boost confidenec by using body language.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Men, Psychology, Relationships

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Title: The 9 Strategy Factors For Being Desirable To Women
Author: CR James

This ebook teaches guys how to have success with woman by doing the opposite of what the experts teach. It covers 9 key progress levels to building success with women. More importantly it's a proven simple system. As you will discover, it's a great reference report. All of the material is exclusively written by "CR James".

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Relationships, Men, Romance

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Title: The Female Mind Control Hand Book - Learn How To hack into any woman brain and make her yours forever
Author: Katty Spring

This book would teach men how to hack into the minds of women and make them to like, lust and desire them. 

This is a perfect read for any man that want to learn how to attract any girl or woman of their dream.

Woman are psychologically wired, and any man that master the mind of woman would not find it hard to attract any women they wish to date or have a relationship with.

The Female Mind Control Hand Book also contain in it a Secret body language that make you turn girl on instantly without saying a word, ''YES'' We would teach you a simple dating strategy to make women lust for you, desire you and instantly wants to be with you even if that woman has a boy friend, so make sure to check the video in this book as you read.

So if as a man, you have been akward in dating, trying to get any girl to like you, date you, have an affair with you, attracting females, then make sure you read this guide today and watch the video in the book as well to start dating as an alpha male.



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Ebook Type: Video Included,
Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: 10 Laws of Sexual Attraction

Once you've completed my program, you'll be a full-blown stud. Take advantage of your good looks by employing the strategies outlined in this exclusive bonus ebook on sexual attraction.

Believe it or not, there is a step-by-step way to seduce women. Whether you're looking for a one-night stand or a long-term relationship, Derek's ebook is packed with secret pickup strategies.

Written by master pickup artist Derek Lamont, 10 Laws of Sexual Seduction is the ultimate guide to attracting beautiful women.

Believe it or not, there is a step-by-step way to seduce women. Whether you're looking for a one-night stand or a long-term relationship, Derek's ebook is packed with secret pickup strategies.

Bonus to the "The Handsome Factor Appearance Transformation System"

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