Info-Product Creation Handbook Ebook
Title: Info-Product Creation Handbook
Author: Bryan Winters
In this report you're going to discover several of the easiest (yet little known) ways to compile a profitable digital information product of your *own* in minimal time.
...But before we get started, there are a few critical "online business basics" that you'll need under your belt :0)
For starters, your online business should be centered around something that you enjoy, something that you're passionate about. This will go a long way in determining your success, as your passion will shine through in every area of your business - whether you're aware of it or not!
...When your visitors and prospects sense your excitement, it will rub off on them, and greatly enhance your success.
Second, your product/offer must be unique. You must develop a unique selling proposition (USP). This is *so* important, I could repeat it to you 100 times and it still wouldn't be enough ;-)
Now, developing a unique selling proposition doesn't necessarily mean selling a completely different product than everyone else. Often it simply means coming up with a different *way* to sell the same products as your competitors.
A lot of people are selling Internet marketing related software and ebooks these days. They are definitely HOT right now, but there is also a lot of competition (everybody wants in on a good thing)...
So let's say you choose to get in on the action by setting up a direct-response web-site selling an ebook on Internet marketing. Before you dive in head first you need to come up with a plan, an idea, to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
...By the way your USP is *not* something that you'll come up with in 5 minutes. Your USP may take several days of serious thought - but as long as the resulting idea is something that people want - your patience and thought will pay off, and pay off in a BIG way.
How do you know what people want?
One way is to "ask yourself". What type of product would *you* buy? Chances are if you want it, countless others will want it as well. Perhaps you've been looking for a particular product online and just can't find quite what you're looking for. Well there's your idea. Just make sure you've searched the market thoroughly enough to the point where you're confident your exact idea isn't out there already.
Another way to find out what people want is simply to ask *them*. Hang out on forums and message boards related to your business type (search for forums and message boards on Browse through previous posts and check out what people are "talking" about. Post questions, polls, surveys, and determine what people are looking for. *Find a need and fill it.*
To be honest, you may not hit the nail on the head with your first product. But moving forward and "trying again if at first you do not succeed" is a MAJOR part of what will separate *you* from the unsuccessful.
My first two products bombed, and then I hit on something that clicked with a lot of people, and was a huge success. So it may be true that not only will you have to "Just Do It" (in the words of Nike), you may have to "Just Do It Again" until you find success!
Don't be depressed if you fail on your first try either. The best business and marketing minds still sometimes fail for reasons that can never quite be explained. You may come up with the "perfect product", but for mysterious reasons nobody buys...Time to move to your next idea!
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