Internet Marketing RockStar Blueprint Ebook
Title: Internet Marketing RockStar Blueprint
Author: Liz Tomey
"Discover How To Tap Into The Single Most Powerful Method You Can Use To Increase Your Leads, Your Sales And Your Online Reputation Many, Many Times Over... All For FREE!"
If You Have Been Struggling Really Hard To Explode Your Sales And Leads Or You're On A Shoe-String Budget To Invest In Paid Marketing Tactics, Then This Is Very Likely Going To Be The Most Important Letter You Will Ever Read.
Dear Internet Marketer,
Have you ever heard of the old saying, "It's not what you know but who you know that matters"? Internet Marketing is the embodiment of that saying. Established Internet marketers have spent years building lists of potential customers so they most certainly know the right people to market to.
The new marketers, on the other hand, can shortcut their curve by gaining access to those lists of the right people in order to break into the Internet marketing arena and Joint Ventures (or JV in short) are the way to do that very thing.
If you honestly want to become the next Internet Marketing "Rock Star" then you need to know this valuable information as quickly as possible. Yes, it's that important to your success!
Here are just five (5) of the overwhelming number of benefits available in a Joint Venture with an established Internet marketer for the newcomers:
Five Important Benefits Of Joint Ventures
- The possibility of establishing a good working relationship with an established Internet marketer that could turn into an ongoing and mutually profitable arrangement.
- Access to a potential customer base that would otherwise be inaccessible. Established Internet marketers have lists of customers that would be most likely to purchase the product or service you are selling.
- Associating yourself with a successful partner can help to establish credibility for you and open many doors. Your Joint Venture partners' credibility will be passed on to you simply by association.
- You will be guaranteed a much larger response to your new product or service than you could ever hope to generate on your own.
- A Joint Venture can help you to build your own opt-in list. The all important opt-in list is the backbone of Internet marketing. Building lists takes years but with a successful Internet marketer as a Joint Venture partner, you can cut the time needed in half.
Moral of the story? A Joint Venture is the best and quickest way for a new Internet marketer to become established - in a cost free fashion! :-)
"Great - But If Joint Ventures Really Work..."
"... then why do I hear responses like these from potential partners almost every time I e-mail them?", you ask.
- Sorry, but I'm too busy. (We often hear this in one version or another, right?)
- No thanks, I'm not interested in striking a Joint Venture deal with you.
- (Never got a reply from the potential partner you've mailed several days ago)
If this is the kind of results you're getting right now, the first thing I'd like to advise you is - DON'T DESPAIR! It's not that Joint Ventures are dead, in fact they're being done around the clock. You're just not doing it right. Yet...
You may have your product, service or offer ready by now - and you are actually, in essence, one step away from achieving the dome of explosive sales, leads and instant credibility. As long as you can figure out the mechanisms of a successful Joint Venture!
Imagine Learning Things Like:
- The single most important thing you must know about your potential partners before approaching them with your Joint Venture proposal tucked neatly under your arm pits - easily more than 90% of the novice marketers today are ignorant of this fact and that's the reason why they get ignored, too!
- The six (6) secret ingredients to a Joint Venture success! This is stuff great Joint Venture successes are made of - and when you discover exactly what they are, it's likened to holding six different keys to one powerful breakthrough in your next product launch!
- The one and only rule of thumb that can be responsible for your next explosive sales!
- The three (3) important things your potential Joint Venture partners often look in you and your offer, whether they're aware of it or not - and how you can best prepare yourself to fulfill all these three criteria because the moment you submit a Joint Venture proposal, your potential partners immediately become the 'Judge Dredd' of your Internet Marketing success!
- What your potential partner really, really means when he or she says "I'm too busy" - and how you can tackle that problem as if it's an easy feat!
- What to look for in a potential Joint Venture partner before approaching him or her! (Hint: this is more important than you think if you want to improve your chances of getting a "yes" from a powerful partner-in-success!)
- Some of the Internet's reknowned powerful resources you can use to organize your Joint Ventures for maximum profits!
- EVERYTHING you need to prepare before even getting started! (Hint: Mess this up and there goes the rest of your Joint Venture Partner recruitment drive!)
- How to recruit powerful Joint Venture partners massively!
- How to get the most out of and take advantage of this powerful cost-free leverage in launching your next best-selling product and building your list! (Oh, and don't forget the instant credibility you can create with their subscribers and customers, too!)
- How to architect your Joint Venture partner compensation plan and benefits for a pure win-win situation!
And so much more!
So How Much For The Price of Your Next Breakthrough?
On the contrary, let's see how much it would cost you if you DON'T acquire this manual. You've undoubtedly also heard the wise adage: "If you keep on doing the same things you've always been doing, you'll keep on getting what you've always been getting!"
You might just continue to receive those "Sorry but I'm busy" (or even "......") replies from other marketers and you're then left to wonder why everyone's so cold about it. And later, you question whether there's any future for a newcomer to the marketing scene and end it with a depression full stop a.k.a. "I give up"!
But what if you discover how to turn those "no's" into a "yes"? Won't that open up limitless possibilities to your online marketing career even for a newcomer to the marketing scene? I had been a complete beginner once like you, but through (plenty of) trial and error I learned that it's equally possible for someone deemed "newbie" to still succeed in Internet Marketing with the help of top marketers - you just need to first understand them and later say the right words!
Many have asked me how I was able to do so many successful Joint Ventures with some of the recognized marketers today even though perhaps back then I didn't come across as someone particularly 'special' in their books - but now, since my time has grown rather constrained in the process I find it difficult to explain from A through Z on this subject on a one at a time basis.
Ebook Type: PDF
![]() | The Master Blueprint To Internet Marketing Success Author: Willie Crawford Category: E-Marketing Price: $9.95 | ![]() | The Newbies Guide To Internet Marketing Category: E-Marketing Price: $7.00 |
![]() | In Your Face - Internet Marketing Wisdom Category: E-Marketing Price: $3.00 | ![]() | Internet Marketing Mastery Author: Paul Barrs Category: E-Marketing Price: $39.95 |
![]() | Internet Marketing Secrets Unleashed Author: Simon Macharia Category: E-Marketing Price: $7.95 | ![]() | The Great Big Book of Internet Marketing Author: Liz Tomey Category: E-Marketing Price: $15.95 |
![]() | Internet Marketing Secrets - Essentials Guide Author: Eric White Category: E-Marketing Price: $19.95 | ![]() | 50 Instant Internet Marketing Articles Author: Category: E-Marketing Price: $19.95 |
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