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Men ebooks

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Category: Health, Men

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Title: The Prostate Massage Manual


Some men may think that they shouldn’t do prostate massage. Such thinking would be a mistake for two reasons.

  • When sexual stimulation is intentionally added to the massage, the resulting sexual male orgasm can be exceptionally powerful. Who wouldn’t want that?
  • Prostate massage, when done correctly, can be a very healthy thing to do for your overall prostate health.

And for the best in sexual orgasmic pleasures, your prostate is the switch that can take you on a journey of discovery. Time to learn all about that male G-spot gland at any age, especially if you want to last longer and heal any erectile dysfunction problems you may have.

Table of Contents

  • Benefits of Prostate Massage
  • The Prostate’s 10 Amazing Functions
  • Prostate Exercises
  • Non-Sexual External Prostate Massage
  • External Prostate Massage
  • Internal Prostate Massage
  • Prostate Massage Devices
  • Non-Sexual Internal Prostate Massage
  • Techniques for Using the Pro-State Prostate Massager
  • Prostate Massage Orgasm
  • Sexual Internal Prostate Massage
  • Video Techniques for Pleasurable Sexual Prostate Massage
  • Sex and Your Prostate
  • Tantra and Taoist Prostate Sex Practices
  • Advanced Sexual Skills
  • How to Nourish
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Category: Men, Remedies

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Title: Beating Erectile Dysfunction

"Discover The Secrets Of A 64 Year Old *Stud* That Are Guaranteed To Give You The Massive Erections She's Always Wanted!"

Inside you'll discover ...

  • The single reason why 70% of men have E.D. ... and what to do it about.
  • Everything you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction, and the trick to overcoming it naturally and easily.
  • Miracle "sex foods" that are doctor approved to give you a huge erection when it's time to perform.
  • Which vitamins and supplements actually work and which don't. Stop the guesswork and stop wasting money on junk "cures". This information alone may be all you need.
  • The number #1 most effective way to remove mental roadblocks towards the natural erection you deserve.
  • Simple tricks to have the mindblowing sex you deserve to have. This kind of sex is naturally available to ALL men, but you need to know the following simple medical secrets...
  • How to determine exactly what is causing your E.D. and how to fix it. Unlike other programs and treatments, the Beating Erectile Dysfunction system fixes the root of the problem, NOT just the symptoms.
  • The truth about the relationship between premature ejaculation and E.D. If you suffer from both, this will be the revelation you've been waiting for.
  • A drop-dead simple exercise you can start doing today that has been proven in studies to completely cure E.D. in 47% of sufferers who try it!
  • 10 proven
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Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: Impulsive Desire Method
Author: Alex Carter

Dating & relationship program geared towards men.

Extremely twisted attraction trick - Try this on her today

Today I will reveal a wacky, but very effective “Secret Formula” that will show you how to access the impulsive part of any girl’s mind.

This formula is so ridiculously powerful, it will make any female feel a desire so intense, that you’ll be able to send her pulse racing through the roof... and have her buckling at her knees just thinking about you.

This weird trick triggers a spontaneous reaction in her brain which forces her body to do whatever it takes to get close to you...

The weirdest thing is that she will do ridiculously embarrassing things to win you over once you apply this formula.

The moment you use this on any girl, she will suddenly find you to be 10 to 20 times more attractive than you truly are.

I mean, a guy could be ultra fat, balding or even someone with pimples as huge as volcanoes popping out of his face, it won’t really matter.

Every girl will still find him to be as hot as Brad Pitt.

But it doesn’t stop there because when you use this formula on a girl; she will feel such an intense emotional high, that every moment she spends around you will feel special to her.

You could take her to Mc Donald’s and she would still tell you that it was the best date of her life.

Now that super hot girl

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Category: Men, Weight Loss

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Title: Customized Fat Loss For Men
Author: Kyle Leon

Customized Fat Loss for Men is a weight loss program exclusively for men because it consists of unique nutrition and training strategies designed to work with the male metabolism in order to support healthy weight loss and optimize the release and effectiveness of naturally occurring male hormones.

