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Marketing ebooks

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Title: Everything You Know About Yard Signs is Wrong
Author: Ben Donahower

Some people will tell you that campaign signs are incredibly important to the ground game and others saying "campaign yard signs don't vote" and to avoid them altogether.

The truth is somewhere in between. This no nonsense guide takes the guesswork out of campaign signs, so that you get the right amount of signs for your campaign and use them most effectively.

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Category: Marketing, Business

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Title: Why Facebook Landing Pages Are More Important Now Than Ever Before!
Author: Jo Barnes

With recent changes at Facebook, companies are not getting the same reach to their customers. Statistics show that with each post, you are only reaching out to 16% of your fans.

With this one Facebook strategy our business is still reaching over 60% of our fans every day!

In this Ebook, you'll discover how were reaching out and ensuring our fans see our message.

Download my FREE Ebook today and find out why Facebook landing tabs are more important than ever before!

Don't wait any longer to get this off the ground. It is as powerful now as it always was!

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Category: Business, Internet, Marketing

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Title: How To Get Massive Server Crashing Traffic From Facebook

Discover how to generate hordes of traffic from the world's biggest social media site. This guide contains the best and latest tips and tricks to siphon traffic from Facebook to your business. Facebook is a monster when it comes to how much traffic you can get from that website so if you ever needed to know how to drive quality traffic from this website now you will finally get to know. In this guide we uncover everything from how to properly create your facebook page to how to properly optimize it. We also teach you how to use the paid advertise it and optimize for maximum results.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Marketing, SEO and Promotion, Business

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Title: Statistics that will make you think again over your social media strategy
Author: by the experts.

Costumers nowadays have adopted the technology in their buying process as well. Everybody reserch online about the thing they are looking for before going in to the physical market. That Creates a great oportunity for the online marketers like us to identify the perspective online customer.  

Every user research ina different way but there are some common factor affecting every online user's mindset. That is "Social Media" Today we are going to talk about the biggest community and how it can help you to skyrocket your business outcomes.

Social Media community is made of the different online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus and many more. We have conducted the market research to find out how these different platforms affect the online marketing strategy from the beginning of ear 2014. Here is the result of the research as an ebook evolving some of the social media facts that might surprise you. You can also find some quick tips to boost your marketing campaing from the industry experts at the end of each segment. We are pretty sure that you will be amazed by the facts revealed and the tips by the experts. 

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Category: Marketing, Business, Arts

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo – How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Logo - How to Prepare & Print It Perfectly is a eBook that breaks down the fundamentals of what and how your logo should be and look. It describes everything from the acutal font you should use, to the size it should be, to the colors it should be, all the way to what format it should be created and saved in.

All of these play an immense role in creating the PERFECT brand logo. Fonts that are too big or squished together will be harder to read and might turn someone seeing it for the first off immediately. Colors are EXTREMELY important in not only your logo, but anything to do with your brand. There are countless studies on colors and how they affect the human thought process; some signal negative effects and others positive ones, so this is one of the most important parts of your logo creation process.

The format part of it is for when you are trying to enhance or enlarge your logo, which could be the case for various reasons. Using the wrong format will cause your logo to appear pixilated and blurry when trying to increase the size of it. You may not think that's a major concern becuase when would you need to make it bigger, right? Well one example would be when printing it, or having it printed, for promotional or marketing events, maybe like a booth at a trade show.

These are just some of the items touched on in this eBook. There are plenty of other things that go into

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Marketing, Business, Management

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Title: Publicidade: o jeito weasel de ser.
Author: Gino Giacomini Filho
Language: Other

O livro "Publicidade: o jeito weasel de ser" tem o propósito de retratar a propaganda comercial e alguns de seus recursos persuasivos que podem interagir com o consumerismo.

Aborda o uso de expressões weasel que conferem ambiguidade ao discurso publicitário.

Discute o emprego de notas remissivas em anúncios, algo materializado pelo uso do sinal de asterisco em peças de propaganda, recurso esse que tem se mostrado desvantajoso para o consumidor no âmbito das relações de consumo. Esse estudo inclui pesquisa com anúncios publicados em jornais e revistas brasileiras em 2018.

Trata também de analisar o emprego de elementos e recursos irreais em anúncios, recurso publicitário legítimo, mas com potencial de trazer danos consumeristas. Baseia-se em pesquisa com comerciais veiculados na televisão brasileira em 2019, algo que ajudou a construir um modelo axiomático para a análise de conteúdos irreais em anúncios publicitários.

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Category: Marketing, Education

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Title: Discover How to Build Your YouTube Authority with this Comprehensive Guide
Author: Maria

Discover how to build your Youtube Authority
whith this comprehensive guide.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Computers, Marketing

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Title: The Top 34 Tools for Managing Your Virtual Team
Author: My Virtual Workforce

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Category: Business, Marketing

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Title: Cultivating Customer Loyalty: Seven Sound Strategies for Your Business
Author: Jon J. Cardwell

Discover some helpful marketing strategies for cultivating customer loyalty in order to be the business in your local area when your field of expertise comes to mind. By cultivating customer loyalty, you not only retain a valued client, you instill in their hearts and minds the trust they have already gained from you after having made a purchase, whether it is a product or service. Thus, you promote more than just a word-of-mouth campaign; you create a team of eager evangelists who laud your business to others. 

Customer retention is the goal of every business. Your current clientele are your recurring profit base. They also provide the greatest ROI for your advertising dollar. If you're not aiming toward customer loyalty and client retention as your endgame, you'll lose at least 20 percent of your business and have to work 80 percent harder while spending much, much more than you'd have to in order to produce new customers.

The tips and tactics contained in this eBook are proven marketing strategies you can apply immediately to your business.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Management, Marketing

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Title: Comunicação organizacional: externa, responsável, multidisciplinar.
Author: Gino Giacomini-Filho; Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves
Language: Other

Este livro, editado pela Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (Brasil) discute a comunicação organizacional focando seus aspectos externos, responsáveis e multidisciplinares.

Os aspectos externos são dedicados aos públicos ou stakeholders externos à organização e que impactam ou são impactados por essa comunicação.

A obra contém diversos textos que mostram ser a comunicação organizacional algo atrelado, atualmente, a uma atuação responsável, ética.

A multidisciplinaridade é também algo típico da comunicação organizacional, pois como mostram os textos da obra, há interfaces importantes com outras áreas do conhecimento como informação, psicologia, sociologia, direito, meio ambiente.

São 13 textos que conferem uma ampla abordagem da comunicação organizacional priorizando a realidade brasileira e atual.

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