I Create Reality Ebook
I Create Reality
Category: Psychology
Title: I Create Reality
Author: Christopher Westra
Title: I Create Reality
Author: Christopher Westra
"How You Can Use HOLOGRAPHIC CREATION to Easily Manifest Your Desires, even if you lack Visualizing Skills."
Creating Reality Holographically is BEYOND VISUALIZATION!
Here are just some of the reality creation secrets this ebook has for you
- How HoloCreation will increase your Emotional IQ.
- How Faith and Fear are almost exactly the same thing, and how to eliminate Fear from your life!
- Why you should NOT prepare for your daily HoloCreation sessions, but what you should do instead.
- Why accessing the emotions behind your desires can identify what you really want. . Hint - What you really want may be very different than what you say you want.
- The two amazing benefits you will receive by asking yourself one simple question about each item you desire. . The question is only three words long.
- A practical definition of Hope and why this emotion is essential to your happiness.
- Six reasons HoloCreation is ten times more effective than ordinary visualization.
- Millions of people are learning to focus their energy and thoughts, thus achieving more in life than they ever thought possible.
- How you can influence events involving others even though they do still have their free will.
- How to convert your vague desires into coherent detailed HoloGrams.
- How to improve the lives of millions through taking your Extreme HoloCreations to the level of the ridiculous!
- There are more opportunities than ever before in history to use your resources to create worldwide as well as personal improvement.
- How a simple change in the way you think about time and space makes it easier to create what you want.
- Why most people fail with their visualization, and exactly how HoloCreation brings better results. (Covered in Many Chapters)
- The societal changes that could occur through a group HoloCreation exercise!
- If you want to learn how to consistently gain the energy, focus, and vitality to achieve your dreams, then you need the information in this ebook!
- The Increased Consciousness Movement is growing in an incredibly rapid way.
- The seven areas of life in which to practice HoloCreation in order to be balanced.
- When it is important to visualize what you don't want, but only in certain situations, and only for short periods.
- How to completely blow away prior limitations through the Extreme HoloCreation Activity!
- How to get yourself into the "Harmonic Zone" of Creation even when you don't feel like it!
- How energy blockages and negative energy stop the positive creation process, and how to "Clear" yourself.
- Discover the benefits that others are experiencing.
- As more and more people join forces to shape their environment, we can begin to alter much more than personal reality. We can change social reality! Decide to begin now.
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