Rather, with Customized Fat Loss for men you’re provided a complete nutrition and training program along with a custom nutritional software designed to help your body optimize fat loss by systematically allocating calories and macronutrients at specific times based around you as an individual….

Customized Fat Loss for men is designed to provide a healthy, natural and fully customized solution to help men reach their weight loss goals.

Customized Fat Loss for Men is a professional, truly customized nutrition approach to male fat loss. When this system is combined with proper exercise, men can experience quick, natural and safe fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.

The system is designed to give your body exactly what it needs, when it needs it in order to shed body fat without experiencing muscle loss. You'll also be provided with easy to understand charts and graphs that track your transformation progress in order to make sure you are on the fastest pace possible to your new, leaner physique.

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Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: Female Persuasion
Author: Scot McKay

Are you a man who's all about raising the bar when it comes to success with women? If so, here are seven of the most important questions you'll ever ask yourself:

  • Have you ever wondered why other guys seem to attract women with the snap of their fingers...while you never even get a woman to smile at you?
  • Do women consistently ignore you...never paying you the attention you deserve, even though you're a great guy with so much to offer?
  • Do you find yourself thinking that "all women are the same"...meaning they're always interested in some other guy, not you?
  • Instead of scrambling to earn approval from women all the time, isn't it time they were drawn to you magnetically...with almost zero effort? (And hey...isn’t it high time they started clamoring for your favor instead?)
  • If you catch yourself daydreaming about a throng of adoring women catering to your every whim, do you immediately pass it off as "impossible"?
  • Are you unsure that you could unleash a woman's naughtiest sexual fantasies...making her passionate about fulfilling every one of yours?
  • Have you become jaded against women in general...no thanks to so many harsh "rejections" and/or a disastrous string of bad experiences?

Did you answer "yes" to one or more of those questions? I've been right there with you...and so has every other guy.

Here's a brief list of the points you'll find covered in Female... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Men

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Title: Pearly Penile Papules Removal
Author: Josh Marvin

“Professors Predicted I Would Never Remove My Pearly Penile Papules. But Contrary to their Prediction, I Removed my Papules Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! I'll Show You How...”

Does this sound like you?

  • “I’m afraid to have intimate relationships!”
  • “My sex life has been ruined!”
  • “I’m scared women will think I have an STD or get totally grossed out!”
  • “I’m so embarrassed; I don’t want to talk to anyone about them, not even my parents or doctor!”
  • “I’ve tried everything to get rid of these things and nothing works!”
  • “I have no confidence in myself anymore because I don’t feel like a real man.”
  • “I’m a virgin because I’m scared to see a girl’s reaction.”
  • “Even if she’s not disgusted by the look of them, the foul smell will surely run her away.”
  • “Ever though it hurts like hell, I’ve tried to pick them off and they keep coming back!”
  • “I don’t have $3,000 to fork out for surgery. Besides, I don’t want anyone to put a laser to the `ole boy.”

What’s even worse is that you think about how terrible your life is every time you look at your penis. And, if you drink a lot of fluids, that could be an all-day torture.
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Category: Men, Remedies

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Title: Ejaculation Pro
Author: Jeffery Penzer

In The Stamina Guide we show you exactly how to address both the physical and psychological aspects behind what causes premature ejaculation.

We also show you precise techniques and methods for increasing your stamina to over 45 minutes on a consistent basis.

And as we discussed before, we’ll also delve into the psychological aspects of makes a woman “addicted” to a man who can give her the kind of sex we’ll teach you to give.

We will teach you how to…

  • Eliminate premature ejaculation permanently (we show you methods and techniques that address the problem for long-term success)
  • Increase your stamina to last at least 45 minutes on a consistent basis within 60 days or your money back
  • Give your partner multiple, ecstatic orgasms every time you have sex
  • Understand the psychological “game” behind what makes women attracted to a certain kind of man (the Ejaculation Pro who can make her orgasm every single time)
  • Identify the triggers, both physical and mental, that lead to premature ejaculation
  • Do the right kinds physical exercises that lead to permanent results (many other “quick fix” programs cause more physical harm than good and can actually decrease stamina)
  • Increase your sex drive and sexual appeal (you will notice these almost instantly and even complete strangers will notice your high level of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Men, Remedies

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Title: Male Fertility Plan
Author: Ashley Spencer

There are so many mistruths about infertility that it's quite possible you could believe that there is no solution for you. Today, you have found the source of knowledge that will give you the power to take control of your situation.

Introducing the Male Fertility Plan, this is the most detailed, comprehensive all-in-one Male Fertility Plan currently available and in it you will learn:

  • How assisted reproductive techniques will increase your chances of conceiving by 28%
  • The medically recommended treatment for each male infertility problem and how to get started immediately
  • The exact daily dietary intake of each food group you must consume to become highly fertile and conceive easily
  • The powerful combination of supplements you can start taking now which are proven to increase conception chances
  • How the consumption of some foods can dramatically reduce your chances of having a healthy baby
  • Why this particular food group needs to be consumed in at least 5 servings per day
  • A simple activity you can do every day to increase sperm flow and production
  • How sperm quality is drastically affected by dietary intake of antioxidants
  • How to eradicate interference from external sources on your sperm production
  • What you must avoid on a daily basis to ensure a healthy conception process
  • The 3 major factors affecting sperm health and how to positively influence these... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Men

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Title: Healthy Prostate
Author: Ronald Bazar

Got Prostate Problems?
Natural Prostate Solutions That Work...

  • Stop uncomfortable prostate symptoms
  • Stop frequent waking up at night to pee
  • Avoid erectile dysfunction or incontinence
  • Learn which prostate tests are OK & which are harmful
  • Avoid damaging surgical or medical interventions
  • Learn how to reverse prostate cancer, BPH or prostatitis

My ebook - Healthy Prostate: The Extensive Guide To Prevent and Heal Prostate Problems Including Prostate Cancer, BPH Enlarged Prostate and Prostatitis - will help you to cure your prostate problem naturally, without the devastating side effects of conventional medical treatments.


  • 4 out of 10 men who have prostate surgery have to wear diapers because of chronic leakage – and nearly 9 out of 10 become sexually impotent. Here’s how to avoid their fate.
  • 12 warning signs that you may have BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • 7 risk factors for prostate cancer.
  • The truth about PSA testing with its high rates of false positives for prostate cancer. Page 80. Plus: 15 reasons other than prostate cancer why your PSA might be abnormally high.
  • The 11 healthiest foods you can eat – and 10 foods you should avoid at all costs.
  • “Retrograde ejaculation” is an undesirable condition in which semen, instead of coming out of the penis,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: Ejaculation By Command
Author: Lloyd Lester

"Last 20 Minutes Longer Tonight... Guaranteed!"

Even Better... Follow My Simple Suggestions for Curing Premature Ejaculation and You'll Last for 30 Minutes or Longer by the End of the Week!

You get my complete step-by-step strategies and techniques to re-train and re-wire your mind and body so that you can have longer-lasting sex, and at the same time, give your partner a pleasurable experience she never thought was possible.

Here's a VERY partial list of what you're going to learn inside this exciting new program:

  • A primal sexual technique that adds massive control to your arousal... and puts a woman over the edge with sexual excitement... she'll have to have you RIGHT THEN AND THERE... and nothing will be able to stop her
  • How to overcome mental barriers to sexual endurance - develop iron-clad stamina and confidence by using these 9 specific techniques I am going to give you
  • 4 powerful breathing strategies that will amplify your staying power and prolong your orgasm for as long as you desire (97% of men screw up their breathing and end up ejaculating too soon)
  • The "Pleasure Acclimatizing" technique to train and condition your ejaculation reflexes so that you will AUTOMATICALLY last longer without tipping over in a hurry (this is one of the stamina "secrets" that TOP porn actors use ALL THE TIME )
  • Specific guided "love muscle" exercises to skyrocket your ejaculatory control and your ability
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